Page 3717 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Providing services, as I am sure members here will appreciate, is very difficult in terms of satisfying everybody fully. It is a difficult issue for families to deal with. Recognising that this area required further attention, in CHADS we were able to successfully obtain a Commonwealth special education grant for 1993 to employ a part-time social worker to implement a family-centred support program to work with families of young children with a severe disability. We will examine that program report, which is due in November 1993, and there will be some recommendations which flow from that. So there are some things going on in relation to this.

One other matter members might be interested in is that the NHMRC report on conductive education is expected to be released by the NHMRC council meeting on 3 and 4 November. That is another interesting facet of the debate which those who are not aware of it might be interested in. We are providing a quality service out there, on the evidence I have. I was reluctant to become involved in the debate, other than to raise those issues, given these thinly veiled comments about our service.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Motion (by Ms Ellis) agreed to:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent order of the day, No. 1, private members business, relating to the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment's discussion paper on feral animals and invasive plants, being called on forthwith.


Discussion P
aper on Feral Animals and Invasive Plants

Debate resumed from 14 September 1993, on motion by Mr Moore:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

MS ELLIS (11.37): It gives me great pleasure to address the discussion paper issued some time ago now, in September, by the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment relating to feral animals and invasive plants in the ACT. The work behind this paper has been quite considerable and, although some of the comments I shall make today were made on the tabling of the report, I think it is important to reiterate some of them.

The level of submissions received was impressive, not only in number but also in the detail in which they were presented to the committee. In some cases this can be a fairly scientific subject matter; in some cases a more simple one. I want to thank the people, both individuals and groups, who went to the trouble of putting submissions to the committee, in some cases followed up by appearance

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