Page 1006 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 17 March 2010
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Mr Hanson: Mr Speaker, on a point of order—
MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Hanson. Stop the clock.
Mr Hanson: Specifically, I was asking for a guarantee that this would not be the case. My question was not an allegation. I ask the minister to come to the point and guarantee that, as I asked, the works being conducted will not be done at inflated prices.
MR SPEAKER: Minister, let us focus on the question, thank you.
MR BARR: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I note the sensitivity of Mr Hanson on this issue. Before he gets up and reads the trashy questions that are fed to him by the guttersnipes on the Liberal Party staffers bench, he ought to be aware of the insinuations that he is casting here.
Members interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Barr! Minister, resume your seat, thank you. The minister has finished his answer.
Mr Barr: I have not actually, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: I have directed you to resume your seat, Mr Barr, because you are clearly not going to answer the question.
Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.
Allegations against members’ staff
MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra): Mr Speaker, I would like you to review the Hansard and come back into this place with a ruling or an opinion on whether it is appropriate for a minister or any other member in this place to attack political staff in this place, people who do not have the capacity to respond. If the minister wants to attack Mr Hanson or me or anyone else, that is fair game; but our staff are not. We do not do it—and he should not.
MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mrs Dunne, I will review the Hansard and consider that.
ACT Planning and Land Authority—injured workers
Statement by minister
MR BARR (Molonglo—Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Planning, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation and Minister for Gaming and Racing). I seek leave to make a statement.
Leave not granted.
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