Page 3734 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I will be very brief because the question from Mr Humphries, in my view, quite clearly anticipates debate on the business franchise Bill, which is before the Assembly. I can advise that, if a business were to take the action Mr Humphries has outlined, I do not believe that that is a sensible decision in any way. The fact is that, if they are doing business in the Territory and they are seeking to use an exemption by purchasing fuel in New South Wales, the view of the New South Wales Commissioner of State Taxes is quite clear.

Mr Humphries: No, they are moving to New South Wales.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister is being most indulgent in offering an answer at all. I think you had better not interrupt.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, if the action I outlined were to occur, the New South Wales commissioner has made it quite clear that he would simply withdraw the permit. However, as the basis of Mr Humphries's question appears to be that this company would remove its entire operation to New South Wales, I consider that that would be an unjustified decision on the basis of the legislation before this Assembly. Anybody in business has to take into account a vast range of costs of doing business. They include things such as taxes, rent - all sorts of overheads. This proposed amendment to the concession regime is but one of them.

I think that what we are hearing is probably an emotional overreaction that, in the cold hard light of day and in the knowledge of the actual impact of this proposed amendment, these people may wish to reconsider. But the question is entirely hypothetical. I have not had the opportunity to discuss this in any way with Mr Corkhill. In addition, the legislation has not been passed, so it is entirely hypothetical.

Blue-Green Algae

MS SZUTY: My question without notice is to the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, Mr Wood. Last year, students at Tuggeranong College alerted residents in the area to an outbreak of blue-green algae in Lake Tuggeranong. Outbreaks were also recorded at Burrinjuck Dam, and there were reports of possible algae infestations of some outer reaches of Lake Burley Griffin. With summer approaching, what action has the Minister taken or will he be taking to monitor and warn ACT residents of outbreaks of blue-green algae in the ACT's rivers and lakes?

MR WOOD: I share Ms Szuty's concern about potential outbreaks of blue-green algae, heightened by the fact that there were some outbreaks in areas adjacent to the ACT in winter. That is a little alarming because normally it occurs in the summer, when there is a bit of heat, and the blooms develop from nutrients that are there. One of the major steps we have taken - it is a long-term step - is to give very active support to the Cooperative Research Centre on Freshwater Ecology, the centre which is being very well organised by Professor Peter Cullen from the University of Canberra. We have committed a large amount of money and a lot of in-kind assistance over a period, joining with other bodies to give that support. I think all of Australia would recognise that there is a great deal of research yet to be done.

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