Page 1123 - Week 03 - Thursday, 18 March 2010
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Mr Hargreaves: On a point of order, Mr Speaker, that is almost the exact question that Mr Hanson asked.
Mr Seselja: On the point of order, Mr Speaker, she did not answer it, and it is not the exact question. So the question has not been answered.
MR SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of order.
MS GALLAGHER: The reviewer was selected by ACT Health. The reviewer is a registered psychologist in the ACT and New South Wales, as well as a nationally accredited mediator with 30 years experience in workplace human relations. He has been a member of the ACT government panel of independent reviewers since 2005. He has undertaken numerous investigations and reviews for a number of ACT and commonwealth government agencies, and the outcomes of these processes were in accordance with the terms of reference.
MR SPEAKER: A supplementary, Mr Seselja?
MR SESELJA: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, will written submissions be accepted as part of the review and how are they to be submitted?
MS GALLAGHER: I understand written submissions will be accepted and have been.
Hospitals—Calvary Public Hospital and Clare Holland House
MRS DUNNE: My question is to the Minister for Health. Minister, can you advise the Assembly on the current status of the ACT government’s proposal to purchase Calvary hospital and sell Clare Holland House?
MS GALLAGHER: The Chief Minister and I met with the archbishop and Little Company of Mary representative, Tom Brennan, who is the Chair of Little Company of Mary Health Care; Mr Martin Laverty, the chief executive of Catholic Health Australia; Father Brian Lucas, secretary of the archbishops conference; and Sister Jennifer Barrow, the Province Leader of Little Company of Mary, I think early last week, to discuss the future arrangements with Calvary hospital.
We have put a preferred position to the archbishop and discussed with the Little Company of Mary, and, rather than have some squeals of secrecy being thrown at me, the preferred option that the government has put—
Mr Seselja interjecting—
MS GALLAGHER: Mr Seselja, you might actually want to listen to this: the preferred option that the government would like to pursue with Little Company of Mary is that we proceed to purchase the hospital and they continue to operate it.
MR SPEAKER: Mrs Dunne, a supplementary?
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