Page 3911 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Fairbairn Park

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning

In relation to the Fairbairn Park Motorsport Complex and the five sporting bodies which use it

(1) What is the present leasing situation of the Complex to those organisations.

(2) Do those five organisations operate on a month-to-month basis.

(3) Has consideration been given to leasing to those organisations on a "limited

individual tenure" basis; if not, why not.

(4) Is restrictive short-term tenure preventing long-term planning for maintenance

of the facility.

Mr Wood - the answer to the Members question is as follows

(1) A lease was granted to the Fairbairn Park Control Council Inc. for the period

1 June 1986 to 31 May 1987. The previous 10 year lease had been granted in 1976.

Since 1987, the lease has been extended on a quarterly basis.

(2) No.

(3) Consideration has not been given to issuing individual leases. Successive

Governments have continued a policy of fostering cooperation between

sporting bodies to establish a single management group to administer such

facilities. With motorsports facilities in particular, a single management group

is likely to be better able to negotiate more favourable public risk and other

insurance matters. In addition, if the leases were to be granted individually the

Government would be responsible for a major infrastructure upgrade. There

would also be less likelihood of ongoing coordination of the events.

(4) The Government is aware of the needs of the Council and planning studies are

underway to examine the facility.

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