15 Feb 2000 - 7 Dec 2000 Speech Indexes
detail, debated at the detail stage; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; qn, question on notice;
B | C | H | K | M | O | Q | R | S | T | W |
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 468
Reconciliation, 1714
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, prin, 867, detail, 888
Agents (Amendment) Bill 1998, prin, 207, detail, 407, 415
Alcohol, New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3250
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1823, detail, (Auditor-General) 2175, (Chief Minister’s) 2214, (Superannuation Unit) 2280, (Urban Services) 2322, (Education and Community Services) 2350, 2439
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2777
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1184, 2830qn
Bruce Stadium -
Olympic football, 2540q, 2643q, 2875q
Turf, 2749q
Budget -
CIT funding, 1668q
Debate, 1823
Business, incentives, 2914q
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, staff cuts, 1472q
Compensation, workers compensation, 1761, 3794
Consumer protection, business agents, 207
Courts and tribunals -
Magistrates Court, 1338, 2670, 2950
Mandatory sentencing, 468, 1714
Restraining orders, 1338
Crime -
Statistics, 2544
Statute of limitations, 3200
Victims, 2937
Dangerous Goods Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2888
Development -
Urban infill, 3428
Urban open space, 3387q
Disabled persons, services, 2182
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2415
Education -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1648, 1685, 3011
Canberra Institute of Technology, 1668q
Expenditure, 919
International Hotel School, 3838q
Schools -
Development, 1495
Finances, 39q
Literacy and numeracy outcomes, 3592qn
Non-government, 3954qn
Retention rates, 1943qn
Yarralumla Primary School, 2151q
Teachers, 3820
University accreditation, 3018, 3020
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2972, detail, 3114
Electricity and Water Authority -
Merger proposal, 443q, 521q, 601q, 645, 812, 850, 860, 2503
Employment and unemployment -
Apprentice of the Year Award, 2882
Environment and conservation, waste management strategy, 1308
Finance, Territory assets, sale, 359q
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3615, detail, 3661, 3669, 3675, 3685, 3696
Government -
Carnell, Ms K., 316qn, 902, 2483qn, 3151
Feel the Power campaign, 2817
Freedom of information, 395
Moore, Mr M., Dr Jeans’ remarks, 2027
Health -
Artificial conception, 2777
Occupational health and safety, 1013, 1239, 1848, 1863, 2886, 3350
Psychologists, 3919
Hospitals, Canberra Hospital -
Criticism, 1998q
Safety, 2261
Housing -
Policy, 3884
Wall insulation, 2819qn
International affairs -
China, 3056
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3070
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Administration and Procedure, 504
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 16, 919, 3820
Finance and Public Administration, 2728
Interaction with government, 504
Justice and Community Safety, 569, 1295, 1538, 2128, 2160, 2171
Privileges, 1907
Public Housing, 3884
Workers’ Compensation System, 1761
Duncan, Mr T., 902
Imputations, 1529
Language -
‘May have misled’, 527
‘Struthioid’, 524
Points of order, 37, 260, 362, 522, 534, 601, 604, 605, 608, 679, 873, 875, 1049, 1284, 1285, 1472, 1521, 1523, 1571, 1659, 1842, 1995, 2122, 2124, 2235, 2392, 2402, 2530, 2535, 2544, 2867, 2919, 2922, 3286, 3379, 3384, 3612, 3623, 3752, 3756, 3148
Reflection on a vote, 1901
Sitting pattern, 3141
Standing orders, 3152, 3157, 3197
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3250
Magistrates Court Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1338, 2670, detail, 2950
Occupational Health and Safety (Amendment) Bill 2000, prin, 1013, detail, 1863
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1848
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 2886, 3200
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 4), prin, 3350
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, detail, 2597
Planning, legislation, 3070
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3919
