Page 6224 - Week 14 - Thursday, 9 December 2010
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There is currently no rebate being developed that would apply to new houses that treat their own grey water.
I thank you for your continued interest in these matters. Should you wish to obtain further information about the LDA’s work in this area I invite you to contact Mr John Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, LDA.
ACT Public Cemeteries Authority—proposed southern cemetery site—Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Mr STANHOPE (in reply to a question by Ms Le Couteur):
The ACT Cemeteries Authority is currently preparing a business case for a southern cemetery and the report is due to the Government in December 2010. Among other interment options, the report will include a crematorium and a natural cemetery.
Emergency services—waste management—Thursday, 21 October 2010
Mr CORBELL (in reply to a question by Ms Bresnan):
I have been advised by TAMS of the following:
1. According to ACT NOWaste’s water extraction licence, water managed at the West Belconnen Resource Management Centre (WBRMC) is within the Lower Murrumbidgee Catchment, not the Ginninderra Creek Catchment. It should also be noted that the former West Belconnen Landfill accepted mostly relatively innocuous inert and solid waste and not waste that might generate toxic or hazardous leachate.
Areas within the WBRMC will be licensed to companies to allow soil from old petrol stations contaminated with low levels of hydrocarbons to be remediated. Contaminated soil from each site will be covered by a separate Environmental Authorisation (EA) from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and this will prevent leachates from leaving the site.
ACT NOWaste has an EA for the commercial landfill component of the WBRMC. All waste management activities on the site are conducted in accordance with this EA.
The EA prohibits discharge of leachate to surface waters outside the site and retention of all leachate on site in a leachate dam or for disposal in controlled ways. This has effectively prevented leachate leaving the site. It also requires regular monitoring of bores on the site to ensure that no leachate is leaving the site from old land filled areas that pre-date modern environmental landfill design. This monitoring has demonstrated that there is no problem with leachate leaving the site.
Another requirement is for ACT NOWaste to conduct regular water and soil monitoring activities. ACT NOWaste regularly reports to the EPA about these
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