9 Feb 2010 - 9 Dec 2010 Subject Indexes

Speech Indexes       All years


detail, debated at the detail stage; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; mnc, motion of no confidence; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; qn, question on notice; refcom, reference to committee;

2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y

2000 Olympic GAMES

Volunteers, 4307q, 4382

Abengoa Solar

Company presence, 2032qn


Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 1373q, 1393q, 1546q, 3315qn

Education, 1630qn, 4497qn, 5154q, 5155q, 5298q, 5363qn

Elected body, 767, 3659

Research, 4738q

Services, 5355qn

Youth, 1279q, 3315qn

ACT (Self-Government) Act 1988

Review, 4440q

ACT Ambulance Service

Achievements, 181q

Ambulances, 4042

Concessions, 2900q, 2907q

Recruitment, 2723q, 3321q, 4594q, 4738q

ACT Eden Monaro Cancer Support Group

Canberra bachelor of the year, 4669, 4670

ACT Health

Alleged bullying, 1689q, 2255q, 2260q, 2714q

Clinical risk management, 3514q

Contracts, 3085q

Employee separation rates, 3293qn

Industrial relations, 2623qn

Litigation costs, 2068qn

ACT Housing

Foster carers, 1628qn

ACT Planning and Land Authority

Workplace injury, mso 1006, 1132q, 1956

ACT Policing

Controlled operations, 4618

Facilities, 4233, 4237

Purchase agreements, 4737q

Recruitment, 4591q, 4738q

Surveillance devices, 705, 2391, 2401, 2484, 2485

Tasers, 4601q, 5127, 5164, 5170

Trail bikes, 3734qn

ACT Public Cemeteries Authority

Southern cemetery site, proposed, 5532q, 6224q

Actew Corporation Ltd

Briefing, 4493qn

Profit, 5534q

ACTION bus service

Belconnen interchange, 3497q

Bicycle racks, 4158qn

Breaches, 4293q, 4295q, 4305q, 4307q

Buses, 996q, 2022qn

Complaints, 2273q

Dead running costs, 1163qn

Disability access, 4296q

Effectiveness, 3874q, 4284q

Fares, 2638qn

Management, 4289q, 4438q, 5780q

Network, 2447

Nightrider service, 486q

Online trip planner, 4304q, 5780q, 5781q, 6222q

Parking facilities, 6196qn

Redex service, 1533q

Schools, 3825, 5385

Staff agreements, 3785q

Ticketing, 4442q, 5763qn, 5780q

Timetable, 5540q, 6227q

Wheelchair access, 5836q


Children and young people, 3972

Independent reviewer, 2125, 2186, 5259

Aid/Watch IncorporatED

Activities, 6036


Company collapse, 876q, 2010qn


Binge drinking, 1554

Community safety, 3772

Drink-driving, 612q, 615q, 2371, 5233, 5275, 5714, 5723

Legislation, 4390, 5324

Licences and control, 4091, 4136, 4144, 5031q, 5081q, 5651, 5749

Regulation, 2378

Violence, 193, 206

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Capacity, 5833q, 5835q, 5838q, 5842q, 5949q, 5958q, 6228q

Community concerns, 4061q

Crisis support unit, 5682q

Drugs, 4205q, 4544q, 5146q

Lockdowns, 1681q

Management, 245, 260, 1637

Needle and syringe program, 2065qn, 2070qn, 4317, 4356

Official Visitor, 756q, 765q

Population and costs, 2074qn

Progress report, 4068

Rehabilitation programs, 2071qn

Security, 175q, 185q, 3298qn

Transitional release, 1292q, 1392q

Visitors, 363qn

Women and children, 3790q, 3888q


Cat containment areas, 1186qn, 1188qn, 4151qn

Factory farming, 1218

Pets, 972, 1011, 1617qn, 2327

Protection, 5381qn

Welfare, 700, 5746

Anthoney, Ms D

Book launch, 2478

Anzac Day

Events, 1832


Canberra area theatre awards, 538, 540, 543, 697, 791

Funding, 5364qn

Highland dancing, 2477

Honey and pepper exhibition, 360

Lights! Canberra! Action!, 929

Litlinks, student writer awards, 1475

Live community events, 4016

Masterpieces from Paris, 871q

Public installations, 6197qn

South Asian film festival, 543

ArtSound FM

Open day, 5746


Control, 6047

Management issues, 330q


Report No 3 of 2009, 1216

Aussie Junk pty ltd

Assets and waste, 3717qn

Australia’s Helping Hand

Charity, Vietnam aid, 6037

Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988

Review, 5442q, 5618, 5889

Australian Football League

Activities, 3823

Australian Greens

Policies, 3482

Australian Hotels Association

Awards, 3446

Australian Information Industry Association

Awards, 4133

Australian National University

Medical School ball, 5083


Community council, 4489

Ben Donohoe run and walk

Support, 5484


Civic cycle loop, 4720q, 5384q

Cycle path safety, 4522qn

Helmets, 4498qn

Parking facilities, 4972qn


ACT Teacher Quality Institute Bill 2010, prin 5643, 6071, detail 6078, amdts 6172

Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2010, prin 700, 1218

Appropriation Bill 2010-2011, prin 1690, 1879, refcom 1943, detail 2694, (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2729, (ACT Executive) 2732, (Auditor-General) 2735, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2741, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2771, (Shared Services Centre) 2819, (Department of Land and Property Services) 2825, 2972, (Department of Treasury) 2976, 2978, (Home Loan Portfolio) 3002, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3005, (Territory Banking Account) 3007, (ACT Health) 3009, 3059, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3075, 3101, (Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water) 3136, (Department of Education and Training) 3152, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 3164, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3177, (Housing ACT) 3211, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 3216, (ACT Insurance Authority) 3225, (ACTEW Corporation) 3227, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3230, (Exhibition Park Corporation) 3236, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 3237, (Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission) 3239, (Legal Aid Commission) 3240, (Public Trustee for the ACT) 3241, (Treasurer’s advance) 3241

Bail Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5631

Building (Energy Efficient Hot Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1338

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 734

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3045, 4181

Children and Young People (Death Review) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3825

Climate Change (Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets) Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 4574, 4651, 4842, 4909, 4983

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill 2010, prin 4029, 4574, detail 4858, 4909, 4983, amdts 4935, 5085, 5086, 5093, 5094, 5095

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 728

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3038, 3623, detail 3632, amdts 3702, 3703

Construction Occupations Legislation (Exemption Assessment) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1839, 2406

Corrections Management (Mandatory Urine Testing) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5104

Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 6048

Crimes (Child Sex Offenders) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5242, 5397

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 6051

Crimes (Sentence Administration) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1480, 1867, 2195, detail 2203, amdts 2211

Crimes (Serious Organised Crime) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 702, 2464, detail 2471, amdts 2486

Crimes (Surveillance Devices) Bill 2010, prin 705, 2391, detail 2401, amdts 2484, 2485

Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4388, 5388

Dangerous Substances Amendment Bill 2010, prin 6047

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5100

Domestic Animals Amendment Bill 2009, prin 299

Duties Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1835, 2190

Education Amendment Bill 2008, prin 1338, 2249, 2282, detail 2292, amdts 2366, 2370

Education Amendment Bill 2010, mso 31, prin 273, 520, detail 531

Education (Suspensions) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 121

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 6054

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1073, 1676, 1857, detail 1861,
amdts 1964

Emergencies (Bushfire Warnings) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1324

Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5244

Fair Trading (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5634,
6063, 6172

Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Repair Industry) Bill 2009, prin 42, 1581, detail 1591, amdts 1603

Financial Management (Appointments) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3832

Financial Management (Ethical Investment) Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, expd 4249, refcom 4252

Firearms Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5642, 5878

First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5241, 5403, detail 5409, amdts 5486

Gaming Machine (Problem Gambling Assistance) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4243, 5523, 5911, detail 5974, amdts 6040

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 38, detail 42, amdts 120

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 1077

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (ACT) Bill 2009, prin 853, 911, detail 918, amdts 934, 935

