Page 5832 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 7 December 2010
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The other element of this—and I think, Mr Speaker, the shadow treasurer would know that all of this is detailed in figures like the state final demand and the national accounts, where it is clear—
Mr Smyth: So you’ve got analysis. What’s happened to the analysis?
MS GALLAGHER: Those are public documents, Mr Smyth. It is very clear that public consumption and public investment did increase at a time when private sector consumption and investment were decreasing, and household consumption, and you can see that there was public investment. That is the ACT government, as a small partner—
Mr Smyth: So it’s just guesswork. You’re just guessing.
MS GALLAGHER: I am not just guessing. These are the figures. That is the ACT government as a small partner and the commonwealth as a larger partner in the ACT. It is very clear that what supported the economy in the ACT over the past 18 months was public sector spending.
Planning—Molonglo land release
MS LE COUTEUR: My question is to the Minister for Planning and concerns again the north Weston pond site. Minister, given the discovery of asbestos and the issues with that, is this going to affect the timing and plans for land release either in the Molonglo Valley or in the rest of Canberra?
MR BARR: Timing of land release is actually a matter for the Chief Minister through his portfolio responsibilities. I can of course observe that the ACT Planning and Land Authority has been developing concept plans for land release in a number of different parts of the city and so there is more than one development front in relation to greenfield development and of course there are multiple brownfield redevelopment sites as well as an ongoing program of urban renewal around the city.
MR STANHOPE: Mr Speaker, I will add to that answer, if I may—
MR SPEAKER: Yes, thank you, Chief Minister.
MR STANHOPE: as minister with responsibility for some of these issues. Ms Le Couteur, I am prepared to be quite blunt about this: the issues in relation to delays in the north Weston pond construction will have absolutely no impact on land release at all—absolutely none.
MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, a supplementary?
MS LE COUTEUR: Thank you. Minister, was ACTPLA or anyone in the government aware that Weston community council, about three years ago at a community council meeting with government representatives, I have been informed, raised the issue of the dump site with the government representatives? I think they said that the site used to be called “asbestos pond”.
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