Page 2052 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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(2) As above for Treasury.

ACT Health has spent $20,650 (GST exclusive) including external valuations and survey work.

(3) (a) $30,000 (GST exclusive). The majority of the costs incurred by ACT Health ($126,665) were for contractors ($122,745) engaged for specific tasks. (b) Nil.
(c) Nil.

(4) Treasury engaged Ernst & Young to undertake a peer review of the financial analysis of the Calvary options and PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide accounting advice.

(5) Treasury has prepared a financial analysis of the Calvary options, a copy of the report is available on the ACT Health website.

(6) A range of staff from Treasury and ACT Health have worked on the proposal to purchase Calvary Public Hospital and the sale of Clare Holland House for, at various times and in various capacities.

Public service—staffing
(Question No 872)

Mr Smyth asked the Minister for Business and Economic Development, upon notice, on 25 March 2010:

(1) What specialist qualifications are required by staff employed in Business and Industry Development to undertake their roles and responsibilities and what skills are currently lacking in this area of the Minister’s department.

(2) What is the average salary for each employee who has a specialist skill that is required for this area of the department to perform their roles and responsibilities.

(3) What is the average oncost for each officer in this area of the department in 2009-10 and what components comprise these oncosts.

(4) What training must employees undertake on a regular basis to maintain their specialist skills and what is the cost of this training.

(5) How many graduates were employed in this area of the department each year since 2001.

(6) What is the cost of employing each graduate referred to in part (5).

(7) How many staff have (a) left and (b) been recruited to this area of the department during 2009-10.

(8) What is the average amount of recreation and long service leave currently held by officers in this area of the department.

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

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