Page 4871 - Week 11 - Thursday, 21 October 2010

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In particular, we have put in place measures to assist low income earners to reduce their energy costs. For example, my department has partnered with the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services—

Mr Seselja: On a point of order, Mr Speaker—

Members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: I can’t hear Mr Seselja.

Mr Seselja: The point of order is as to relevance. It was a very specific question. It asked what the minister has done to put downward pressure on energy prices, on electricity prices. It was not about what assistance was given to some; it was about what is being done to put downward pressure rather than upward pressure on the cost of electricity in the ACT.

MR SPEAKER: Minister, I think the question is about electricity prices. Perhaps you can try and focus there.

MR CORBELL: Electricity prices for households or electricity prices as a whole, Mr Speaker? If it is about electricity prices for households then energy efficiency has a key role to play. And that is exactly what this government is doing. For example, we have undertaken a detailed program. We have provided, in the last financial year, over a million dollars, in partnership with the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services, to see the retrofit of a large number of public housing properties and properties in the social housing sector, with the installation of insulation, better window coverings and the replacement and upgrading of hot-water systems. We have also entered into partnership with community service organisations, those who work in the non-profit and charity sector, to provide the replacement of energy-intensive appliances with energy-efficient appliances such as new fridges and other appliances, so that people in rental accommodation and people in low-cost social housing are able to drive down their electricity bills through that investment.

We have also, of course, made changes to the consumer regime when it comes to energy concessions, and I mentioned that earlier. (Time expired.)

Exhibition Park—recycling

MS LE COUTEUR: My question is to the minister for tourism and concerns the new recycling bins at EPIC. Minister, can you tell the Assembly what the new recycling system at EPIC involves and what contribution the ACT government made to the system?

MR BARR: I thank Ms Le Couteur for the question. I did indeed have the pleasure of launching this new recycling initiative at Exhibition Park a few weeks ago.

Mr Hanson: Did you get the media there, Andrew?

MR BARR: I understand that some members of the media may have attended, Mr Hanson. This initiative was a partnership with the Fruit and Grocery Council

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