Public Sector Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3922
Public Service, outsourcing, 2995q
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, detail, 199
Roads -
Gungahlin Drive extension, 1362q
Northbourne Avenue, 2246q, 2817
School zones, 1009
Traffic legislation, 1113, 1117
Traffic offences, 199
Social welfare, funding, 2728
Sport and recreation -
Belconnen swimming pool, 3508q, 3583
Canberra Capitals, 902
Drag-racing, 2622
Ovals, 3293q
V8 supercar race, 3631q
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2415
Taxation -
Fringe benefits tax, 1041q, 1289q
Goods and services tax, 954q
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3774, 3786
Tourism, Canberra Visitors Centre, 912qn
Trade unions, Picnic Day, 1220qn
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2937
Vocational Education and Training Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3018, detail, 3020
Women -
International Women’s Day, 709
Legal Centre, 264q
Workers’ Compensation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 3794
Works, program, 3856
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 463
Reconciliation, 1704
Report, implementation, 284
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, prin, 871
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001 detail, (Chief Minister’s) 2180, (Chief Minister’s) 2219, (ACT Executive) 2225, (Health and Community Care) 2306, 2440
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1506, 2764, detail, 2772
Arts and letters -
Cultural Facilities Corporation, 2457
Festival funding, 910qn
Funding, 1688
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 953q, 1029q, 1032q, 1036q, 1172, 1193, 1385, 2830qn
Bender, Miss K., death, coroner’s report, 29q, 279
Bruce Stadium -
Agreements, 349q, 353q, 433q, 773q
Attendance figures, 557qn
Auditor-General’s report, 2865q, 2879q
Canberra Cosmos, 2148q
Events, 773q
Functions, 520q
Leasing arrangements, 48q
Marketing, 1570q
Olympic football, 2540q, 2635q, 2640q, 2646q, 2651q, 2745q, 2872q, 2876q, 2925q, 2990q
Open day, 1212qn
Press facilities, 613q
Redevelopment, 530q, 531q, 612q, 793q, 2136q, 2232q
Rock concert, 598q, 609q, 677q, 691q, 768q, 771q, 799q, 1344, 1408, 1568q, 2753q, 3302q
Rugby grand final, 1569q
Television rights, 366q
Turf, 2735q, 2736q, 2746q, 2750q
Video replay board, 1222qn
Business -
Australian Optic Fibre Research Pty Ltd, 911qn
Biotechnology industry, 1363q
Gates, Mr B., 3297q
Incentives, 2912q, 2915q, 2996q
Information technology, 2641q
Promotion Centre, Regatta Point, 3125qn
Toorallie Woollen Mills, incentives, 2490qn
Chief Minister's Department, commercial information, 449q
Children, surrogacy, 1506
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 147, 156, 159
Clark, Mrs D., death, 1621
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, staff cuts, 1472q
Computers, Windows 2000, 3749q, 3835q
Courts and tribunals –
Defamation, 1933qn
Mandatory sentencing, 41q, 463, 177q, 273q, 1704
Curtis, Professor L., death, 2099
Development -
Federal Golf Club, 3368
Regional cooperation, 1034q
Section 56, Civic, 2543q
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2390
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 601q, 2034, 2184, 2205, 2495, 2533q
Employment and unemployment -
Jobs creation, 3841q
Jobs growth, 757q
Unemployment rate, 2988q
Finance -
Community councils, 3123qn
Federal budget, 1461q
Purchase agreements, 1601
Gambling, online betting, 2013
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3602, detail, 3663
Government -
Administrative arrangements, min st, 1672
Anniversary, 900
Canberra Connect, customer service, min st, 3012
Carnell, Ms K., 316qn, 2483qn, 2653
Ministerial arrangements, 253
Ministerial responsibility, 2638q, 3138qn
Ministerial travel, 358q, 2008
State of the Territory Report, 287, 769q
Health, artificial conception, 2764, 2772
Hope, AD, death, 2706
Hospitals, Canberra Hospital, finances, 271q
Housing, Waldorf Apartments, 3377q
Intergovernmental relations -
Ministerial Council meetings, 3131qn
National scheme commitments, 2470qn
International affairs -
Brunei, 2755
New Zealand, min st, 1052, 2756