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 470, detail 515, amdts 546

Infrastructure Canberra Bill 2010, prin 1330

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 269, 1084, detail 1097, amdts 1162

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (No 2), prin 1836, 3607, detail 3613, amdts 3702

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (No 3), prin 4026, 4429, detail 4438, amdts 4491

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (No 4), prin 5639, 5866, mso 5866

Legal Aid Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5636

Liquor Bill 2010, expd 1554, prin 2378, 3772, 4091, detail 4107, amdts 4136, 4144

Liquor (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2010, prin 4390, 5072, detail 5081, 5324, amdts 5349

Litter (Shopping Trolleys) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 559, 2882, detail 2909, 3923, amdts 3986

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5631, 6061

Personal Property Securities Bill 2010, prin 272, 1233

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 310

Planning and Development (Concessional Leases) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3042, 4175

Planning and Development (Environmental Impact Statements) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5645, 6079, detail 6083, 6147, amdts 6173

Planning and Development (Notifications and Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2213

Planning and Development (Public Notification) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4033, 5064

Plastic Shopping Bags Ban Bill 2010, prin 5246, 5797, detail 5819, amdts 5887

Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2010, prin 6043

Radiation Protection (Tanning Units) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 937, 1725

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 35

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1835, 2191

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 5233, 5714, detail 5722

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1017, 1713, detail 1725, 2845, amdts 3022, 3028

Road Transport (Drink Driving) Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 2371, 3431

Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4024, 4427

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) (Governance) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3603, 4162

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2010, prin 2386, 3759

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1483, 1864

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2010 (No 2), prin 4823

Surveyors Amendment Bill 2009, prin 518

Territory Records Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4387, 5733, detail 5739

Territory-owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2010, prin 2124, 2687

Victims of Crime Amendment Bill 2010, prin 3033, 3432, detail 3439, 3443, amdts 3450, 3451

Water Resources Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1486, 3615

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 709, 1082

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, prin 4036

Workplace Privacy Bill 2010, prin 5097

Workplace Surveillance Bill 2010, expd 1334


Aboriginal liaison officer, 1373q, 1393q

Assaults, 5686q

Drugs, 3369q

Incidents, 1629qn

Indigenous youth, 1373q, 1393q, 1546q, 3315qn

Inquiry, proposed, 5895, 5935q, 5939q, 5985

Reoffenders, 4717q, 4888q, 5035q

Safety, 5827q

Self-harm incidents, 5944q

Staff, 5943q, 6228q


Parking, 430

Briggs, Ms HJ

Death, 789

Brindabella Motor Sport Club

Events, 117


ArtSound FM, 4239


Allocations, 4150qn

Community reaction, 1754q

Deficit, 169q

Expenditure blow outs, 3635q

Presentation, 1690

Review, 335

Savings, 61q, 69q, 166q, 4524qn, 4525qn, 4526qn, 4527qn, 4528qn, 4949qn, 4950qn

Taxation, 1759q, 1872q, 2701q

Transport expenditure, 1764q

Welfare services, 2899q, 3750


Legislation, 808qn, 1839

Structure approvals, 2406

Works assessor, 728


Controlled burns, 3710qn

Preparation, 5033q

Warnings, 1324


Decline, 5150q

Fake identifications, 2014qn

Grants, 2053qn

Hours, 5104

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission, 890

Invoices, payment, 1111q

Licences, 2015qn

Outdoor cafes, 379qn, 1625qn, 1626qn

Sensis index, 986q

Statistics, 2014qn

Telstra awards, 3983

Territory-owned corporations, 2687

Cahill, Mr Ron

Judicial review, 4554, 4969qn

Calvary public Hospital

Acquisition, 42q, 52q

Financial analysis, 58q, 161q

Mental health unit, 1385q

Proposed purchase, 563, 581, 1123q, 1340, 1537q, 2051qn, 3370q, 3666, 3865q, 3934, 4393, 4410

Resignations, 3296qn


Night-life, 193, 206

Quality of life, 4443q

Canberra After Suicide Support

Organisation, 1473

Canberra and Region Heritage Festival

Program, 1831

Canberra bachelor of the year

Fundraising event, 4384

Canberra BusinessPoint

Services, 5014q, 5036q

Canberra Centenary

Promotion, 762q

Canberra Christian Life Centre

Support, 5081

Canberra Convention Bureau

Showcase dinner, 1474

Canberra Critics Circle

Awards, 5883

Canberra Hospital

Bullying, alleged, 590q, 606q, 1286q, 2255q, 2260q, 3375q, 3382q, 3389q, 3509q, 3581, 3791q

Computer terminals, 3296qn

Emergency department, 5484, 6095q, 6097q, 6101q, 6103q, 6108q, 6110q

Health system, 488, 770

Inquiry, 622, 634, 649

Neurosurgery suite, 4198q, 4316q

Nurse-led walk-in centre, 2065qn

Obstetrics, 742q, 745q, 746q, 754q, 757q, 760q, 991q, 994q, 1121q, 3639q, 3653q, 3658q, 3795q, 3797q, 3877q, 4458q, 4977q, 5912, 5928, 5962, 6111q

Parking, 3649q, 4068q

Patients, 2066qn

Radiation therapy, 881q

Resignations, 474q

Staff, 2622qn, 3599

Surgery cancellation, 3501q, 3798q

Visiting medical officers, 3515q

Canberra Institute of Technology

Executive positions, 4968qn

Staff, 370qn, 4495qn

Canberra Raiders

Support, 932, 3821, 4134, 4234

Canberra Refugee SUPPORT Inc

Dinner, 1071

Canberra Versailles Association

Activities, 3821

Capital Works

Expenditure, 2033qn, 2265q

Infrastructure, 1293q, 1330, 1381q

Projects, 339, 359, 1289q, 1296q, 1372q, 1392q, 1525q, 1613qn, 1683q, 2007qn, 2148q, 3878q, 3881q, 3884q, 4830

Public areas, maintenance, 1458

Caravans and campers

Registration, 1835


Planning, 3751


Containment, 1186qn, 1188qn, 4151qn


Spaces, 1187qn

Chief Minister’s Department

Contracts and sponsorships, 378qn


Abuse, 2481

ACT Children’s Plan 2010-2014, 2162

Adoption, 5110, 5121, 5747

Advertising, 3972

Care and protection, 3712qn, 3713qn, 3715qn, 3719qn, 3721qn, 3722qn, 3726qn, 3727qn, 3729qn

Charities, 695


Affordability and accessibility, 1762q, 1767q, 1967qn, 4069, 4445q, 4447q, 4455q, 4460q

Centres, 1175qn, 3093q, 3095q

Costs, 179q, 3086q, 5153q, 5283q, 5285q

Places, 2720q, 2837, 2892q, 2894q, 2901q, 3075q, 3099q, 3751, 4044q, 4047q

Services, 207, 230

Staff, 3090q, 4977q

Children’s Week, 5230, 5295q

Consultations, 2276q

Court appearances, 3729qn

Deaths, 592q, 3825

Education disability services, 5780q

Employment, 316q

Foster and kinship carers, 2906q, 3637q, 3725qn, 3728qn, 3750, 3871q, 4048q, 4049q, 4053q, 4148qn, 4159q, 4543q, 5365qn, 5423q, 5424q, 5549q, 5768qn, 6208qn

