Page 4738 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 20 October 2010

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Federal Police would be available on the ACT Policing website. I can advise that that was made available from the website yesterday afternoon.

And yesterday in question time Ms Hunter asked me a question about how the ACT Policing recruitment drive is progressing. I can advise that as of today there have been 1,526 expressions of interest in the recruit positions on the ACT Policing website. Tomorrow ACT Policing will open their website for applications to commence. ACT Policing have scheduled three public information sessions to be held in coming weeks. These sessions were fully booked out as soon as they were made available, with 195 people interested in an ACT Policing career proposing to attend.

ACT Ambulance Service—recruitment

MR CORBELL: I have one other answer to a question I took on notice yesterday. Ms Le Couteur asked me a question relating to staffing of the ACT Ambulance Service. She asked me:

Can you update the Assembly on the success of the recruitment drives used to fill these new positions and how many of the 41 positions were filled?

I can advise that of the 41 additional positions funded by the government since 2007-08 the ACT Ambulance Service has so far recruited to 37 positions. It was anticipated that a number of individuals would be recruited during the current 2010-11 financial year to take up duties in the second half of the year. This is still expected to occur in the case of the four remaining positions.

Answer to question on notice

Question No 1057

MS HUNTER: Under standing order 118A, I seek an explanation from the Acting Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for unanswered question 1057, which was in regard to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research.

MR CORBELL: Ms Hunter, that outstanding question on notice was brought to my attention today. Due to an administrative error in the department it was not presented to the minister in a timely fashion. That has now been rectified, and I have signed off an answer to that question. It should be with you this afternoon.

Legislative Assembly—unparliamentary language

MR SMYTH: Mr Speaker, I seek your guidance on a matter that happened yesterday with the use of the word “jellyback”, which I was forced to withdraw. In searching the Hansard I noticed that on a number of occasions when Mr Stanhope used the word “jellyback” and it was brought to your attention, you simply made the statement, “Chief Minister, will you refer to other members by their names.” Could I have your guidance on why one part of this house gets to use members’ names and yet the other side of the house is forced to withdraw the word? And what is your ruling on the use of the word “jellyback”?

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