Page 2714 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 June 2010
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15 per cent in both Sydney and the ACT—of all houses, all homes, sold in the last year were sold for under $300,000. It is once you get out of Sydney and Canberra that the proportion reduces quite dramatically.
Similarly, in relation to affordability, on the Real Estate Institute of Australia’s affordability index, and that is the proportion of disposable income available to service a mortgage or to service rent, the ACT leads the nation by a country mile—indeed, half the rate of other jurisdictions around Australia. (Time expired.)
MR SPEAKER: Ms Hunter, a supplementary?
MS HUNTER: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, what happens if the estate development plan is altered through its approval process with ACTPLA? Will the siting for blocks need to change and will buyers be compensated for any consequential change in the value of their blocks?
MR STANHOPE: As I said, the procedure to process and utilise the sale of land in Wright was a process that was discussed and received the support of the three agencies within the ACT charged with responsibility for land disposal sales—ACTPLA, LAPS and the LDA. None of them had major concerns about the process. In the context of the specific information sought by Ms Hunter, I am more than happy to take the question on notice.
ACT Health—alleged bullying
MR HANSON: Mr Speaker, my question is to the Minister for Health. Minister, I refer to your answer in response to a question about bullying in your department. You replied, and I quote:
ACT Health have brought in some workplace psychologists to work across different areas of ACT Health where concerns have been raised around the workforce environment.
Minister, when exactly were these psychologists brought into the department to deal with the workforce environment, and how many staff have been seen by the psychologists?
MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I will see if I can provide a figure on how many staff have been seen. My understanding is that the psychologist is not necessarily meeting one to one but at times with groups of staff in particular units who have concerns. It would be no surprise to the opposition that, after the concerns around obstetrics and the obstetrics unit at the Canberra Hospital were raised and were raised publicly, there were an increased number of—and we went through this in estimates—staff and ex-staff coming forward with concerns around their workplace environment, so we have sought to respond to that.
The workplace psychologists were brought in, from memory—and I will see if we can get you an exact date—certainly within that first week of concerns in the obstetric department being raised.
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