HESTA awards, 4669

Leaving care cases, 6211qn

Multiculturalism, 1609qn

Neighbourhood playgrounds, 3779q

Protection, 64q, 734, 3045, 4036, 4181

Public consultation, 4219

Services, 5826q, 5938q, 6087q, 6225q

Sport, 5481

Children, Youth and Family Support, Office

Reviews, 6213qn

Chinese new year

Celebrations, 358

Citizens Advice Bureau

Support services, 5478

Clare Holland House

Proposed sale, petition, 10, mnrs 813, 1123q

Climate Change, Energy and Water, Department

Budget scrutiny, 2718q


Employees, 2033qn

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Conference, 5479

Commonwealth public service

Reductions, 3642q

Value, 3453m, 3479

Community councils

South Canberra, 792

Community services

Facilities, 5839q

Funding, 884q


Workers compensation, 709, 1082

Consumer protection

Legislation, 5634, 6063, 6172


Bail, 5631

Jury duty, 3737qn

Legal aid, 1469, 5636

Legislation, 4388, 4430

Model litigant guidelines, 1635qn

Restorative justice, 5370qn

Sentence Administration Board, 1001q, 2031qn, 2195

Sentences, 1480

Supreme Court, costs, 1609qn


Child sex offenders, 5242, 5397

Criminal groups, 2464

Organised, 702

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 498

Prohibited materials, 5388

Victims, 799qn, 3033, 3432, 3439, 3443, 3450, 3451, 5371qn


Heritage management, 6184qn

Leases, 5774qn

Opening hours, 6185qn

Deakin swimming pool

Lease variation, 168q


Korean War, anniversary, 5083

Reserve Forces Day, 3020

Veterans, 4667, 5037

Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service Association, 4818


Harrison, 380qn

Disability, Housing and Community Services, Department

Social workers, stress leave, 1292q, 1387q

Disability services

Kinship carers program, 1769q

Support, 999q, 1129q, 1138q, 2037qn

Unmet need, 2039qn

Disabled persons

Care, 5357qn

Children, 5481

Education, 4603q, 4825

Employment, 1198qn, 4366

Future directions: towards challenge 2014, 5456

International Disability Day, 5481

Respite care, 1216, 5790

Sailability Australia, 4820

Services, 4727q, 4880q, 5436q

Students, 2574qn

Support, 5359qn, 5361qn


Control, 299

National sheepdog trials, 931, 1159

Parvovirus outbreak, 4055q, 4194q, 4543q, 4545q, 5382qn, 6189qn

Domestic Animal Services

Parvovirus outbreak, 4055q, 4194q, 4543q, 4545q, 5382qn, 6189qn


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4205q, 4317, 4356, 4544q

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 3369q

Driver testing, 5233

Driving offences, 5714

Koolamon Restoration, rehabilitation programs, 4934

Prisons, 5104

Testing, 1713, 2706q

Victims, 4668


Shopping and community facilities, 1726


Commonwealth public service, 3378q, 3414

Conditions, 317q

Cost of living, 5487

Diversification, 1116q

Outlook, 2275q, 5537q

Performance, 5018q

Policy, 3681


Achievement gap, 3410, 6089q

Building the Education Revolution, 2043qn, 2063qn, 4147qn, 4157qn

Canberra Institute of Technology, 370qn, 4495qn, 4968qn

Disability funding, 4603q, 4607q, 5028q, 5030q

Disabled students, 4825

Early childhood, 3601

Efficiency dividend, 4673, 5673q

Events, 6038

Funding, 4493qn, 4495qn

Indigenous students, 1630qn, 4497qn, 5154q, 5155q, 5298q, 5363qn

John Curtin School of Medical Research, 6034

Literacy and numeracy, 49q, 5203

Music programs, 5744

NAPLAN testing, 1681q, 5015q

National curriculum, 1519q

Outcomes, 3503q, 4979, 5158q

Registered training organisations, 3735qn


Bilingual, 3851, 3864

Black Mountain special school, 4453q, 5384q

Canberra Girls Grammar School, 4666

Canberra Montessori school, 932

Canteen managers, 1173qn

Capital works, 4830

Catholic, 893, 930, 1067, 1071

Class sizes, 1198qn

Classrooms, 1174qn

Closures, 100, 1285q, 1338, 2249, 2282, 2366

Commonwealth funding, 1388q

Cranleigh school, 4821

Expenditure, 1172qn

Health reactions, 2135q

Information and communications technology, 3386q, 3517q

Investments, 1002q

League tables, 46q

Lyneham high school, 1829

Merici college, 1157, 1160

My School website, 3076q

Non-government, 3834, 3851

Political material, distribution, 4200q, 4201q, 4203q, 4460q, 5671q, 5672q, 5678q, 5680q, 5681q, 5746

Relief teachers, 4046q, 4543q

Revenue, 1172qn, 3251qn

Rosary primary school, 1315

Safety levels, 2414q

Sportsgrounds, water use, 3256qn

St Anthony’s primary school, 692

St Clare’s college, 4233

St Mary MacKillop college, 535

St Michael’s primary school, 1156, 1160

St Thomas the Apostle school, 5745, 6033

Throsby Catholic school, 5438q, 5688q

Truancy, 4189q, 4196q, 4267, 4281

Vandalism, 2534qn

Visits, 926

Volunteers, 5886

Shaddock review, 880q

Special needs, 4240


Community service, 5628

Laptops, 1174qn

Special needs, 1157

Suspensions, 121, 273, 369qn, 3317qn


Generally, 5529q, 5643, 5764qn

Languages, 1169qn

Number, 1197qn

Quality, 5289q, 5306, 5357qn, 6071, 6078, 6172

Recruitment, 1172qn

Eid-ul-Fitr festival

Celebration, 4236, 4386


Polling booth activities, 3822

Emergency services

Ambulances, 4042

Flooding, 6113q

Headquarters, 4970qn

Leases, 2618qn

Sheds, 1969qn

Training, 2055qn

Waste management, 6224q, 6225q


Children, 316q

Disabled persons, 1198qn, 4366

Gender analysis report, 4469

Labour market, 5829q

Local jobs, 4636, 4665

Portable long service leave, 3079q

Women, 652, 664


Audits, 1180qn

Building temperature settings, 384qn

Cost, 1434, 4869q, 5740

Efficiency ratings, 377qn, 809qn, 1189qn, 1190qn, 1192qn, 1389q, 1391q, 1550q, 2017qn, 3623

Electricity cost, 5535q, 5547q

Feed-in tariff, 1178qn, 2705q, 4449q, 4866q, 5036q, 5141q, 6086q

Home insulation program, 313q, 319q, 321q, 324q, 329q, 331q, 338q

Hot-water heaters, 2262q, 2438q

Policy, 4288q

Renewable, 890

Solar, 1191qn, 2152q


Active transport plan, 1776, 1812

Batteries and light bulbs, 5789

Building materials, 5026q, 5297q

Cat containment areas, 1186qn, 1188qn

Climate change, 4050q, 4609q, 5481

Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, 888

Community gardens, 5347

Conservation measures, 1974qn, 1975qn, 1976qn, 1978qn, 1979qn, 1980qn, 1981qn, 2489qn, 2490qn, 2491qn, 2492qn

Cotter Dam, 4301q, 4460q

Data centre, proposed, 6198qn

Dickson wetland project, 1323

Earth Hour, 494q

Firewood, 2028qn

Fuel storage facilities remediation, 4973qn

Green buildings, 2904q

Greenhouse gas, 1010, 3404, 3753, 3758, 4029, 4538qn, 4547, 4574, 4823, 4876q, 4929, 4935, 5386

Harmful substances, 6192qn

Heritage, legislation, 4212, 4217

Impact statements, 5645, 6079, 6147, 6173

Jerrabomberra wetlands, 749q, 5303

Kingston, Green Square, 56q

Namadgi national park, 177q, 1945

Noise pollution, 323q, 334q, 2062qn, 4016

Park care groups, 385qn

Plastic shopping bags ban, 5246, 5798, 5819, 5887, 6218qn

Service stations, disused, 811qn, 4945qn

Shopping trolleys, dumping, 559, 1965qn, 2882, 3923, 3986

Trees, 1189qn, 2027qn, 2909, 4299q, 4976q, 5149q, 5298q

Waste management, 1179qn, 1283q

Water catchment areas, 381qn

Wood smoke, 1030, 1042

Environment, Climate Change and Water, Department

Activities, 6208qn

Exhibition Park

Recycling, 4871q, 6226q


Decision meetings, 6211qn

Group conferencing, 6212qn

Services, 476q, 496q, 5826q, 5938q, 6087q

Support, 6225q

Fenner, Professor Frank AC, CMG, MBE

Death, 5783


Assets and liabilities, 365qn, 807qn, 4536qn, 4537qn, 4538qn, 4963qn, 4964qn, 4965qn, 4966qn, 4967qn

