Page 2614 - Week 06 - Thursday, 24 June 2010

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(5) How much is contributed and for what purpose is it contributed for those local shops referred to in part (4).

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Construction is programmed for completion in August 2010.

(2) The project budget is $1.6 million.

(3) Nil with the exception of some cleaning outside their shops that the businesses may undertake of their own accord.

(4) No contributions are made towards any maintenance or other recurrent costs relevant to unleased public open space at local shops.

(5) No contributions are made towards any maintenance or other recurrent costs relevant to unleased public open space at local shops.

Social welfare—low income families
(Question No 871)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 25 March 2010:

(1) How many families in the ACT are on low incomes and what is the source of the Government’s information.

(2) How many families on low incomes have children in childcare in the ACT, and how many children does each family have in childcare on average.

(3) How many people on low incomes receive some form of assistance from the ACT Government.

(4) What is the nature of the assistance referred to in part (3) and what is the total cost of each type of assistance.

(5) How many families in the ACT are considered middle income families and what is the source of the Government’s information.

(6) How many people on middle incomes in the ACT have children in child care, and how many children does each family have in childcare on average.

(7) How many families in the ACT are on single incomes and what is the source of the Government’s information.

(8) How many single income families have children in childcare and how many children does each family have in childcare on average.

(9) How many single income families in the ACT are considered to be on low incomes.

(10) What ACT Government support is provided to the families referred to in part (9), including any non-financial support and what is the total cost of the support.

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