Page 329 - Week 01 - Thursday, 11 February 2010
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Just delightful! If only those opposite would widen their views. Next quote:
I love the Multicultural Festival because there is lots of yummy food and bright colours around awesome music from around the world.
These are but a few examples of our delightful children here in the ACT. I thank them and I thank the schools that promoted their being involved I look forward to the winners receiving their tickets to the movies and, indeed, the signed cricket sets.
Home insulation program
MR DOSZPOT: My question is to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. Minister, there has been extensive concern expressed across the Australian community about problems arising from the faulty installation of house insulation under the federal government’s insulation program. Minister, since the rollout of the federal government’s program, have any fire-caused determinations been made that house fires were caused by the installation of insulation?
MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, in respect of the fires that are currently being investigated by the coroner, the ACT Fire Brigade has identified that the use of insulation may have been a contributing factor and in all of those fires the insulation has been recently installed. Those fires occurred in the last two and a half months. Obviously, those matters are now before the coroner.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Doszpot, a supplementary question?
MR DOSZPOT: Minister, how many fire-caused determinations are pending in the ACT?
MR CORBELL: I do not know what a fire-caused determination is. It is not terminology that I use. I think I have answered the question. The fires that I am aware of that are under investigation are those fires that are currently before the coroner. Obviously the ACT Fire Brigade investigates all fires. They do that. The outcomes of those investigations? I am sorry, I do not have a list. I would have to go and ask.
But in relation to the matters that are before the coroner, as I have indicated, those fires have occurred in the last 2½ months. The ACT Fire Brigade has identified that insulation may have been a contributing factor, and the ACT Fire Brigade has determined that insulation was recently installed in relation to all of those fires. These are matters now properly before the coroner, and we will wait and see what the outcome is.
Mr Doszpot: Can you tell us how many?
MR CORBELL: There are three. I have already answered that question.
MR SPEAKER: Supplementary, Ms Bresnan?
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