Bank accounts, 4523qn, 4524qn, 4946qn, 4947qn, 4948qn

Budget, 1404

Consumer credit, 4026

Energy and communication costs, 367qn, 368qn

Expenditure, 81, 337, 497, 1298, 1948, 2156, 2158, 2440, 2441, 2443, 2682, 2726, 3398, 3743qn, 3744qn, 3745qn, 3746qn, 3747qn, 3748qn, 3832, 4156qn, 4212, 4616, 5301, 5302, 5303, 5450, 5451, 5452, 5454, 6120

Forecasts, 3743qn

Intergovernmental agreements, 4465

Loans, 4529qn, 4530qn, 4531qn, 4950qn, 4951qn, 4952qn, 4953qn, 4954qn, 5356qn, 6181qn

Mortgage relief fund, 4589q, 4590q, 4594q, 4886q

Programs, 4532qn, 4533qn, 4534qn, 4535qn, 4956qn, 4957qn, 4958qn, 4959qn, 4960qn, 4961qn

Treasurer’s advance, 3398, 6120


Control, 5642, 5878

Firestone, Mr M

Death, 118

Floriade and Balloon Spectacular

Funding, 2618qn

Traffic lights, 6188qn

Foreshore Summer Music Festival

Event, 5741

Free Rain Theatre

Presentations, 5477


Gaming machines, 2891q, 5523, 5552

Labor clubs, sale, 493q, 1282q, 1375q, 1521q

Problem gamblers, 4243

Gambling and Racing Commission

Report, 5851

Gillett, Ms A

Death, 535

Gordon, Mr J

Figure skating, 2206


Accountability, 1562

Achievements, 6129

Advertising, 1999qn, 2000qn, 2085qn, 2125, 2186, 2523qn, 2552qn, 2569qn, 2570qn, 2637qn, 2638qn, 2652qn, 3309qn, 3705qn, 5259

Advisory bodies, statutory authorities and business enterprises, 2040qn

Agency costs, 2547qn, 2552qn, 2557qn, 2558qn, 2560qn, 2567qn, 2569qn, 2573qn, 2626qn, 2627qn, 2628qn, 2639qn, 3271qn

Appointments, 2505qn, 2506qn, 2543qn, 2545qn, 2552qn, 2554qn, 2589qn, 2606qn, 2607qn, 2610qn, 2624qn, 2643qn, 2644qn, 2646qn, 3267qn, 3268qn, 3269qn, 3280qn, 3300qn, 3312qn

Attorney-General, mc 813, 1637, mc 5843

Building leases, 2636qn

Committees and working groups, 1988qn, 1989qn, 2505qn, 2506qn, 2549qn, 2563qn, 2564qn

Contracts, regulation, 876q

Costs, 2076qn, 2078qn, 2083qn, 2084qn, 3301qn

Election promises, 874q, 982q, 1277q, 4889

Employee car parking, 6214qn

Grants programs, 1992qn, 1993qn, 2078qn, 2083qn, 2518qn, 2551qn, 2566qn, 2567qn, 2637qn, 2648qn, 3705qn

Information technology services, 1991qn, 1992qn, 2514qn, 2517qn, 2550qn, 2565qn, 2566qn, 2636qn, 2647qn, 3282qn, 3308qn

Infrastructure plan, 2168

Investments, 4149qn

Invoices, payments, 1111q, 1194qn, 1195qn, 1618qn, 1619qn, 1620qn, 1621qn, 1622qn, 1623qn, 1624qn, 1625qn, 1966qn, 1967qn

Media and communications advisers, 6217qn, 6218qn


Arrangements, 313, 742, 1073, 1111, 1137, 1277, 1749, 4588

Briefings, 364qn

Correspondence, 3249qn

Minister for Ageing, mc 3999, 4013

Minister for Health, mc 2434, 2655, 2679, mnc 3324

Staff, 6213qn

Travel, 1193qn

Motor vehicles, 1993qn, 1996qn, 2036qn, 2076qn, 2519qn, 2520qn, 2551qn, 2567qn, 2572qn, 2625qn, 2626qn, 2648qn, 2649qn

Office leases, 2549qn, 2562qn, 2571qn, 2643qn

Records management, 6117

Regional issues, 2057qn

Regulatory impact statements, 1997qn, 1998qn, 2084qn, 2522qn, 2523qn, 2650qn, 2651qn

Services, 123, 156

Training programs, 2001qn, 2003qn, 2524qn, 2528qn, 2561qn, 2562qn

Websites, 2044qn, 2045qn, 2046qn, 2047qn, 2048qn, 2049qn, 2050qn, 2578qn-2578qn, 3283qn


Internet service, 4318

Swimming pool, 5190, 5202

Gungahlin Drive extension [See ROADS]

Gungahlin Leisure Centre

Planning, 5771qn

Hall village

Pavilion, 3821


Housing developments, 380qn


Abortion, 477q, 593q

Arthritis, 1321

Asbestos, 330q

Autism spectrum disorder, 2038qn, 2902q, 3097q, 3711qn

Breast cancer, 4758, 4773, 5228

Bulk-billing, 484q

Canberra midwifery program, 1180qn

Cancer, 940, 969, 3031, 4384

Cancer Council fun run, 3018

Chief Health Officer’s report, 4213

Chiropractors, 6187qn

Diabetes, 2208, 3445, 4671, 5542q, 5544q

Discussion paper, 186

Elective surgery, 867q

Expenditure, 2710q, 3284qn

General practice superclinic, 3510q

Healthy Weight Week, 796

Leukaemia, 4237

Medical records, 1077

Mental health, 1118q, 4513qn, 4514qn, 4515qn, 4667, 4876q, 4972qn

Mental health crisis assessment and treatment team, 4202q, 4316q, 4456q, 4978q

National agreement, 2264q, 2269q, 2272q

National walk safely to school day, 1959

New services, 4596q

Organ donors, 752q

Palliative care, 610q

Practitioners, legislation, 853, 911

Primary care, 2159, 4516qn

Programs, 6186qn

Promotion grants, 1878q

Prostate cancer, 4670, 5464

Public benefit institution concession, 4510qn

Rehabilitation services, 4512qn

Respecting patient choices program, 5292q

Services, 461, 469

Slow food movement, 2479

Smoking reform, 6098q

Solaria, regulations, 940

System, 488q, 594q, 770

Tanning units, 1725

West Belconnen Health Co-operative Ltd, 5215, 5227

Young persons mental health facility, 5366qn

Hennessy, Dr B

Death, 3447


Ambulance bypasses, 3654q, 3798q

Birthing centres, 67q, 185q, 1182qn

Calvary Public Hospital [See CALVARY PUBLIC HOSPITAL on page 22]

Canberra Hospital [See CANBERRA HOSPITAL on page 23]

Emergency departments, 5484

Funding, 1686q, 4731q

North Canberra, 5024q

Obstetrics wards, 3639q, 3653q, 3658q

Operating theatres, 158q

Services, 563, 581, 620

Staff, 2622qn, 3384q, 3599

Statistics, 3295qn

Treatment interstate, 2066qn

Waiting times, 69q, 860q, 865q, 2132q, 2136q, 2137q, 2144q, 2147q, 2331, 2413q, 2417q, 2419q, 2427q, 2430q, 2433q, 2438q, 3297qn


