Page 563 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 February 2010
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introduced mandatory coin lock requirements. Ashfield Council took the approach of fining people observed dumping trolleys in a public place. At the same time, Ashfield Council rangers were given new powers to notify retailers of abandoned trolleys. If a retailer does not collect the trolley within 24 hours, the retailer is fined and the trolley impounded. After a couple of months of operating this system, Ashfield Council said that it had noted a vast improvement in the number of abandoned shopping trolleys. It also said the council was very happy with the public response to the campaign and the increased level of compliance.
The ACT should also take action on this issue. I am confident we can achieve an improvement if we take action with this legislation and have other action from TAMS. I commend the bill to the Assembly.
Debate (on motion by Ms Gallagher) adjourned to the next sitting.
MS PORTER (Ginninderra) (10.59): I move:
That this Assembly:
(1) notes:
(a) the decision of the Little Company of Mary Health Care (LCMHC) Board to withdraw from negotiations over the proposed sale of Calvary Public Hospital to the ACT Government;
(b) the need to invest $200 million over the next six years to build up capacity for hospital services on the north side of Canberra; and
(c) that the budget implications of maintaining the current arrangements pose significant challenges to the Territory’s overall budget position;
(2) calls upon the Minister for Health to continue to work with LCMHC to examine all options available to the parties to deliver the investments required on the Calvary site that protects the investments made by the Territory and ensures that the investments are able to be made in a financially sustainable way; and
(3) thanks the Sisters and the Board of the LCMHC for their preparedness to work with the Territory to prepare for the future health care needs of our community.
I am happy to stand in this place today to acknowledge the efforts of the sisters and the board of the Little Company of Mary Health Care in their negotiations with the ACT government in relation to health care in the north of Canberra. As a member for Ginninderra, I understand that maintaining health facilities in the north of Canberra is of the utmost importance and I cannot fathom, for the life of me, how my fellow members for Ginninderra did not support the Minister for Health and indeed have actually played a role in scuttling these negotiations, as we have seen.
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