Page 3897 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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"Murryong" Property

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning

In relation to the property known as "Murryong" (District of Kowen, Block 29, Kings Highway)

(1) Who holds the lease of "Murryong" and for how long has this person held the


(2) Is the property currently for sale and, if so, what are the terms of the

changeover of the lease into a new lessees hands (including asking price,

qualifications and expertise etc.)

(3) Is the property for sale (a) in its entirety or (b) only a part.

(4) If only a part of it is for sale (a) which part and (b) is the current lessee

intending to retain part of the lease.

(5) Prior to sale, what are the terms of its lease ie. what type of lease, withdrawal

clause, rent, rates, land tax, beginning and expiry dates, renewal options,

purpose clause and any other clauses relevant to that particular property.

Mr Wood - the answer to the Members question is as follows

(1) The lease is held in the names of Lyndsay Neilson and Barbara Norman. The

present lessees acquired the property from the previous lessee in March 1989.

(2) I understand the property is currently for sale: every rural lessee has the right

to sell his or her lease.

Should there be negotiations over a sale, my Department would consider a request to transfer the lease. Such approval would be subject to the new lessee demonstrating the expertise and financial resources necessary to manage a rural lease and to their entering into a Property Management Agreement. The "asking price" is not a factor considered in exercising this delegation under the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991.

(3) I am unaware whether all or part of the property is for sale. However, the

lessees currently have an application with my Department to subdivide the


(4) This is not a matter on which I can comment.


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