Affordability, 172q, 1133q, 3505q, 4801, 4816, 4941qn, 5955q

Allawah, Bega and Currong flats, 1763q

Building quality forum, 4505qn

Causeway residents, 1184qn

Community, 1768q, 4517qn

Construction materials, 426qn

Contractors, 5144q, 5778q

Costs, 4729q

Energy efficiency, 809qn, 2017qn, 2145q, 2428q, 3038, 3321q, 4317q

First homeowner grant, 5241, 5403, 5411, 5486

Full market renters, 6217qn

Home insulation program, 429, 493q, 666, 690, 787, 813

Homelessness, 1138, 4835, mnst 4840

Older persons, 3655q, 3801, 4159q

OwnPlace, 2140q, 2654q, 5280q, 5299q, 5778q

Public, 481q, 853, 4724q, mnst 5413

Released female prisoners, 2716q

Rental levels, 385qn, 4056q

Shared equity scheme, 5433q

Solar access and orientation, 1191qn

Statistics, 3742qn

Stimulus funding, 2423q

Utility connections, 424qn

Waiting lists, 6215qn

Weston Creek cottage, 743q

Housing ACT

Complaints, 2018qn, 3736qn

Condition reports, 4062q

Contractors, 5144q, 5778q

Hot-water and heating systems, 3743qn

Maintenance, 1186qn, 1952

Properties, 2029qn, 4939qn

Tenants, 5367qn

Human rights

Compliance, 1528q

Iran, 5884

Legislation, 470, 515, 546

Privacy, 1077

Project report, 6124


Canberra Refugee Support group, 2207

Citizenship ceremonies, 1627qn

Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service, 1600, 4819

Refugees, SIEV X, 5082

World Refugee Day, 2209

Industrial relations

ACT Health, 2623qn

Enterprise bargaining, 3785q

Security industry, 2386

Work safety, 4879q, 4886q, 5021q

Workplace surveillance, 5097

Information technology

Human resources information management, 810qn

National broadband network, 4318, mso 4338

Policy, 4253, 4264

Services, 1991qn, 1992qn

Strategic plan, 2622qn

Institute of Foresters of Australia

World Forestry Day, 1471


Common law damages claims, 4716q, 4886q

Third-party, 3603, 4162

International affairs

China, 4488

Hungary, 4933

Iran, 1068, 4385

Pakistan, 4236, 4312

Sri Lanka, 4489

Tamil referendum, 1960

Timor-Leste, 5476

Jerrabomberra wetlands

Interim board, 4521qn

Justice and Community Safety, Department

Annual report, 5689


Cull, 2309, 5794


Green Square, 56q, 3719qn

Kytherian Brotherhood of Canberra and District Inc

Anniversary, 3597

Lambert, Ms S

Retirement, 3448


Grants, 5279q

Leases, 96, 1196qn, 1951, 3414, 4175, 4619

Management costs, 1185qn

Molonglo Valley, 984q, 4974qn

Releases, 1742, 1777, 1791, 4152qn

Rent scheme, 1176qn, 2012qn

Sales, 2712q

Yarralumla brickworks, 3646q

Land Development Agency

Promotional binoculars, 3734qn

Environmental initiatives, 5678q, 6222q

Landon, Ms A

Retirement, 1958, 1959, 1960

Legal Aid Commission (ACT)

Annual report, 5689

Legal Aid Office

Staffing, 1972qn

Legal profession

Community legal centres, 2932

Services, unmet need, 1776


Broadcasting, guidelines, 275

Clerk, absence, 10


Administration and Procedure, 1551, 3323, 4161, 5387

Annual and financial reports, 4416

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 290, 852, 1009, 3363, 3753, 3758, 4553, 6127

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1847, 1853, 3410, 4825

Estimates 2010-2011, 277, 356, 1844, 2090, 2682, 3247, 5422q

Health, Community and Social Services, 19, 461, 469, 1076, 2159, 4393, 5790

Justice and Community Safety, 10, 83, 461, 710, 851, 1200, 1673, 2124, 2682, 3057, 3059, 3358, 3758, 4162, 4553, 4979, 5387, 5789

Legal Affairs, 1951

Planning and Environment, 338, 1944

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 19, 1200, 2123, 3047, 3359, 4016, 5419

Privileges 2010, 282, 431, 451, 460, 547, 619, 1674, 1847, 2117

Public Accounts, 11, 20, 851, 853, 1199, 1488, 1943, 1952, 1955, 2155, 2387, 3364, 3605, 4042, 4084, 4090, 4210, 4419, 4614, 5257, 5704, 5794, 5851

Reports, government responses, 3798

Conflicts of interest, 20, 1488, 1594

Documents, tabling, 2815, 2819, 5300, 5344, 5421

Ethics and Integrity Adviser, 1943

Expressions of opinion, 4868

Interjections, 4312, 4449

Justice and Community Safety, 2682, 3057, 3059

Labor-Greens agreement, 1370, 1544


“Buffoon”, 1255

“Bullshit”, 1524

“Coward”, 90, 4605

“Dodgy”, 5681

“Doormat”, 5265

“Fraudulent”, 2418

“Grossly and wilfully misrepresented”, 3770

“Gutless person”, 2435

“Guttersnipes”, 1010

“He has been homophobic”, 4015

“He has been sexist”, 4015

“Hypocrite”, 5267

“Hypocrites”, 1545

“I was not reflecting on the member’s integrity, only his sobriety”, 3081

“Jellyback”, 4604, 4738

“Jellyback Jeremy”, 2435

“Jellyback, oh, jellyback”, 5507

“Liar”, 1549

“Lied”, 864

“Lying”, 863, 995

“Mislead the Assembly”, 451, 2281

“Misleading the Assembly”, 5268

“Moron”, 874, 1759

“The Liberal Party continues perpetuate the lie”, 3133

“Vendetta”, 4562

“You are a liar”, 3135, 5844

“You are not misleading again, are you, Simon”, 5876

“You misled the Assembly”, 547

“Your priorities are up your arse”, 3973

Language, unparliamentary, 6086, 6115

Laptops, 476


Program, 78, 3394, 3397

Technical amendments, 1483

Matters of public importance

Accountable government, 1562

ACT government infrastructure plan, 2010, 2168

ACTION bus service, network, 2447

Budget, surplus, 5690

Capital works projects, 339

Carers, 501

Catholic education, 893

Childcare affordability and accessibility, 4069

Children and young people, 4219

Defence, veterans, 5037

Economy, policy, 3681

Education, teachers, 5306

Employment, local jobs, 4636

Government achievements, 6129

Health system, Canberra Hospital, 770

Homelessness, 1138

Junior sports, 3803

Men’s health, 5460

Planning, Molonglo Valley, 1302

Sport, football, ACT 4 GWS, 4892

Water efficiency, 4472

Well Station Drive extension, 102

Women, 5854


Behaviour, 4452, 5675q

Bresnan, Ms A, leave of absence, 3323, 3753

Conflicts of interest, 20, 1488, 1594

Corbell, Mr S, leave of absence, 1104, 1749

Gallagher, Ms K, leave of absence, 1319

Hanson, Mr J, activities, 2208

Hargreaves, Mr J, 3445, 4161

Hunter, Ms M, leave of absence, 813, 937

Leave of absence, 3059, 6061

Personal remarks, 4015, 4064

Porter, Ms M, leave of absence, 2908

Role, 1320

Staff, 1006, 1010, 1155, 1158, 3366, 3605

Stanhope, Mr J, leave of absence, 4547

Unbecoming behaviour, 3081

Ministerial statements

Calvary Public Hospital, proposed purchase, 3666

Housing, public and community, 5413

Youth transitions, 4629, 4631

Omnibus bills, 1104

Papers, 75, 77, 83, 95, 96, 116, 264, 497, 498, 500, 769, 888, 1218, 1300, 1544, 1554, 1705, 1707, 1709, 1771, 1950, 1951, 2154, 2164, 2385, 2439, 2447, 2682, 2725, 3100, 3393, 3404, 3405, 3665, 3800, 4068, 4207, 4215, 4317, 4466, 4612, 4613, 4615, 4617, 4619, 4624, 4892, 5036, 5161, 5445, 5449, 5550, 5690, 5849, 5850, 5851, 5853, 5859, 5885, 5959, 6123, 6127

