Page 5955 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 2010
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MR BARR: A number of consultations. I take the opportunity as tourism minister to meet regularly with various stakeholders. In fact, I was at the Canberra Business Council’s business, arts and tourism task force only yesterday morning.
MR HARGREAVES: A supplementary, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Hargreaves.
MR HARGREAVES: Minister, have you received unqualified support from those opposite in your attempts to bring significant tourism events to the ACT?
MR SPEAKER: Mr Doszpot, a supplementary question?
MR DOSZPOT: Minister, what consultation have you had with relevant organisations about plans for the accommodation industry in the ACT?
MR BARR: I met only in the last seven days with the Canberra Business Council’s business, arts and tourism task force and also with representatives of the National Capital Educational Tourism Project, most specifically in relation to the land release for low-cost accommodation for student groups. I think the auction for that land is next Wednesday. I continue to meet with relevant stakeholders across the tourism industry, and I look forward to continuing that engagement into the future.
MS PORTER: Mr Speaker, my question, through you, is to the Chief Minister. Chief Minister, CHC Affordable Housing has been a key player in delivering a number of government affordable housing initiatives. Can you detail the activities of CHC since its expansion in 2007?
MR STANHOPE: Thank you, Ms Porter, for the question. As members are aware, the ACT government released an affordable housing action plan in 2007.
Opposition members interjecting—
MR STANHOPE: Just to refresh my memory, Mr Speaker, has anybody been warned today, by any chance?
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Chief Minister.
MR STANHOPE: As part of the plan, CHC Affordable Housing was required to deliver 500 dwellings for affordable sale and 500 for affordable rental over 10 years. The government elected to support CHC in this target by entering into a five-year, $50 million finance agreement and a transfer of assets to the value of $40 million. The affordable housing action plan provided a framework for CHC to increase the supply of affordable housing for sale and rent to those on low and moderate income levels and established a clear set of expectations in relation to the company’s performance.
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