Page 4317 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 22 September 2010

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suite was not a prudent purchase by ACT Health. The feedback I have received—I have asked the department to check—from the neurosurgeons has been very positive. The Department of Health advises me that the only feedback they have had has been positive as well.

Public housing—energy efficiency

MS BURCH: On 26 August I was asked a question by Ms Le Couteur in regard to asset maintenance checks of public housing and energy efficiency. In my response to the member’s question I included a reference to double glazing of windows and the replacement of heaters as a part of the government’s $20 million public housing energy efficiency program.

While Housing ACT does install double glazing in some circumstances, and replaces heaters as a matter of course as they fail, these are not a part of the $20 million energy efficiency program. The energy efficiency program includes wall and ceiling insulation, draught seals, high efficiency water systems for new and existing dwellings, and pelmets and curtains installed in all new separate houses as they become vacant from August this year. In regard to our properties constructed under nation building and job plans, they include wall and ceiling insulation and draft sealing, and have energy ratings of six stars. Also, in April 2010 DECCEW provided $1.3 million to assist low income households and community organisations to reduce energy consumption and to install renewable energy technologies.

Ms Le Couteur, I trust you will acknowledge the work done by ACT Housing across a range of programs; my response just mixed a few of those up.


Mr Speaker presented the following paper:

Ethics and Integrity Adviser for Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory, pursuant to the resolution of the Assembly of 10 April 2008, as amended 21 August 2008—Report for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010.

Alexander Maconochie Centre—needle and syringe program

Paper and statement by member

MS BRESNAN (Brindabella), by leave: I present the following paper on the implementation of a needle and syringe program in the AMC:

Alexander Maconochie Centre—Implementing a Needle and Syringe Program—Discussion paper, prepared by Amanda Bresnan MLA, ACT Greens, dated July 2010.

I will just make a brief statement about the paper. We did release this in July this year. It outlines evidence from the experience of prisons overseas where there are needle and syringe programs operating. It also looks at methods of operating needle and

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