Page 3658 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 20 October 1993

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Madam Speaker, the purpose of Mr De Domenico's question is not to elicit information that might be useful to this Assembly. It is merely to carry on a vendetta against a particular member of this community. It is a smear campaign that I think is a disgrace to this Assembly. Madam Speaker, I stand by my claim that Mr Charles Wright is a businessman in good standing in this community and that he is doing an excellent job as the chair of the tourism advisory board. Members have only to look at the recent results in tourism in this Territory to know that that is the case. I know that it does not suit Mr De Domenico at all, but they are the facts, Madam Speaker. As well as that, if you look at the recent success of ACT institutions at the national tourism awards, that fact is further borne out. Tourism in this Territory is performing extremely well and Mr Wright's contribution is no small part of that.

Madam Speaker, members opposite can smear and denigrate people all they like. It will not change my opinion. It only reinforces my opinion of them. I can imagine, Madam Speaker, how many people there are out in the community who are worried, frightened, in fear for their own livelihoods, because of the actions that continue to be taken by the members of this Opposition. I think they are a disgrace.

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table two documents - first, the bounced cheque and, secondly, a document confirming that the cheque bounced.

Leave not granted.

Postal and Customs Services

MR STEVENSON: My question is addressed to the Chief Minister in her capacity as Minister handling intergovernment relations. It concerns mail in Canberra and involves Customs and Australia Post. There are two areas - one with dead letters, the other with parcels arriving from overseas. I believe once parcels from overseas would have been delivered directly to Canberra and cleared through a local Customs section. Concerns that have been conveyed to me by a number of individuals and businesses in Canberra - - -

Mr Berry: They are wasting their time talking to you; they should go and talk to the post office.

MR STEVENSON: If they knew that you were in here, Wayne, they might think it would be a good idea. First of all, perhaps the Chief Minister could ask about the potential for the re-establishment of a Customs section at the Fyshwick Mail Exchange. At the moment the mail goes to the Clyde Mail Exchange and there are a number of demurrage costs and delays because of that. Sometimes business people in Canberra drive up to Sydney and find it very difficult to get their parcels on time. The second point has to do with dead letters - that is, a letter or a parcel that does not - - -

Mr Wood: Is this a speech or a question?

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