Keys, Sir William AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 1333
Kingston, population statistics, 1957qn
Legislative Assembly -
Art works, display, 3836q
Business, 3023
Committees -
Administration and Procedure, 501
Annual reports, 2961
Finance and Public Administration, 539, 1478, 1601, 1604, 2034, 2205
Interaction with government, 501
Justice and Community Safety, 577
Duncan, Mr T., 900
Legislative program, min st, 125, 2546
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., final statement, 3927
Staff, 1449
Naming of public servants, 1051
Papers, 454, 1673, 2008, 2155, 2546, 2651, 2652, 3314
Points of order, 277, 522, 533, 1370, 1999, 2377, 3301
Oliphant, Sir Marcus, death, 2703
Olympics 2000, 439q, 452q, 1045q, 3207qn
Planning, Bruce Precinct Association, 1205qn
Prisons and prisoners, facility, 1800q
Public Service -
Annual reports, 1476
Canberra Show display, 721
Executive contracts, min st, 188, 454, 1052, 1378, 1673, 2155, 2652, 2929
Fit and proper persons, 1935qn
Independent assessment, 279
Management, min st, 1298, 2254
Outsourcing, 2995q
Resignations, 1457q
Review, 29q
Second jobs, 560qn
Temporary accommodation allowance, 49q, 559qn
Sport and recreation -
Australian Football League, 2646q
Canberra Cosmos, 956q
Canberra Raiders, 349q, 353q, 433q
V8 supercar race, 1207qn, 1214qn, 1654q, 2000q, 2152q, 2493qn, 2984q, 3314, 3591qn, 3631q
Stadiums Corporation Bill 1999, prin, 320, detail, 322, 326
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2390
Taxation, reform, 394
Tourism -
Canberra Convention Bureau, 1215qn
Canberra Visitors Centre, 912qn
Trade, CanTrade, 2477qn
Trade unions -
Membership, 680q
Picnic Day, 1220qn
Transport -
Bus charters, 2832qn
Walsh, Mr G., death, 2101
Women, International Women’s Day, min st, 695
Wright, Ms J., death, 2105
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (Chief Minister’s) 2218, (Urban Services) 2315, (Education and Community Services) 2354, 2429
Aviation, Canberra International Airport, 3228qn
Bruce Stadium -
Agreements, 353q
Media facilities, 441q
Olympic football, 2990q
Rock concert, 1406
Budget, planning and land management, 1658q, 1670q
Building and construction, Master Builders Association awards, 2476qn
Commissioner for the Environment Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3559, detail, 3562
Cotter River Repeal Bill 2000, prin, 552
Courts and tribunals, witnesses, 3196
Development -
Applications, 2082, 2087, 2089
Belconnen markets, 3322
Deakin, 3247
Federal Golf Club, 3365
Griffith Primary School site, 2914q
Mawson/Athllon Drive corridor, 3727, 3739
Red Hill, 1515, 2162, 2170, 2761
Report, 964
Rural residential, 3319
Sports ovals, 2533q, 2635q, 2740q
Tuggeranong Lake foreshore, 3539
Urban infill, 3378q, 3389q, 3424, 3428
Urban open space, 3504q
Yarralumla Brickworks, 3416, 3463
Dogs, control, 3267, 3273, 3326, 3328, 3330, 3334
Domestic Animals Bill 2000, prin, 3267, detail, 3273, 3326, 3328, 3330, 3334
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2407
Education, schools -
Stromlo High School, 692q, 719
Work for the dole, 741
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2970
Electricity and Water Authority -
Merger proposal, 599q, 749, 764q, 834
Utilities legislation, 492, 494, 499
Employment and unemployment, Gungahlin, 951q
Environment and conservation -
Air pollution, wood heating, 2684, 2691, 2695
Central Canberra,World Heritage, 3789
Cork plantation, 3951qn
Cotter River, 552
Gold Creek Homestead, 3628q
Noise pollution, 3228qn
Regional forest agreement, 164
Trees, 1269
Environment Protection Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 670, detail, 718
Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2691, 2695
Finance -
Community councils, 3123qn
Government expenditure, 1970, 1985
Fisheries Bill 2000, prin, 2090, detail, 2093
Government, contracts, 43q, 175q
Green, Mr D., death, 1618
Hospitals -
Canberra Hospital, intensive care nurses, 2140q, 2251q
Waiting times, 1571q
Housing -
Policy, 3871
Red Hill, 2242q
Kingston, population statistics, 1957qn
Land -
999-year leases, 217
Block 689, Majura, 2466qn
Releases, 3129qn
Surplus properties, 2485qn
