Page 612 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 February 2010

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MRS DUNNE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, has Actew Corporation prepared and submitted for approval the environmental impact statements as required by all relevant commonwealth, New South Wales and ACT government authorities? If no, why, and when will those statements be prepared and submitted?

MR CORBELL: Actew are preparing those documents. There are detailed requirements they will need to meet for assessment by relevant ACT and New South Wales authorities. The exact position in relation to the finalisation of those documents I will take on notice and I will provide further advice to the member.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Seselja?

MR SESELJA: Minister, were those statements prepared and submitted based on the final proposed route? If no, why, and on what route or routes were the statements prepared?

MR CORBELL: I will take those questions on notice, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Smyth?

MR SMYTH: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, have all relevant commonwealth, New South Wales and ACT authorities approved the environmental impact statements? If no, why, and what work remains to be done to satisfy the requirements of those relevant authorities?

MR CORBELL: I am fairly certain that EIS approval has not been given yet either by the ACT or the NSW authorities. Actew, as I indicated to Mrs Dunne earlier, are in the process of preparing, documenting and providing that information. As I indicated in my previous answer to Mrs Dunne, on the exact sequence I will come back to the member and provide further information.

Road safety—drink driving

MS PORTER: My question is to the Minister for Transport. Minister, this morning you announced a package of initiatives to tackle the high levels of drink driving in the territory. What are these reforms?

MR STANHOPE: I thank Ms Porter for the question. I have announced today a number of very significant reforms that the government proposes to have drafted for introduction into the Assembly in relation most particularly to drink driving and the need for us to respond to the very high levels of Canberrans being detected driving with above the prescribed levels of alcohol.

Indeed, in the last year 1,800 Canberrans were caught drink driving. It is interesting to put that in some context: that is 50 per cent higher than just three years ago. A very worrying aspect of the analysis of those figures of 1,800 people charged is that almost one-third of the 1,800 charged with drink driving in the last year were repeat offenders. I think that is a stunningly high number of people charged in the first

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