Page 3899 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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"Murryong" Property

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning.

In relation to the property known as "Murryong" (District of Kowen, Block 29, Kings Highway)

(1) Why has a "preliminary assessment" been prepared for your Department: (a)

who has requested it; (b) who has paid for it and (c) what was its cost.

(2) What is the proposed variation of the lease.

(3) Is the proposed variation being discussed with prospective buyers as an

alternative use for the property.

(4) What is the purpose of the preliminary assessment report.

(5) Why is the property being subdivided.

(6) What portions are being subdivided and who will lease these portions.

(7) If subdivision is permitted and the property is broken up into smaller

holders (sic) for int.nsive commercial enterprises such as viticulture or

horse agistment, will the property be leased as a commercial lease(s),

thereby paying land tax, rates and annual rent at corresponding levels; if

not, why not.

(8) What development will follow the subdivision and who will pay any costs

incurred in the subdivision.

(9) Why is your Department looking at subdividing this particular ACT rural

lease when its policy elsewhere in the Territory is to amalgamate smaller

holdings to produce larger, more viable holdings such as this.

Mr Wood -the answer to the Members question is as follows

(1) In. assessing the proposal. lodged. under the. Land. (Planning and

Environment) Act 1991 to subdivide this block,. my Department was keen to

address any environmental factors which may arise. The lessees, at their

expense, were required to undertake a Preliminary Assessment, as required

by the legislation.

(2) The variation sought is to subdivide into blocks of 228.9 hectares and 92.77

hectares, and to change the purpose clause to allow viticulture and horse

agistment in addition to grazing.


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