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1998, prin, 1065, detail, 1072
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill 1999, prin, 1315, 1321
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2082, detail, 2087, 2089
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1197
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 1623
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3062,
detail, 3078, 3081Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 5), prin, 3349
Land Titles Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3257
Legislative Assembly -
Business, 1757
Committees -
2001-2002 Budget, 3179
Administration and Procedure, 505
Education, 741
Estimates 2000-01, 1441, 1773, 1774, 1966, 1970, 1985
Interaction with government, 505
Planning and Urban Services, 480, 492, 494, 499, 501, 582, 964, 1269, 1515, 3017, 3196, 3319, 3322, 3489, 3539, 3858
Privileges, 1776, 1842, 1905, 1911, 1912, 1920
Public Housing, 3871
Members, Hargreaves, Mr J., leave of absence, 124
Points of order, 37, 169, 260, 522, 533, 534, 535, 537, 572, 573, 604, 606, 760, 819, 852, 863, 1284, 1571, 1791, 2005, 2534, 2739, 2917, 2918, 3285, 3301, 3378, 3383, 3626
Privilege, 1598
Reflection on a vote, 1898
Master Builders Association, awards, 3205qn
Noel Butlin Archives, importance, 3430
Planning -
Advisory committees, 1458q
Authority, 1623
Chief planner, 260q
Legislation, 1065, 1072, 3062, 3078, 3081
Proposals, 217
Territory Plan, variation, 2162, 2170
Planning and Land Management Group, staff, 3956qn
Public Service -
Energy costs, 313qn
Temporary accommodation allowance, 49q, 559qn
Roads -
Gungahlin Drive extension, 1284q, 1370q, 1541
School zones, 1008
Sport and recreation -
Canberra Raiders, 353q
Sportsgrounds, sale, 2003q
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2407
Taxation -
Goods and services tax, 1043q
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3781
Transport -
ACTION, Civic ticket office, 2874q
Taxis and hire cars, 3489
Urban Services portfolio, reviews, 1958qn
Utilities Bill 2000, prin, 3563
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee, 257q, 290q
Education, 1682
Mandatory sentencing, 461
Reconciliation, 1707, 1720, 2608
Appropriation Bill 1999-2000 (No 3), prin, 2056
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (Urban Services) 2312, (Justice and Community Safety) 2337
Bruce Stadium -
Events, 772q
Budget, ACTION services, 1663q
Building and construction, industry audits, 1372q
Business, Toorallie Woollen Mills, incentives, 2490qn
Children, criminal responsibility, 659
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 659
Construction Practitioners Registration Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3923
Courts and tribunals -
Defamation, 2711
Mandatory sentencing, 461, 1707, 1720
Crime -
Increases, 1467q
Motor vehicle theft, 908qn
Rates, 2247q
Statistics, 2647q
Surveillance cameras, 949q
Victim assistance, 2047
Dairying, Milk Authority, 1888
Development -
Regional cooperation, 1034q
Torrens petrol station site, 2885
Urban open space, 3382q
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2398
Education -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1682
Schools, playgrounds, 1492qn
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2976
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 529q, 642, 686q, 826, 854
Employment and unemployment, CityScape, weekend shifts, 1218qn
Finance -
Budget discussions, 989
Government expenditure, 2042
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000, prin, 1550, detail, 1880
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3668, 3693
Health -
ACT Eden Monaro Cancer Support Group, 1540
Medical call centre contract, 2001q, 2006q
Psychologists, 3921
Health and Community Care, portfolio, chief executive, 2870q, 2997q
Hospitals, Canberra Hospital, 3510q
Housing, first home owner grants, 1550, 1880
Intergovernmental relations, national scheme commitments, 2470qn
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1562
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Estimates 2000-01, 2042
Finance and Public Administration, 1161
