Page 5368 - Week 12 - Thursday, 28 October 2010

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(1) Without a clear definition of “lifetime” this information cannot be provided.

(2) Housing ACT records indicate that 4,356 dwellings are occupied by single women (2,821) and single mothers (1,535).

(3) The overall percentage of dwellings tenanted by single women and single mothers in Housing ACT dwellings is 38%. With single women representing 25% and single mothers representing 13%.

(4) Stand alone dwellings – 1,144 single women and 1,134 single mothers. For non stand alone dwellings 1,677 for single women and 401 single mothers.

(5) In the past 10 years there have been 398 properties sold to tenants through the Sale to Tenant Scheme, of which 170 were to single women, including single mothers. To date two properties have been sold through the Shared Equity Scheme – one property was sold to a single mother with one child. A third property is awaiting final settlement and the prospective purchaser is a single father with one child.

(6) Refer answer to question (4). Properties located in Multi-unit complexes (with the exception of private body corporate managed complexes) are not available for sale because they are not separately titled. Tenants residing in properties located in private body corporate managed complexes are able to apply to purchase their property.

(7) Housing ACT homes are only sold to the tenants who are occupants of the homes under both the Sale to Tenant scheme and the Shared Equity scheme. All other tenanted Housing homes are generally not available for sale until the tenancy ceases. Housing ACT dwellings that are for sale are advertised and auctioned through private real estate agents.

Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005
(Question No 1191)

Mr Rattenbury asked the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, upon notice, on 23 September 2010 (redirected to the Acting Minister for Territory and Municipal Services):

(1) How often is the Declaration of Pest Plants and Animals updated.

(2) What is the mechanism by which nurseries receive information about plants that are not permitted to be sold in the ACT.

(3) How often do nurseries receive updated information about plants that are not permitted to be sold in the ACT.

(4) What measures does the ACT Government undertake to ensure nurseries comply with the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005.

(5) Does the ACT Government undertake inspections of nurseries to ensure they are not breaching the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005; if so, how often.

(6) Can the Minister provide a list of nurseries that have been inspected and the dates on which inspections have taken place.

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