Page 3622 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 19 October 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Carnell, it is 9.30 pm. I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Petrol Levy

MR HUMPHRIES (9.30): Members opposite seem to have convinced themselves that when the Liberal Party moved last Wednesday the disallowance motion dealing with the increase in the petrol levy the ACT was going to lose $26m a year. I know that it is a good story and I hate to shatter their lovely line, but I would direct members' attention to the Subordinate Laws Act, section 6, subsection (9), which states:

Where -

(a) a subordinate law or a provision of a subordinate law ... ceases to have effect under this section -

that is, it is disallowed -


(b) the relevant law repealed, in whole or in part, a previous law that was in force immediately before the relevant law commenced -

in other words, exactly the situation where an increase in the petrol levy was being disallowed -

the previous law is revived from and including the date on which the relevant law ceased to have effect, as if the relevant law had not been made.

I can see that those opposite are very disappointed in me for having said that. I have given you a week to have some fun. I hope that you have enjoyed the last week.

Mr George Snow

MR LAMONT (9.32): Madam Speaker, I rise to speak on the matter of the recent resignation and imminent departure of that erstwhile economic adviser to the ACT Government, Mr Snow, who has made criticisms about what he says has been the Government's failure to listen to his advice. Let me say quite honestly that I come not to praise Mr Snow but, indeed, to bury him. Mr Snow is chair of the ACT Chamber of Commerce.

Mr Humphries: No; wrong.

Mr De Domenico: Canberra Business Council.

MR LAMONT: I am pleased that at least the Liberal Party are unaware, as are most of the rest of Canberra, about the history of Mr Snow. If you go back before the Business Council was operating in the ACT, Mr Snow was a very active member of that organisation.

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