Tuesday, 19 October 1993
Questions without notice:
Planning policies - Forrest meeting
Anti-apartheid building
Diesel fuel franchise fee
Education institution councils
ACTEW - engineering services
Planning variations - delays
Self-government legislation
Gungahlin golf course
Physical education in schools
Twin city relationships (Ministerial statement)
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993
Postponement of order of the day
Business Franchise (Tobacco and Petroleum Products) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Council of Australian Governments meeting
Petrol levy
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Mr George Snow
Adjournment debate speech
Wednesday, 20 October 1993
Discharge of orders of the day
Bail (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1992
Crimes (Offences against the Government) (Amendment) Bill 1992
Questions without notice:
Mental health services
Tourism Commission - advisory board
Postal and Customs services
Woden Valley Hospital - waiting list
ACTEW services
Hennessy House
Youth alcohol strategy
Dickson swimming centre
Hospital services
Auditor-General - report No 8 of 1993
Financial institutions (Ministerial statement)
Land (Planning and Environment) Act leases
Retail and commercial tenancies
Youth Ministers Council and national youth policy
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No 4)1993
Instruments (Amendment) Bill 1993
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 4) 1993
Land (Planning and Environment) (Consequential Provisions) (Amendment)
Bill (No 2) 1993
Thursday, 21 October 1993
Chiropractors and Osteopaths (Amendment) Bill 1993
Optometrists (Amendment) Bill 1993
Pharmacy (Amendment) Bill 1993 [No 2]
Food (Amendment) Bill (No 2)1993
Real Property (Amendment) Bill 1993
Real Property (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1993
Social Policy - standing committee
Precedence to private members business
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee
Public Accounts - standing committee
Questions without notice:
ACTION - work practices
Mental health crisis service
Youth unemployment
Mental health services
ACTEW - statutory basis of employment
Banking code of conduct
Disallowed question
Diesel fuel franchise fee
Blue-green algae
School bus services
National Festival of Australian Theatre
Health professionals - shift work
Bill of Rights
Government school funding
Tobacco Act - exemption (Ministerial statement)
Environment protection legislation
Precedence to executive business
Business Franchise (Tobacco and Petroleum Products) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993