Page 5764 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 November 2010
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(6) All ticket machines identified in (1) have been repaired. The total cost of repairs, including parts and labour, was $167,200.
(7) See (6).
Taxation—change of use
(Question No 1173)
Mr Seselja asked the Treasurer, upon notice, on 26 August 2010 (redirected to the Minister for Planning):
What was the average amount of change of use charge paid by developers, per unit, from (a) 2003 to May 2010 and (b) May 2010 to date, and how many units has this been applied to.
Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(a) In relation to the period 2003 to May 2010 an answer to the Member’s question cannot be provided without a manual examination of all relevant records for the seven year period. Given that this would require significant resources I consider that this is not an appropriate use of ACTPLA’s resources.
The Change of Use Charge Internal Audit Review was tabled in the Legislative Assembly on 26 August 2010.
(b) No change of use charge for residential development has been paid since May 2010.
Add note to (b)
Note: The answer to this question was clarified in the Assembly on 28 October 2010. In order to ensure that there can be no misunderstanding in relation to this matter, I now present all relevant change of use charge payment data from 30 April to 31 October in tabular form in response to Question on Notice No. 1173 part (b).
(A copy of the attachment is available at the Chamber Support Office).
Education—teachers and teacher assistants
(Question No 1178)
Mr Doszpot asked the Minister for Education and Training, upon notice, on 21 September 2010:
(1) Can the Minister list all teaching and administrative staff employment levels and corresponding salary ranges for this and the last four financial years.
(2) How many teachers and teacher assistants will the Department of Education and Training recruit this financial year and at what employment levels.
(3) Can the Minister provide a breakdown of teachers recruited for the last four financial years with corresponding employment levels referred to in part (2).
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