Page 2849 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 30 June 2010

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In that context and in the time frame, this mad scurry and the shambles that this particular process in relation to this bill has fallen into, the only appropriate position that can be taken today by anybody concerned about developing and delivering good legislation—legislation on this subject that we could be satisfied with or that we could guarantee will work and that is, to the extent possible, human rights compliant consistent with our Human Rights Act—is for an appropriate period and process of review and of scrutiny.

The government’s position in relation to this is that this debate should not proceed today and should be adjourned. And who could object to this? Who could object to the legislation being referred to the justice committee and to the Attorney-General for the preparation of a compatibility statement? I move that the bill currently under consideration be referred to the justice committee for inquiry and report and to the Attorney-General for the development of a compatibility study.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Stanhope, you cannot move that motion until the debate has been adjourned, and you cannot adjourn the debate because you have just spoken.

Motion (by Mr Hargreaves) proposed:

That the debate be adjourned.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 5

Noes 8

Mr Barr

Mr Stanhope

Ms Bresnan

Ms Le Couteur

Ms Burch

Mrs Dunne

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Corbell

Mr Hanson

Mr Seselja

Mr Hargreaves

Ms Hunter

Mr Smyth

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR HANSON (Molonglo) (10.15): Before I start my speech I would like to acknowledge the presence of Alison Ryan and Rusty Woodward in the chamber today. As many of you may be aware, Alison’s daughter, Amy, was killed in a traffic accident that involved a drug driver in 2008, and at that time Amy was 15. I would like to make the point that Alison Ryan has been a major motivator for me personally in making sure that we introduced this legislation in the ACT. I commend her for the hard work that she has done in advocating for this legislation. I acknowledge the support that she has given me in what has been a very difficult political process to make sure that we got here today. This is quite an emotional moment for Alison, I know, and it is very difficult for any decent person in the Assembly today not to be touched by what we are going to achieve with the support of the Greens. I would like to thank them also for this today.

It is quite clear from the disgraceful act of Jon Stanhope in seeking to amend this legislation again that he is philosophically opposed to introducing this legislation in the ACT. In 2005-06 he voted against the legislation. He described it as red-necked. At every opportunity since he has either voted against the legislation or voted to

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