Page 3569 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 19 October 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: I gave directions to Mr Humphries last week, as I remember, to focus on his own involvement in that particular issue. Is that not so, Mr Humphries?

Mr Humphries: Yes, you did.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Lamont, I would caution you to do the same.

MR LAMONT: Thank you. Madam Speaker, this afternoon I have asked one question. The other two members of the back bench of the Labor Party have asked one question each. It is interesting to note that, out of the six members of the Opposition, nine questions have been asked in this question time by them.

Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I think Mr Lamont has finished now. The point is well taken, Mr Humphries.


MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): Madam Speaker, pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989, I present subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of gazettal notices for regulations.

The schedule read as follows:

Landlord and Tenant Act - Landlord and Tenant Regulations (Amendment) - No. 39 of 1993 (S214, dated 18 October 1993).

Medical Practitioners Act - Medical Practitioners (Advertising) Regulations (Amendment) - No. 38 of 1993 (S214, dated 18 October 1993).

Ministerial Statement

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer): Madam Speaker, I ask for leave of the Assembly to make a ministerial statement on twinning relationships between Canberra and other places.

Leave granted.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, members. I would like to bring Assembly members up to date with progress on the question of formal sister or twin city relationships between Canberra and overseas cities. Madam Speaker, twinning has long been encouraged by the United Nations as a means of constructively promoting world peace and cultural diversity. All Australian capital cities have twinned with particular overseas cities. The States have also formed international sister province relationships.

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