Page 3665 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 20 October 1993

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MR BERRY: There is no doubt that the committee's report was comprehensive, and a whole-of-government response is required. The level of response requires considerable coordination, and I am advised that that is currently being developed. ACT Health is currently consulting on the development of a youth alcohol action plan for the ACT which will be launched on 10 November 1993, according to my advice. This plan is broadly consistent with the recommendations made in the select committee's report.

So we are getting on with it, Madam Speaker, and I am sure that a comprehensive report will be available for consideration by members of the Assembly once it has been prepared. I would like members to bear in mind that a considerable amount of coordination is required in putting together that response. On the face of it, that is an explanation of why there is some delay. In relation to action on the matter, we are developing our plan and, as I have said, the proposed launch date is 10 November 1993.

Dickson Swimming Centre

MR MOORE: My question is also directed to Mr Berry, but in his capacity as Minister for Sport. Madam Speaker, because there is some detail in this question, I gave the Minister notice earlier today. Minister, can you explain how much money has been spent on the upgrade of the Dickson pool over the last couple of years? Did the money include an upgrade of the boilers at the Dickson pool? You would be aware, Minister, that some people buy season tickets for approximately $170 and they may at this moment be feeling very badly done by, because only a week-and-a-half after opening for this season the pool is running at about 20 degrees centigrade, which contrasts with normal running temperatures of pools at this time of the year of around 26 to 28 degrees. The manager has explained to his members that the boiler is not functioning from about 11.00 pm onwards.

MR BERRY: I thank the member for the question, Madam Speaker. I understand that over the last week the boiler at Dickson Swimming Centre has failed intermittently, usually overnight, which confirms the point you raised with me, Mr Moore. One of my staff members told me that a relative had gone to the swimming pool a week or so ago and found it to be exceedingly warm, so the boiler might have worked in the opposite direction on the day that she was there.

ACT Public Works officers have attended the pool on six occasions in the last week and have carried out investigations into the fault. It looks as though those officers do not have the magic wand that Mrs Carnell would like the Government to have in relation to certain matters, so they are having some difficulty with the fault. Despite their work, the fault has not been eliminated. A boiler contractor is continuing to work on the problem. It is obviously some testy little problem that needs a fair bit of sorting out by a technician. The Government, of course, regrets the inconvenience to Dickson pool patrons which has been caused by the faulty boiler, and I can assure the Assembly that everything possible is being done to locate the cause of the problem and to repair the boiler as quickly as possible.

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