Justice and Community Safety, 242, 563, 989, 1055, 1555, 1962, 2117, 2131, 2711, 3493, 3650, 3891
Planning and Urban Services, 3484, 3489
Privileges, 1909
Duncan, Mr T., 901
Imputations, 1530
Language, ‘Hypocrite’, 1904
Members, numbers, 3448
Points of order, 687, 814, 819, 969, 1148, 1522, 2373, 2979, 2989, 3384
Subordinate legislation, 3459, 3766
Milk Authority (Repeal) Bill 2000, prin, 1888
Motor vehicles -
Registration renewals, 2148q
Registry fees, 3947qn
Occupational Health and Safety (Amendment) Bill 2000, prin, 1003
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, detail, 2578
Olympics 2000, police redeployments, 2538q
Police force -
Gungahlin police station, 906qn
Olympic security redeployments, 2538q
Resignations, 909qn
Staff, 242
Prisons and prisoners -
Belconnen Remand Centre, 3290q
Remand centre proposal, 3836q
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3921
Public Service, temporary accommodation allowance, 49q
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, detail, 197, 201, 205
Roads -
Accidents, 3229qn
Expenditure, 562qn
Funding, 3746
Speed cameras, 2823qn
Traffic legislation, 1108, 1146, 1149
Traffic lights, 2469qn
Traffic offences, 197, 201, 205
Subordinate Laws Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2888, 3459, detail, 3766
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2398
Taxation -
Diesel fuel rebate, 1287q
Goods and services tax, 367q, 1562
Transport -
Bus sales, 2492qn
Fares, 609q
Privatisation, 3756q
Services, 1663q
Bus services for disabled children, 2923q, 2928q
Taxis and hire cars, 3484, 3489, 3629q
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 2047
Waste disposal -
Green bins, 1217qn
Needlestick injuries, 2992q, 2999q
Williams, Mr A., comments, 3586
Arts and letters, funding, 1686, 1696
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1380
Bruce Stadium -
Probity advisor, 2867q
Rugby grand final, 1569q, 1759
Budget -
Remarks, 2233q
Response, 1660q
Surplus, 1991q
Business -
Biotechnology industry, 1363q
Information technology, 2641q
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3905
Chief Minister’s Department, commercial information, 449q
Computers, schools, 267q
Courts and tribunals -
Mandatory sentencing, 650
Witnesses, 3194
Crime, statistics, 2528q, 3749q
Defence, HMAS Canberra, freedom of the city, 477
Development -
Belconnen markets, 3322
Jerrabomberra Valley, 3380q
Kingston foreshore, 581
Latham, 3320
Macpherson Court, 654
Mawson/Athllon Drive corridor, 3737
Red Hill, 1514
Rural residential, 3317
Tuggeranong, 182q
Tuggeranong Lake foreshore, 3537
Urban open space, 3283q
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2410
Education -
Expenditure, 923
Schools -
Computers, 267q
League tables, 3505q
Work for the dole, 736
Students, disabled, 18
Electricity and Water Authority -
Commercial prospects, 524q
Utilities legislation, 494
Employment and unemployment -
Jobs creation, 3841q
Jobs growth, 757q
Unemployment rate, 2988q
Environment and conservation -
Harcourt Hill, telecommunications tower, 1415
Heritage places, 1314
Regional forest agreement, 169
River corridors, 3324
Trees, 1268
Urban parks and sportsgrounds, 1314
Finance -
Budget 2000-01, 1037q
Budget surplus, 1991q
Draft budget, 36q
Federal budget, 1459q
Government expenditure, 1974
Government -
Anniversary, 902
Freedom of information, 354q
Hospitals, nurses, 3624q
Housing, waiting lists, 946q
International affairs, East Timor, 1028
Land, leases, betterment, 394, 479
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3066
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Administration and Procedure, 2159
Education, 736
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 18, 923
Estimates 2000-01, 1974
Health and Community Care, 3889
Planning and Urban Services, 12, 394, 479, 494, 581, 994, 1268, 1314, 1514, 1518, 1564, 1566, 1961, 2205, 2508, 2510, 2762, 2763, 2954, 3015, 3194, 3317, 3320, 3322, 3324, 3488, 3537
Duncan, Mr T., 902
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3941
Numbers, 3441
Points of order, 647, 863, 2530, 2738
Valedictory, 3941
Mazengarb, Mr P., death, 1331
Olympics 2000, torch relay, 2883
Planning, legislation, 3066
Roads -
School zones, 1006
