Page 4604 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 19 October 2010
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Mr Coe: You’re gutless, Andrew.
Mr Hargreaves: Point of order, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Stop the clocks, thank you.
Mr Hargreaves: I ask you, please, to ask Mr Coe to withdraw the word “gutless”.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Coe, that is unparliamentary language to be shouting across the chamber and I ask you to withdraw it.
Mr Doszpot: I think he is a coward actually, not gutless.
Mr Coe: I withdraw.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Coe. Mr Barr, you have the floor.
MR BARR: As I was saying, the government remains committed to achieving its budget targets as outlined in this year’s budget papers, and it was indeed a resolution of the Assembly, through the appropriation bills. That placed a requirement on ACT government agencies to achieve an efficiency dividend. In the case of the Department of Education and Training, that dividend is approximately $4 million each year.
Mr Seselja: You weren’t prepared to defend it, were you? You send your bureaucrats out.
Mr Smyth: You are just a jellyback.
MR BARR: It is a matter for the department to determine the application of that efficiency dividend in accordance—
Mr Smyth: Jellyback Barr. You are just a jellyback.
Mr Hargreaves: Point of order, Mr Speaker. I ask that you give us a parliamentary ruling on the word “jellyback”, please, and, if so, ask Mr Smyth, having tested it, to withdraw.
MR SPEAKER: I am afraid I actually did not hear it.
Mr Smyth: I did say “jellyback”.
Mr Hargreaves: Mr Speaker, he uttered it three times, on my count.
Mr Smyth: I am happy to say it. The man is a jellyback.
Mr Hargreaves: And while we are at it—
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