Page 3739 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Government School Funding

MR CORNWELL: My question is addressed to the Minister for Education. I refer to the ALP 1991 platform, and specifically to the education resolutions at page 32:

... a re-elected Labor Government in its first year will:

1. Expand funding to ACT government schools at the school level.

I ask: Why did the Government break this promise in its 1992-93 budget and again in its 1993-94 budget, when on each occasion it proposed a cut of approximately $3.4m?

MR WOOD: At least Mr Cornwell has been doing some sound reading, and I commend him for that. It might help him in his own policies. Mr Cornwell's approach in these matters of economic restraint is to close down schools. I will not ask him for any details of that, because I do not want him to mention any schools - and I know that he would not - as that could have a fairly disastrous impact. I think the matter has been fairly well debated since the budget, and I am happy to have more debate. There certainly was not much debate ahead of the budget.

Mr Cornwell, I am sure, well understands the economic constraints, the massive reduction in funding to the ACT from the Commonwealth, the very considerable acceleration of the move back to State levels of expenditure. If he does not understand those things, I think it is a bit late to come into the debate.

Ms Follett: I ask that further questions be placed on the notice paper.


MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): Madam Speaker, for the information of members, I present the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme annual report 1992-93, pursuant to section 35 of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1983; and the Legal Aid Commission annual report 1992-93, together with the financial statements and Auditor-General's report, pursuant to the Legal Aid Act 1977.

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