Page 1479 - Week 04 - Thursday, 25 March 2010

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Thursday, 25 March 2010

The Assembly met at 10am.

(Quorum formed.)

MR SPEAKER (Mr Rattenbury) took the chair and asked members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.


Ministerial response

The Clerk: The following response to a petition has been lodged by a minister:

By Mr Stanhope, Chief Minister, dated 4 March 2010, in response to a petition lodged by Mrs Dunne on 9 December 2009 concerning the sale of Block 8, Section 34 Hawker and the potential impact on the availability of adequate public parking for the Hawker Group Centre.

The terms of the response will be recorded in Hansard.

Planning—Hawker—petition No 105

The response read as follows:

Block 8 Section 34 Hawker was on the land release program to be sold in 2009/10. The LDA was proceeding with the sale when, due to the amount of public interest, the LDA was directed by the Assembly in March 2009 to defer the sale pending further community consultation and a planning study.

The initial consultation included a “drop in” session at the Hawker shops and two community meetings at the Christ Church in Hawker in September and October 2009.

On 3 December 2009, the government reported back to the Assembly on the outcomes of the community consultations and the planning study. The planning study recommended a comprehensive development of blocks 8 and 10 for mixed use development integrated with a public domain improvement program. The study found that there was a surplus of parking in the centre, it was poorly distributed. The recommended public domain improvement program proposed a redistribution of parking in the centre as well as an upgrade to Hawker Place to create a new main street for the centre.

A very successful community consultation session with Hawker businesses took place at Christ Church on Monday 8 February 2010 to discuss ongoing concerns of businesses about proposed sale of blocks 8 and 10 for mixed uses, including residential. The LDA also presented the findings of their planning study together with an associated public improvement program to coincide with the proposed sale.

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