Page 3561 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 19 October 1993

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Mr Humphries: Oh, come on!

MR BERRY: They all chuckle because they think ACTTAB is just a big joke. It provides a lot of employment here in the ACT, it ensures that the racing industry is viable, and, of course, it is now performing better under Labor, and you do not like it.

Mr Humphries: Would you accept blame if it had rained that day?

MR BERRY: The $26m man chirps up. He goofed off - - -

Mr Humphries: I will raise $26m for you any time.

MR BERRY: I would be quiet when it comes to talking about performance, Mr Humphries, if I were you.

Mr De Domenico: How many are on the waiting list today, Minister? Did they all have a bet too?

MR BERRY: Do not worry about that. They will all be looked after under Labor. The recent performance of ACTTAB is a clear message to those who have supported its privatisation, including Mr De Domenico. It is a very efficient community asset in the hands of government, and it is continuing to provide a return for punters, as I have said, the racing industry and the ACT community, so I think it is good news. The Liberals would not like it, of course. It is good news for the TAB, good news for the racing industry, and good news for the community, this Government and this Assembly, except for the Liberals.

Anti-Apartheid Building

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, my question without notice is to the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, Mr Wood. Noting that F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela jointly were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this week for their successful joint efforts to bring about an end to apartheid in South Africa, and given the universal acceptance of this award by the international community, what justification is there for the ACT Government continuing to disgrace a foreign mission by allowing the anti-apartheid shack to remain outside the South African Embassy?

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, I am pleased that Mr De Domenico has acknowledged the work of Nelson Mandela. I had some doubts about him at one stage.

Mr De Domenico: I have acknowledged it for months and for years, Mr Wood.

MR WOOD: Thank you, Mr De Domenico. I have to say that the ACT Government did not put that edifice on that site.

MR DE DOMENICO: I ask a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. Noting that you are the Minister responsible for that area of land, have you received documentation or applications for that edifice to be on that site? If those documents have been received, do they comply with the current Territory Plan? If not, will you remove the shack?

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