Page 2003 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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In relation to parts 18 – 20 of the question this matters comes under the responsibility of the minister for Land and Planning Services and not the Minister for Planning.

Government—training programs
(Question No 694)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, upon notice, on 18 March 2010:

(1) What are the overhead fixed costs for the Minister’s department and each agency in their portfolio.

(2) How much has the department and each agency spent on training programs in 2009-10 to date.

(3) What was the purpose of each training program and how many staff participated.

(4) What in-house training programs were undertaken in (a) 2008-09 and (b) 2009-10 to date which resulted in no marginal cost to the Government.

(5) What in-house training programs were undertaken in (a) 2008-09 and (b) 2009-10 to date which resulted in a cost to the Government and what was this cost.

(6) What is the average oncost for each officer in the Minister’s department and each agency in their portfolio in 2009-10 and what is included in this oncost.

(7) What is the marginal oncost of an additional worker at the current staffing levels.

(8) What specialist qualifications are required by staff for the Minister’s department and each agency in their portfolio to undertake its roles and responsibilities and what skills are currently lacking in department and each agency.

(9) How many employees are currently employed and what level is each.

(10) What is the average salary for each employee with a specialist skill that is required for the Minister’s department and each agency to undertake its roles and responsibilities.

(11) What training must employees undertake on a regular basis to maintain their specialist skills and what is the cost of this training.

(12) What specialist equipment is required for officers to undertake their jobs.

(13) For each piece of equipment referred to in part (12), (a) how many are required, (b) what is the capital cost of each and (c) what is the running cost.

(14) Over what period is each piece of equipment, referred to in part (12), depreciated.

(15) How many graduates are employed in the Minister’s department and each agency in their portfolio.

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