Page 5935 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 2010
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Ms Gallagher: This is why you have lost elections, Brendan. It is your charm and—
MR SMYTH: Well, it is inaccurate. You will vote for something that is not correct. That is fine. We know that you vote for things that are not correct all the time because this is the government of cover-ups and it continues.
Mr Speaker, at the end of the day the public is no clearer here. There are clouds over those involved, as Mr Hanson pointed out. That includes people in senior roles in the department—indeed, the head of the department. It may leave a cloud over the minister herself because if the minister is one of the people referred to in this, we will never know. Any action that might be taken to improve the minister and her understanding of the act or the way the department functions or how to stop bullying, we will never know about either.
The recommendations have not been disclosed. I will wait until 30 September next year. I will look at the public interest disclosure section in the health department act. I would expect to see—because we are not going to get it today; that is quite clear—the Greens covering for the government again and blocking this.
It is interesting, Mr Speaker, that the Greens on their own website as one of the things
that they seek is more honest, more open, more accountable government. They were
the words of the Chief Minister in opposition back in 2001. But the Greens under “governance policy” on their website state that they want open, accessible and transparent government with strong parliamentary oversight of executive powers—except when it calls into account their coalition partners.
They are glib words, easy words, good words to sell to the public. “They will swallow this because, you know, we are the Greens. People know that we stand for these things.” But, when push comes to shove, in every instance in this place the Greens have not held this government to account and they should stand up and honour their policy today. (Time expired.)
Debate interrupted in accordance with standing order 74 and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour.
Sitting suspended from 12.32 to 2 pm.
Questions without notice
Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—proposed inquiry
MR SESELJA: My question is to the Minister for Children and Young People. Minister, in the Assembly this morning you said that you would welcome an inquiry into Bimberi youth detention centre. You said that you would do everything to ensure that the inquiry was at arm’s length and that all protection would be given to people who would come forward. Minister, how will you ensure that the inquiry is at arm’s length and that protections are given to witnesses?
MS BURCH: I did make those statements and I stand by them. I have offered some options to Meredith Hunter about how that could be pursued—
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