Personal explanations

Barr, Mr A, 4314

Burch, Ms J, 2280, 4315

Coe, Mr A, 4313, 4314

Doszpot, Mr S, 4739

Dunne, Mrs V, 4315

Hanson, Mr J, 1561, 4043

Hargreaves, Mr J, 3031

Hunter, Ms M, 4313

Stanhope, Mr J, 886

Points of order, statement by Speaker, 619

Privilege, 430

Question time, 868, 4462


Committee proceedings, 608, 699

Frivolous, 748

Labor-Greens agreement, 1241

Out of order, 4065, 4885

Quotas, 749

Supplementary, 3659, 4885, 5677

Without notice, 1241

Questions on notice

Answers, 1138, 3391, 4208, 4461

Delays, 496, 4739

Outstanding, 73, 74, 185, 335

Rulings, dissent, 1241

Sitting pattern, 6058

Speeches, incorporation, 3037

Standing and temporary orders

Amendments, 4040

Suspension, 960, 1007, 1017, 1598, 1637, 2434, 2687, 2977, 3247, 4573, 4629, 4835, 5259

Standing order 46, 887

Standing order 73, 4461, 4589, 4885, 5973

Standing order 117(c)(i), 4868

Standing order 117(e), 608, 699

Standing order 156, 1488, 1594, 1943

Standing order 213, 5301

Standing order 276, 430

Sub judice rule, 1327

Valedictory, 6154-70

Visitors, 315, 1373, 1686, 1867, 2136, 2417, 2892, 3639, 4299, 5018, 5163, 5281, 5675

Warnings, duration, 4463


(No 109) Planning, Hawker, mnrs 4161

(No 110) ACTION bus service, schools, mnrs 5385

(No 111) Environment, greenhouse gas, 4547, mnrs 5387

(No 112) Environment, greenhouse gas, 4823, mnrs 5387

(No 113) Gowrie Oval car park, 5385

(No 114) Recycling, batteries and light bulbs, 5789

(No 115) Recycling, batteries and light bulbs, 5789


ACT Planning and Land Authority, workplace injury, mso

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Barr from making a statement, 1008

ACT Policing, tasers

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment to Mr Corbell’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 5169

That Mr Corbell’s amendment be agreed to, 5170

Advertising, government

That Ms Gallagher’s motion be agreed to, 5275

Alcohol, licensing fees

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment No 11 be agreed to, 5703

Alexander Maconochie Centre, management

That Mr Corbell’s amendment be agreed to, 257

That Ms Bresnan’s amendment be agreed to, 260

Alexander Maconochie Centre, needle exchange

That Mr Hanson’s motion be agreed to, 4366

Appropriation Bill 2010-2011

That the proposed expenditure be agreed to, 3246

That this bill be agreed to, 3246

Appropriation Bill 2010-2011, detail (Department of Territory and
Municipal Services)

That the motion be agreed to, 2812

Australian Greens

That Mr Barr’s amendment be agreed to, 3560

That Mr Seselja’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 3562

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, inquiry, proposed

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment to Ms Hunter’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 5999

That Ms Hunter’s amendment be agreed to, 5999

That Mrs Dunne’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 6002

Calvary Public Hospital, proposed purchase

That Ms Gallagher’s amendment to Ms Bresnan’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 3968

That Ms Bresnan’s amendment, as amended, be agreed to, 3969

That Ms Hanson’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 3972

That Mr Hanson’s amendment be agreed to, 4414

Canberra Hospital, inquiry

That Ms Gallagher’s amendment be agreed to, 649

Canberra Hospital, obstetrics unit

That Ms Bresnan’s amendment, as amended, be agreed to, 5969

Children, childcare services

That Ms Burch’s amendment be agreed to, 230

Climate Change (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets) Bill 2008 (No 2)

That this bill be agreed to in principle 5064

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill 2010

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 4858

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 4932

Clause 11

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 4999

Clause 12

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 5002

Clause 17

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 5009

Part 5 (incorporating clause 20)

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment No 21 be agreed to, 5014

Proposed new clauses 20A and 20B

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 5059

That this bill, as amended, be agreed to, 5062

Crimes (Serious Organised Crime) Amendment Bill 2010

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 2475

Dunlop, shopping and community facilities

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendment be agreed to, 1742

Economy, cost of living

That Ms Hunter’s amendment to Mr Stanhope’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 5521

That Mr Stanhope’s amendment, as amended, be agreed to, 5521

Education Amendment Bill 2008

That debate be adjourned, 1340

That this bill, as amended, be agreed to, 2308

Education Amendment Bill 2010

That the bill, as a whole, as amended, be agreed to, 534

Education, efficiency dividend cuts

That Ms Hunter’s amendment be agreed to, 4702

Education, schools, non-government

That Mr Barr’s amendment be agreed to, 3851

Education, schools, truancy

That Ms Hunter’s amendment be agreed to, 4284

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2010

That Mr Smyth’s amendment be agreed to, 1864

Environment, energy costs, low income households

That debate be adjourned, 1458

Environment, urban street trees

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendment be agreed to, 2930

That Mr Seselja’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 2932

Fair Trading (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment Bill 2010

That debate be adjourned, 6063

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 6069

Finance, budget expenditures

That Mr Smyth’s motion be agreed to, 1433

Gaming Machine (Problem Gambling Assistance) Amendment Bill 2010

That the bill be agreed to in principle, 5566

That Mr Smyth’s amendment be agreed to, 5984

That Mr Smyth’s amendments be agreed to, 5985

Government advertising, independent reviewer

That Mr Stanhope’s motion be agreed to, 2189

Government services

That Mr Seselja’s motion be agreed to, 158

Government, Attorney-General, mc

That Mr Seselja’s motion be agreed to, 851

That Mr Hanson’s motion be agreed to, 1673

That standing and temporary orders be suspended, 5849

Government, Minister for Ageing, mc

That Mr Coe’s motion be agreed to, 4015

Government, Minister for Health, mc

That Mr Hanson’s motion be agreed to, 2682

That Mr Seselja’s motion be agreed to, 3345

That Mr Seselja’s motion be agreed to, 3358

Gungahlin, swimming pool

That Mr Barr’s amendment, as amended, be agreed to, 5202

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (ACT) Bill 2009

That Mr Hanson’s amendment be agreed to, 921

Health, cancer treatment

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Ms Bresnan from again addressing the Assembly, 964

That Ms Bresnan’s amendment be agreed to, 972

Hospitals, services

That Mr Hanson’s amendment be agreed to, 588

Hospitals, waiting lists

That Ms Gallagher’s amendment be agreed to, 2346

That Mr Seselja’s amendment to Ms Bresnan’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 2361

Housing, affordability

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 4816

That the motion be agreed to, 4817

Housing, home insulation program

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment to Mr Rattenbury’s proposed amendments
be agreed to, 690

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendments, as amended, be agreed to, 690

That Mr Corbell’s motion be agreed to, 789

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment be agreed to, 1101

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 1104

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (No 4)

That standing and temporary orders be suspended, 5871

Kangaroos, cull

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment to Mr Stanhope’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 2321

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment to Mr Stanhope’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 2323

Land releases

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 1793

Legislative Assembly, committee process

That Mr Corbell’s amendment be agreed to, 287

That Ms Bresnan’s amendments be agreed to, 289

Legislative Assembly, committees, Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendment be agreed to, 3056

Legislative Assembly, committees, Privileges 2010

That Mr Barr be appointed as a member of the Select Committee
on Privileges 2010, 558

That Mrs Dunne be appointed as a member of the Select Committee
on Privileges 2010, 559

Legislative Assembly, committees, Public Accounts

That Mr Seselja’s motion be agreed to, 1200

Legislative Assembly, conflicts of interest

That debate be adjourned, 1502

Legislative Assembly, members, Hanson, Mr J

That Mr Hanson be suspended from the service of the Assembly, 5972

Legislative Assembly, sitting pattern

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 6060

Legislative Assembly, Speaker’s ruling, questions on the Labor-Greens agreement

That the question be now put, 1264

That Mr Smyth’s motion be agreed to, 1277

Legislative Assembly, standing and temporary orders, suspension

That the motion be agreed to, 2435

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Part 1.8 being reconsidered, 2978

