Page 1626 - Week 04 - Thursday, 25 March 2010

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(1) It is anticipated that the review of the outdoor cafe guidelines will be complete in about four (4) months.

(2) Once the review is complete, the outdoor cafe guidelines will be publicly available on the Office of Regulatory Services website.

(3) None to date. This will be undertaken over four weeks in March/April 2010. The Office of Regulatory Services has consulted with the Department of Territory Services and the ACT Planning and Land Authority in preparation of the guidelines going out to public consultation.

Business—outdoor cafes
(Question No 607)

Mr Seselja asked the Attorney-General, upon notice, on 11 February 2010:

(1) How many applications were received by the Government for (a) outdoor cafe and (b) liquor licences in (i) November 2009, (ii) December 2009 and (iii) January 2010.

(2) How many of the applications referred to in part (1) have been approved to date.

(3) What was the average wait time for each application approved.

(4) What is the average seating capacity for applications received in (a) November 2009, (b) December 2009 and (c) January 2010.

(5) In which suburbs did businesses apply for (a) an outdoor cafe and (b) liquor licence in (a) November 2009, (b) December 2009 and (c) January 2010.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The number of applications lodged for outdoor cafes and liquor licences in November 2009, December 2009 and January 2010 is provided in below table:

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010









Under QON 454 I previously advised that there had been no outdoor cafe applications for the month of November 2009. This information was incorrect. Due to an administrative filing error, an application lodged in November 2009 was overlooked by my department in compiling a response for QON 454.

I can advise that a comprehensive search of all outdoor cafe applications has been conducted and no other applications were received in November 2009.

(2) November 2009: all outdoor cafe and liquor licence applications were approved
December 2009: all outdoor cafe applications approved; three liquor licences were

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