Page 1174 - Week 03 - Thursday, 18 March 2010

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(Question No 530)

Mr Doszpot asked the Minister for Education and Training, upon notice, on 9 February 2010:

(1) How many classrooms were located in each ACT government school, by school name, in the (a) 2006, (b) 2007, (c) 2008 and (d) 2009 school year.

(2) How many classrooms in each ACT government school, by school name, had been identified as demountable in the (a) 2006, (b) 2007, (c) 2008 and (d) 2009 school year.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1) The answer to questions 1 and 2 can be found in Attachment A. Preschool and Special School learning environments are significantly different and are not represented in the classroom data of Attachment A.

(Copies of the Attachments are available at the Chamber Support Office).

(Question No 531)

Mr Doszpot asked the Minister for Education and Training, upon notice, on 9 February 2010:

(1) How many students in each ACT government school have been provided with laptop computers as part of the Commonwealth Government’s Computers in Schools program.

(2) What is the cost per laptop computer.

(3) What proportion of the entire cost of each laptop computer is funded by the (a) Commonwealth Government and (b) ACT Government.

(4) What proportion of the entire cost of each laptop computer is each student required to pay in exchange for the use of a laptop computer.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Under the Federal Government’s National Secondary Schools Computer Fund schools are entitled to receive not only laptops, but desktop computers and other ICT equipment. In the ACT, schools have been able to choose the types of devices they would like to best meet their needs. To date funding for the provision of 4518 ICT devices has been received and 3980 devices have been purchased and deployed to ACT public schools as follows:

Alfred Deakin


Dickson College


Amaroo School


Erindale College


Belconnen High School


Gold Creek School


Calwell High


Hawker College


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