Page 3657 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 20 October 1993

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MS ELLIS: My question is directed to the Deputy Chief Minister in his capacity as Minister for Health. Could the Minister inform the Assembly as to recent trends in the occurrence of tuberculosis?

MR BERRY: The trends, of course, have shown that there is a move in the incidence of tuberculosis in the community. There has been some discussion about the emergence of resistant strains. I see that Michael Moore might be in need of some attention. Have you checked what you just coughed up? The trend is that there is an increase in tuberculosis. I was pleased this morning that Mrs Carnell withdrew her Bill in relation to tuberculosis because, Madam Speaker, it is clear that her position was not well thought through. It was done on the back of an envelope. From my expert advice it was clear to me that it was most inappropriate for her to take that course.

We know about the increased emergence of TB in the community. There are a whole host of sources which have been widely publicised - for example, immigration. Certain countries have more TB than others, and of course there is a lot of immigration. People from Australia also go overseas and bring it back with them. It is something that we have to be very careful about. What I again caution against is creating panic on this issue. It is not an issue to panic about. We have the sorts of services in the ACT that can deal with it, and I think a cheap headline or two does not help us very much. We do not need to create panic. The community has to understand that we are aware of the issue and we are providing a service.

Tourism Commission - Advisory Board

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, my question is addressed to the Chief Minister. I refer the Chief Minister to her response to questions about Mr Charles Wright, the chairman of the ACT tourism advisory board, and his claimed "good business record". Does the Chief Minister consider that the failure to pay for supplies of a business is a good business practice? Specifically, is the Minister aware that in 1989 Mr Wright's company, CPP Communications Ltd, endorsed a cheque for $2,360.40 which subsequently bounced and which to this date has still to be honoured? Does she condone such a practice? If not, when will Ms Follett sack Mr Wright from the ACT tourism advisory board, in view of his disgraceful business conduct?

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, the disgraceful conduct is entirely on the other side of the house, in my view. What we have yet again is a personal attack on a member of this community who is offering his services to the rest of the community in this capacity as chairman of the tourism advisory board. Madam Speaker, I think it is utterly disgraceful that members opposite continually seek to exploit cheap political points not just about Mr Wright but about a whole range of people whom they have sought to denigrate in this fashion. I do not need to go much further than Mr Stan Aliprandi, if their memories can go back that far.

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