Page 3886 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Yarralumla Woolshed - Damage

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning - in relation to your response to Question on notice. 897 regarding the Yarralumla Woolshed

(1) In addition to the "minor damage" which "occurred when a car struck one of the Woolsheds supporting pillars, knocking it out of alignment" is it true that (a) the ramp above the "supporting pillar" needed repair; (b) that the toilet facilities were damaged (including broken sewerage pipes, mens toilets and doors); (c) the majority of light bulbs and some light fittings were broken; and (d) cleaning up was not performed by the hirers.

(2) Is it true that some 4 days later, cleaning up and repairs were still being performed by a team of 6-8 workmen.

(3) Were these workmen contracted or were they Government officers.

(4) What costs can be accredited to these workmen (either contract costs or wages).

(5) If the Woolshed was not closed for several days while damage was being repaired, why did an officer of the office of Sport and Recreation request that prospective hirers of the Woolshed delay their inspection for a few days because "the sewerage pipes are broken".

(6) Why did repairmen who were repairing the ramp advise those prospective hirers that the damage was structural.

(7) If the mens toilet door was not damaged by the hirers why was a new unpainted door freshly fitted after that hiring.

(8) Prospective hirers of the shed are advised that the $150 bond is to ensure cleaning after an event - if the hirer does not leave the shed clean they lose their bond. If "approximately $150" "has been deducted from the security deposit" which supposedly covers the cost of cleaning which had not been performed (rubbish and broken glass was still in the shed several days later; how will the cost of repairs be recovered.


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