Page 5836 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 7 December 2010
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MR CORBELL: This is a concept that I would have thought—
Mr Seselja: It includes the sick bay?
MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja!
MR CORBELL: was fairly easy to understand on the part of those opposite. Clearly I am mistaken.
MR SPEAKER: Supplementary, Mr Hargreaves?
MR HARGREAVES: Thanks very much, Mr Speaker. Minister, could you perhaps advise the Assembly of the breakdown of those sorts of prisoner demographics in there, such as remand, such as the gender split and protections?
MR CORBELL: I thank Mr Hargreaves for the question. Regrettably, I do not have those numbers available, but I am happy to provide those to members.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, a supplementary?
MR HANSON: Minister, the Corrective Services website, updated as late as today—I note it is still live—states that presently, and I say again “presently”, the capacity of the AMC is 300. Is the capacity of the AMC 300 or is this statement misleading?
MR CORBELL: It is almost as though you need a hammer to hammer it through their thick skulls. There are 300 beds in the prison. The ability to utilise all 300 beds—and those are beds for accommodation—will depend on the mix of prisoners, whether or not a certain number of prisoners need to be kept on separation, strict separation, isolation or a whole range of other factors. And that may—and, indeed, does—impose constraints on the overall number of beds that are able to be utilised at any one point in time. It is worth highlighting that at no time have there been issues with accommodating prisoners that have been sent to the jail by the courts.
ACTION bus service—wheelchair accessible buses
MS BRESNAN: My question is to the Minister for Transport and is in relation to the availability of wheelchair accessible buses during peak hour. Minister, it has come to my attention that on a number of Xpresso routes wheelchair accessible buses are only available for one direction of the service during the day. Minister, what steps are you taking to ensure that for every outgoing wheelchair accessible bus on a route there is a return service?
MR STANHOPE: Over time of course it is expected that every one of the buses in our fleet will be wheelchair accessible. That is not the case at the moment. We are progressively replacing the fleet as we upgrade, and all new buses of course are designed for accessibility. Until we reach that point—and we are not there and we will
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