That Mr Corbell’s motion be agreed to, 4631

That so much of standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Ms Burch (Minister for Children and Young People) from making a statement concerning the Street to Home program, 4840

Liquor (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2010

Proposed new amendment 1.23A

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 5279

Amendment 1.38

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 5339

Amendment 1.44

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 5342

Liquor (Fees) Determination 2010 (No 1)

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendments be agreed to, 5668

That Mrs Dunne’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 5671

Liquor Bill 2010

That debate be adjourned, 3772

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 4107

Clause 25

That Mrs Dunne’s amendment be agreed to, 4112

Clause 131

That Mrs Dunne’s amendments be agreed to, 4123

New part 14A

That Mr Corbell’s amendment No 2 be agreed to, 4129

That the bill, as amended, be agreed to, 4132

Litter (Shopping Trolleys) Amendment Bill 2010

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 2908

That the remainder of the bill as a whole, as amended, be agreed to, 3934

Planning, passive solar design

That the debate be adjourned, 4710

Planning, south Tralee

That Mr Seselja’s amendment be agreed to, 6026

That the question be now put, 6031

That Mr Stanhope’s amendment be agreed to, 6032

That Mr Rattenbury’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 6033

Planning, territory plan

That Mr Barr’s amendment be agreed to, 5588

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendments be agreed to, 5592

Planning, Weston Group Centre

That debate be adjourned, 5618

Planning and Development (Environmental Impact Statements) Amendment Bill 2010

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendments be agreed to, 6154

Planning and Development (Notifications and Review) Amendment Bill 2009

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 2227

Plastic Shopping Bags Ban Bill 2010

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 5819

That this bill as a whole, as amended, be agreed to, 5824

Radiation Protection (Tanning Units) Amendment Bill 2010

That debate be adjourned, 1726

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2009

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent debate on the motion to adjourn debate being debated, 1023

That the debate be adjourned, 1023

That the debate be adjourned, 2849

Roads, works and traffic management

That Mr Coe’s amendment be agreed to, 3579

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendment be agreed to, 3581

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2010

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 3771

Sport, racing industry

That Mr Rattenbury’s amendment be agreed to, 1067, 1070

Taxation, change of use charge

That Ms Hunter’s amendment be agreed to, 2972

That Mr Seselja’s motion, as amended, be agreed to, 2972

Telecommunications, national broadband network

That Mr Smyth’s amendment be agreed to, 4329

That paragraph (6) of Ms Le Couteur’s amendment be agreed to, 4338

That Mr Hargreaves’s amendment be agreed to, 4340

Water, Murray-Darling Basin Authority

That Mr Corbell’s revised amendments be agreed to, 5188

Water, Murrumbidgee to Googong project

That Mr Corbell’s amendments to Ms Bresnan’s proposed amendment be agreed to, 459


Book return chutes, 4509qn, 4942qn

Islamic texts, 231, 242

Staff, 5772qn

Story time sessions, 5773qn

Lions Club

Changeover dinner, 2480

MacKinney, Lance Corporal J

Death, 3982


Same-sex relationship schemes, 2489qn

McGorry, Professor P

Activities, 118


Water supply, 5373qn

Motor vehicles

Government, 1993qn, 1996qn, 2036qn, 2076qn, 2519qn, 2520qn, 2551qn, 2567qn, 2572qn, 2625qn, 2626qn, 2648qn, 2649qn

Repairs, 1581

Summernats, 323q, 334q


Parking, 4500qn

Mulligans Flat nature reserve

Interim board, 4520qn


Bangladeshi community, 544

Bilingual schools and multicultural programs, 697, 5767qn

Children, 1609qn

Greek community, 3598

Korean community, 3247

Language policy, 1170qn

Mother Language Day, 543

National Multicultural Festival, 27, 100, 325q, 2021qn

Programs, 2435q, 2535qn

Strategy, 1125q

Women’s services, 1170qn

Youth services, 2482

Music for Everyone

Activities, 361

Namadgi national park

Management, 3661

Orienteering, 177q

National Arboretum Canberra

Expenditure, 1633qn

Plantings, 4937qn

Thefts, 4937qn

National Folk Festival

Drinking mugs, 3319qn

National Multicultural festival

Celebrations, 27, 100, 325q

Cost, 2021qn


Committee, 3984

Neighbourhood Watch

Support, 1793, 1811


Mosque, 1540q

Planning, 266

Noah’s Ark

Support, 2227, 2247, 2371

Oaks Estate

Heritage study, 4150qn

Operation Christmas Child

Campaign, 4134

Order of Australia Association

Activities, 5229

Our City, Our Community

Brochure, 2079qn

Our Wellness Foundation

Paper aeroplane competition, 537

Volunteers, 692

Ovarian Cancer Australia

Activities, 694

Pace Farm

Battery hens, 4501qn

Palliative Care Society

Anniversary, 5885

Palmerville Heritage Park

Signage, 116

Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005

Updating, 5368qn

Pierces Creek

Rehabilitation management, 4519qn


Ainslie, 2613qn

Approvals, 4033

Building certificates, 1376q, 1551q

Building materials, sustainable use, 1871q

Building quality, 4564

Call-in powers, block 6 section 21, City, 4216

Canberra plan, 2725, 2839, 4608q

Casey, 3088q, 3751

Civic cycle loop, 4720q, 5384q

Concessional leases, 3042

Cuppacumbalong, 5774qn

Currong site, 1183qn

Deakin, 2009qn

Development applications, 2138q, 2279q, 6194qn

Dunlop, 1726, 1741

Environmental impact assessments, 5645, 6079, 6147, 6173

Estimates committee, answers to questions on notice, 5422q

Gas-fired power station, 11, 1943

Gross floor allowances, 5775qn

Gungahlin swimming pool, 4599q

Hawker, 1479, 3323, 4161

Hot-water heaters, 2262q, 2438q

Hume, 6199qn

Kambah Village, 3888, 3906, 3920

Kingston, 1615qn

Latham, 866q

Lawson South, 3359, 4620

Legislation, 310, 356

Marcus Clarke Street car park, 6220qn

Master plans, 5940q, 5942q, 5953q

McGregor Hall, 2421q, 4943qn

Molonglo, 792, 1302, 2008qn, 2060qn, 2064qn, 5824q, 5832q, 6200qn

New buildings, 6192qn

Nicholls, 266, 2027qn

Notifications and appeals, 2213

Parking space, 3783q

Parking time limits, Braddon, 2087

Passive solar design, 4703

Public notification, 5064

Questions on notice, 5422q, 5527q

Service stations, 165q, 333q

Skate park, 2256q

Small dwellings, 3872q

South Tralee, 6002, 6024

Statements of intent, 714

Supermarkets, 379qn, 425qn

Territory plan, 5566, 5587, 6128

Utility connections, 3706qn

Variation 2010-31, 5431q, 5530q

Weston Group Centre, 5604

YMCA Sailing Club, 6193qn

Youth, 4873q, 4882q

Political parties

ACT Greens, 1314, 1476

Protection of Public Participation Act 2008

Penalties, 1634qn


Martin review, 1177qn


Drug testing, 5104


Prostate Cancer Foundation

Support, 3699


Legislation, 5248

Public service

Commonwealth liaison staff, 2577qn, 3283qn

Consultants, 421qn, 422qn, 423qn

Corporate credit cards, 389qn, 392qn, 393qn, 394qn, 396qn, 402qn, 404qn, 407qn, 1163qn, 1965qn

Departmental reviews, 412qn, 413qn, 414qn, 415qn, 417qn, 418qn, 420qn

Employment framework, 6043

Executive contracts, 75, 1296, 1297, 1705, 2154, 3392, 4208, 4612, 5445, 5849

Freedom of information, 1314

Gender pay equity, 2388

Invoices, 409qn, 410qn, 411qn

Overtime and flex leave, 2555qn, 2556qn, 2570qn

Performance statements, 1177qn

Staffing, 878q, 988q, 1378q, 1380q, 1516q, 1529q, 1532q, 1982qn, 1983qn, 1984qn, 1986qn, 1987qn, 2052qn, 2053qn, 2492qn-2492qn, 2539qn, 2541qn, 2546qn, 2547qn, 2616qn, 2620qn, 2631qn, 2632qn, 2640qn, 2641qn, 3249qn, 3250qn, 3256qn, 3259qn, 3261qn, 3262qn, 3265qn, 3271qn, 3285qn, 3302qn, 3708qn, 4147qn, 4154qn

