Page 330 - Week 01 - Thursday, 11 February 2010

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MS BRESNAN: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, what role did ACT OH&S regulatory agencies play in checking or following up on installations when concerns emerged about the program rollout?

MR CORBELL: There have not been any matters brought to the attention of ACT regulatory authorities about poor installation. Mr Speaker, I have already answered that question.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, a supplementary?

MR SMYTH: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, have the ACT Fire Brigade or other government agencies received notification or information from other states or territories concerning insulation-related fire incidents?

MR CORBELL: They may have, but I am not aware of any, so I will take the question on notice and get back to the member.

Asbestos—management issues

MS BRESNAN: My question is to the Minister for Industrial Relations. Minister, recent government commentary has stated that the contractor at Pickles Auctions, Australasian Technical Services, is being held to the strictest possible conditions while they are being permitted to operate once again. Minister, if ATS is being held to the strictest possible conditions, what are the least strict conditions under which a company handling asbestos can operate?

MR BARR: As I understand, this may cross over into my portfolio area in relation to the constructions operations registrar. I will need to take some advice in relation to the standards that are in place. Suffice it to say that, with there being some enforcement and regulatory requirements that are conducted or inspected by my agencies and some policy settings that sit with others, we will need to get a whole-of-government response to this question. I am happy to take it on notice.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Bresnan, a supplementary?

MS BRESNAN: Thank you. To whoever is the responsible minister, is there evidence to suggest that, if ATS had been held under the strict conditions they are now subject to, the incident could have been prevented?

MR BARR: Again I will take that one on notice.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Hunter, a supplementary question?

MS HUNTER: Minister, in response to the Pickles auction house incident, has the government changed the conditions in which other asbestos operators can function?

MS GALLAGHER: That probably comes under my portfolio and a bit under the Office of Regulatory Services. There is, as members would know, a review currently

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