Page 3912 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Health Department - Driving

Instruction Classes

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for Health

1. Are Government cars, for example ACT 203506, seen recently in Tomes Street, Red Hill, being used by your Department for driving instruction classes.

2. If so, who are the people receiving instruction and why can they not be taught by private driving schools.

3. Who is conducting this instruction and what other duties are performed by this officers) for your Department.

4. What qualifications for driving training are held by this officer(s).

5. Do the vehicles used for such driving instruction have dual controls and, if not, why not.

6. What is the estimated cost of conducting these driving instruction classes and is this normal practice of a Health Department.

Mr Berry - the answer to Mr Cornwells questions are:

1. One ACT Health vehicle, 203506, is currently used to conduct driving instruction classes.

2. The vehicle is used by Rehabilitation and Aged Care Services (RACS) to conduct the Driver Assessment and Training Program for people with disabilities as part of their rehabilitation program. The Program is carried out by RACS as private driving instruction schools do not have access to vehicles with the necessary modifications to train people with disabilities.

3. Mr John Hebron of Hebron Partners conducts the instruction of learner drivers with disabilities. Mr Hebron is employed as a contractor on a fee for service basis.

4. Mr Hebron is the chief instructor with the driving school Hebron and Partners and is a qualified driver education consultant of high standing.

5. One vehicle only is used for the program. This vehicle is fully equipped for training people with disabilities and includes dual controls.

6. There is no cost to ACT Health as clients pay a fee to RACS which includes administration of the program. Several Rehabilitation Services conduct similar programs to the RACS Driver Assessment and Driver Training Program.

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