Page 3301 - Week 07 - Thursday, 1 July 2010
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(1), (2), (4) and (5)
I refer the member to my response to question on notice 808 asked by Mrs Dunne in relation to this issue.
(6), (7), (8), (9) and (10)
Information in respect of the community consultation organised or chaired by the Department of Justice and Community during 2009-10 will be provided in the Department’s Annual Report.
(Question No 921)
Mr Hanson asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, upon notice, on 25 March 2010:
What are the overhead fixed costs for the department and each agency within the Minister’s portfolio.
Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
The Department’s overhead fixed costs that do not vary significantly with the Department’s activities during the financial year includes rental, utility and outgoing costs, services provided by Shared Services including finance, procurement and human resources, ACTIA insurance premium, workers compensation premium, ACT Audit Office fees and depreciation and amortization of fixed assets.
Public service—training programs
(Question No 923)
Mr Hanson asked the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 25 March 2010 (redirected to the A/g Minister for Health):
(1) How much has the department and each agency spent on training programs in 2009-10 to date.
(2) What was the purpose of each training program referred to in part (1) and how many staff participated.
(3) What in-house training programs were undertaken in (a) 2008-09 and (b) 2009-10 to date which resulted in no marginal cost to the Government.
(4) What in-house training programs were undertaken in (a) 2008-09 and (b) 2009-10 to date which resulted in a cost to the Government and what was this cost.
Mr Corbell: I am advised that the answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) ACT Health has spent $4.9 million on staff development in 2009-10 to the end of April 2010.
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