Page 3890 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Government Schools - Sport and

Physical Education

MR CORNWELL - asked the Minister for Education and Training on notice on 12 October 1993:

(1) Is sport or physical education a compulsory subject to Year 10 in ACT government

schools and if not, why not.

(2) If it is a compulsory subject, how many hours per week are devoted to sport or

physical education.

MR WOOD - the answer to Mr Cornwells question is:

(1) My Department has a curriculum policy which ensures that all schools provide students

with a balanced curriculum encompassing the eight key learning areas.

One of these key learning areas is Health and Physical Education. Sport would be included as a part of physical education programs.

In ACT Government schools, students from kindergarten to Year 8 study all the eight key learning areas. In the later years of high school and secondary colleges, from Years 9 - 12; schools must offer a curriculum which provides students with access to all of the eight learning areas.

(2) Each school community in the ACT through its School Board determines its own

educational program within broad parameters set by the Department. As part of this

program each school is responsible for its own timetabling arrangements, including the

allocation of time to each learning area and to specific courses and programs. This

may vary. somewhat from school to school depending on the particular needs of each

school. There is no standard figure. for tune allocated to Physical Education and Sport

. for schools across the ACT.


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