Page 2616 - Week 06 - Thursday, 24 June 2010
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11. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations would have to provide an answer on whether it is possible to identify family size in childcare. The ABS would be a source of data on household income by number of children, but this may have to be answered by a specific data request.
Public service—staffing
(Question No 877)
Mr Smyth asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, upon notice, on 25 March 2010:
(1) What specialist qualifications are required by staff employed in Emergency Services Agency to undertake their roles and responsibilities and what skills are currently lacking in this agency.
(2) What is the average salary for each employee who has a specialist skill that is required for this agency to perform their roles and responsibilities.
(3) What is the average oncost for each officer in this agency in 2009-10 and what components comprise these oncosts.
(4) What training must employees undertake on a regular basis to maintain their specialist skills and what is the cost of this training.
(5) How many graduates were employed in this agency each year since 2001.
(6) What is the cost of employing each graduate referred to in part (5).
(7) How many staff have (a) left and (b) been recruited to this agency during 2009-10.
(8) What is the average amount of recreation and long service leave currently held by officers in this agency.
(9) What specialist equipment is required for officers to undertake their jobs.
(10) For each piece of specialist equipment referred to in part (9), (a) how many are required, (b) what is the capital cost of each, (c) over what period are they depreciated and (d) what are the running costs of each.
Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) The table below sets out the specialist qualifications that are required by staff employed in the Emergency Services Agency (ESA) to undertake their roles and responsibilities.
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