Page 5150 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 27 October 2010

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immediately followed up on Mr Pegrum’s concerns when he raised them. A number of phone calls took place to explain the rationale for the removal.

Mr Speaker, this happens from time to time but obviously the overall public benefit is in a greatly enhanced, improved and modernised public area around the Ainslie shops, which will be of benefit to thousands and thousands of residents.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, a supplementary?

MS LE COUTEUR: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, can you explain why community members and shopkeepers in Ainslie say that they were excluded from consultation on this tree, and did the consultation process meet the consultation benchmarks recently announced by the commissioner for the environment?

MR CORBELL: I do not know, in relation to the first part of Ms Le Couteur’s question; you would have to ask them. In relation to the second part of the question, this tree, I am advised, was identified for removal during the design phase of the project and the design phase was subject to public consultation.

MS HUNTER: A supplementary.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Ms Hunter.

MS HUNTER: Minister, does the government have formal criteria that it uses to determine whether a tree poses a trip hazard, and how is any trip hazard weighed against the other benefits that may be provided by the tree?

MR CORBELL: I regret to advise the Assembly that I am not familiar with the details of how the government assesses a trip hazard. I will take the question on notice and provide further advice to the member.


MR SMYTH: My question is to the Treasurer and Acting Minister for Business and Economic Development. Minister, the Australian Bureau of Statistics last week released details of the entry and exit of businesses in Australia. Minister, why has the ACT recorded the largest decline in the establishment of new businesses of any state in the year to 30 June 2009?

MS GALLAGHER: I have to say that I have not seen that report, Mr Smyth. I will have a look at it now that you have drawn it to my attention. In terms of the information and data that I have, it does not necessarily support that.

Mr Smyth: So the ABS is wrong?

MS GALLAGHER: No, I am not saying that. I am just saying that I will have a look at that data because the data that I have before me is that we have seen an increase in private sector employment over the last three quarters.

Mr Smyth: No, this is the number of businesses.

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