Page 3712 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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The introduction of computer systems in the keeping of the land titles register is an important step forward in the provision of services to land-holders and conveyancers in the ACT. It will enable the Registrar-General to take full advantage of the available technologies. The introduction of automation to the register will place the ACT in the forefront of an Australia-wide move to computer based systems of titles information.

This Bill is part of the legislative package necessary to achieve automation of processes within the land titles section of the Registrar-General's Office. The amendments in this Bill and in the Real Property (Amendment) Bill 1993 go hand in hand to give the flexibility in the relevant legislation to allow for records to be kept in electronic form and in other media. This will enable a smooth transition to be made from a paper based system of records relating to land titles to a system which encompasses a range of available media. This package gives sufficient scope to allow the Registrar-General to take advantage of further technological developments in the future if they are appropriate to the maintenance of the register. The Bill ensures that Acts which cross-reference with the Real Property Act are kept up to date with these developments. Madam Speaker, I present an explanatory memorandum to the Bill.

Debate (on motion by Mr Humphries) adjourned.

Reference - Early Intervention Services for Children

MRS CARNELL (Leader of the Opposition) (11.18): I move:

That the Standing Committee on Social Policy -

(1) inquire into and report on the provision of early intervention services to children of 0-5 years in the ACT who have been identified as experiencing developmental delays and/or disabilities of any kind including:

(a) the philosophical premise and/or model which underlies the provision of services;

(b) the extent and frequency of availability of services;

(c) gaps which can be identified in the provision of services with regard to the range of services available and the severity of disabilities of the children concerned;

(d) the degree to which the provision of services is integrated and co-ordinated;

(e) the desirability of incorporating conductive education into the range of early intervention services available to children;

(f) any related matters which may arise; and

(2) the Committee is required to report to the Assembly by the last sitting day of June 1994.

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