Training programs, 2524qn, 2528qn, 2548qn, 2561qn, 2562qn, 2628qn, 2629qn, 3276qn, 3301qn, 3310qn

Public toilets

Locations, 3738qn

Reid, Mr T

Death, 5881

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd

Losses, 4719q


Accidents, 3731qn, 3735qn, 4510qn

Ainslie and Hackett, 1114q

Alcohol and drug testing, 1017

Belconnen Way bus lane, 4507qn

Civic, 3372q


Lanes, 3319qn

Safety, 602q

Drink driving, 612q, 615q, 2371, 3431

Drivers licences, 4024

Driving simulations, 1197qn

Footpaths, 2060qn, 3318qn

Gowrie Oval car park, 5385

Gungahlin Drive extension, bridge collapse, 3367q, 3799, 4539qn, 5156q, 5157q, 5299q, 5683q

Hawdon Street, Dickson, 2089

John Gorton Drive, 2016qn, 4973qn

Limestone Avenue and London Circuit, 2059qn

Loading bays, 2535qn

Parking, 373qn, 375qn, 430, 478q, 2080qn, 2639qn, 2717q, 5776qn

Parliamentary triangle, 4191q

Recycled materials, 6181qn

Safety, 539, 4210, 4424, 4507qn

Speed cameras, 374qn, 4308q

Speed limits, 291

Streetlights, 6182qn

Traffic fines, 3733qn, 3734qn

Traffic lights, 6188qn

Well Station Drive extension, 21, 102

Works and traffic management, 3562

Rotary Club

Activities, 4671

Citizen of the year, 927

Royal Institute of Architects

Walter Burley Griffin lecture, 5483


Activities, 795


Mercury 10, counter-terrorism exercise, 3793q

Staff training, 3759

Workplace surveillance, 1334

Self Help Organisations United Together

Open day, 4817


Concessions, 2538qn

Older persons assembly, 5592, 5604

Positive ageing, 1512

Retirement villages, 1709

Volunteers, 1393

Woden Seniors Christmas party, 6033

Shepherd Centre

Support, 2227, 2247, 2371

Slavich, Mr I

Farewell, 1070

Smith, Mr G

Retirement, 265

Social welfare

Anti-Poverty Week, 4818

Carers, 501, 1542q, 4517qn

CEO sleep-out, 2205, 2209, 3019

Community services, 598q

Expenditure, 2899q

International Social Work Day, 928

Low income families, 2614qn


ACT Brumbies, 4504qn

Australian Football League, 3823

Brindabella Blues football club, 4487

Canberra Knights ice hockey, 2836

Canberra Raiders, 932, 3821, 4134, 4234

Canberra Times fun run, 4237

Catholic schools football, 1962

Commonwealth Games, 4736q

Community facilities, 4522qn, 5287q

Cricket, 5626

Dragon boats, 1960

Football, 3698, 4892

Golf courses, 2896q

Government support, 2019qn, 2020qn, 3254qn

Greater Western Sydney Football Club, 5439q

Hockey, 4487

Junior sports, 3803

Motor sport, 3700, 381qn, 1159, 1315

Orienteering, 177q

Programs, 2021qn

Racing industry, 1042, 1069

Softball, 697

Sparke Helmore corporate challenge, 537

Sportsgrounds, electricity use, 3255qn

Swimming, water safety, 536

Tuggeranong Valley amateur rugby union, 540

VISACT blind cricket, 1961

ST Mary MacKillop

Feast day, 4235

Sullivan, Mr M

Evidence, 2117


Noise control, 323q, 334q


Ethical investments, 4249

Liabilities, 5023q, 5281q, 5300q


Regulation, 518

Taglietti, Dr E

Achievements, 264

Tamayo, Mr OZ

Death, 692

Tandem Respite Inc

Services, 3698

Tanner, Mr S

Appreciation, 796


Change of use, 1750q, 1758q, 1867q, 2014qn, 2942, 2962, 3777q, 4193q, 4729q, 4967qn, 5294q, 5346, 5428q, 5764qn

Congestion, 4722q

Duties, 2190

Goods and services, 1759q

Housing, 4729q, 4863q

Increases, 2889q

Land tax, concessions, 363qn

Legislation, 35, 2191

Levels, 1872q

Payroll, 4152qn, 5631, 6061

Revenue, 3496q, 3499q

Review, 3781q, 3788q, 3790q, 3869q

Stamp duty, 2013qn

Volunteer fire brigades, 4940qn


Telecommunications, national broadband network, 4318, mso 4338

Territory and Municipal Services, Department

Accounts, 2082qn

Chemical use, 3739qn

Expenditure, 3733qn

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Act 2006

Review, 5447


Fair, 4385

Tidbinbilla nature reserve

Nil Desperandum, camping, 3866q, 3868q, 3882q, 3884q

Totalcare INDUSTRIES Ltd

Liabilities, 5796


Asian market, 5425q

Autumn events, 2621qn

Ernst & Young report, 4171

Events and festivals, 871q, 2621qn, 4650, 4710, 4742, 4755, 5954q

Grants, 2621qn

Qantas awards, 794

Stromlo Forest Park, 4057q


Active plan, 1776, 1812

Car pooling, 1187qn

Government expenditure, 1764q

Infrastructure, 1613qn, 3716qn

Planning, 6118

Taxis, 6105q

Treasury, Department

Government briefs, 3882q

Staff, 810qn

Tuggeranong Arts Centre

Programs, 2482

Turbayne AO, MBE, Mrs M

Death, 1


Kippax, 1602

Victim Support ACT

Activities, 799qn

Vietnam Veterans and Veterans Federation

Page facility, 2208

Vietnam Veterans Day

Ceremony, 3822

Volunteering ACT

Anniversary, 360


Belconnen landfill site, 4865q

Building waste, 4502qn

Illegal dumping, 4507qn

Management, 5429q, 5430q, 5550q, 5945q, 6092q, 6224q, 6225q

Recycling centres, 4508qn


Catchment inflows, 6221qn

Commercial bathroom retrofit program, 6201qn

Conservation, 4774, 6204qn

Cotter Dam, 4301q, 4460q

Efficiency, 4472

GardenSmart program, 6202qn

IrrigationSmart program, 6202qn

Kingston, Green Square, 3719qn

Molonglo, 5373qn

Murray-Darling Basin, 4733q, 5123, 5171, 5182

Murrumbidgee to Googong pipeline, 431, 608q, 611q, 765q

Ovals and school grounds, 3256qn

Rainwater tank rebate program, 6203qn

Resource management, 1483, 3615

ToiletSmart program, 6200qn

Usage, 6204qn

Westende, Mr L

Career, 797

White Ribbon Day

Support, 5743

Whitelaw, Major General J

Death, 2475


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 3790q, 3888q

Brindabella Women’s Group, 1321

Equity of remuneration, 1954

Gender analysis report, 4469

Multicultural services, 1170qn

Pay equity, 2388

Released female prisoners, 2716q

Remuneration, equity, 652, 664

Strategic framework, 1298

Support, 5854

Violence, 5743

Yarralumla brickworks

Heritage site, 4945qn

Planning, 3646q

Redevelopment, 6219qn


Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 1373q, 1393q, 1546q

Consultations, 2276q, 4882q

Disabled, 4880q

Indigenous, 1279q, 3315qn

Mental health, 5366qn

Planning, 4873q

Public consultation, 4219

Services, 476q, 496q, 1753q, 2482, 2653q, 5826q, 5938q, 6087q, 6225q

Transitioning out of care, mnst 4629, 4739