Speed cameras, 2137q
Speed limits, 3015
Traffic accidents, 2737q
Royal Canberra Show, preparations, 218
Sport and recreation, rugby, 1759, 1802q
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2410
Taxation, reform, 379
Trade unions, membership, 680q
Transport -
Taxis and hire cars, 3488
Very fast train, 2926q
Walsh, Mr G., death, 2103
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee, 257q, 290q
Bringing them home report, 3515
Mandatory sentencing, 430
Reconciliation, 1714, 2611, 3527, 3534
ActewAGL, gas bill rebates, 3758q
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, prin, 221, 878, detail, 884, 892
Acton Peninsula, building demolition, 1795q
ACTTAB, review, 1053
Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1998, prin, 206, detail, 401, 412
Alcohol -
Beer sales, 3172
Beer subsidy, 1552, 1555, 1871
Breathtesting machines, 212, 2661
Liquor Licensing Board, 1229qn
Liquor licensing standards, 247
Low-alcohol liquor, 2518, 2858
New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3254
Ambulance Service, Holdom, Mr D., 2460
Appropriation Bill 1999-2000 (No 3), prin, 1592, 2058
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1576, 1827, detail, (Auditor-General) 2178, (ACT Executive) 2226, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2269, (Superannuation Unit) 2279, (Urban Services) 2320, rescission of vote, 2427, 2428, 2436
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2770, 2779, 2793
Arts and letters -
Funding, 1694
Tuggeranong Arts Centre, 1454q
Bruce Stadium -
Auditor-General’s report, 3122
Probity advisor, 2867q
Redevelopment, 3281q, 3748q, 3758q, 3845q
Budget -
Community dividend, 1664q
Debate, 1827
Health and community care, 1652q
Legislative program, min st, 1775
Presentation, 1576
Remarks, 2234q
Response, 1660q
Surplus, 1991q
Building and construction, registrations, 3173
Business -
BRL Hardy, incentives, 3593qn
Cooperatives, 723
Electronic transactions, 3166
Leases, 3169
Private sector growth, 3287q
CanDeliver, management, 2810
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3901
Children, criminal responsibility, 655, 667
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 655, detail, 667
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 152, 162
Construction Practitioners Registration Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3173
Consumer protection, business agents, 206
Cooperatives Bill 2000, prin, 723
Court Security Bill 2000, prin, 3478
Courts and tribunals -
Court administrators, 1224qn
Intoxication defence, 2814
Magistrates Court, 449q, 538q, 2666, 2673, 2949
Sentences, 263q, 430, 1714, 3630q
Sitting days, 1940qn
Spent convictions, 1425
Supreme Court, 2752q
Crime -
Closed-circuit cameras, 1294q
Increases, 1467q
Motor vehicle theft, 908qn
Rates, 2247q
Sexual assault, 263q
Sexual exploitation, 3810
Statute of limitations, 3197
Victims, 1769, 2048, 2049, 2051, 2053, 2929, 3136qn
Crimes (Amendment) Bill (No 4) 1998, prin, 2814
Crimes Amendment Bill (No 3) 1999, prin, 137
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2697, detail, 2700
Crimes (Amendment) Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 3163
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3714
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 3), prin, 3810
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000, prin, 2196, 3093
Dairying -
Retailers, deregulation, 45q
Development -
Deakin Soccer Oval, 2463qn
Erindale Police Station, 3139qn
Gold Creek Country Club, 2880q
Griffith Primary School site, 2747q, 2914q
Kingston foreshore, 2527q
McKellar, 1951qn
Report, 968
Sports ovals, 2534q, 2635q, 2741q
Urban open space, 3387q
Waldorf Apartments, 171q
Disabled persons, inquiry, 3394, min st, 3644, 3648
Discrimination Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1089
Drugs -
Heroin addiction study, 1368q, 1474q
Supervised injecting trial, 1796q, 2372, 2383, 2421
Syringe disposal bins, 247
Duties Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 226, 318
Duties Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1766, 1965, detail, 1965
Duties Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 2186, 2809
Education -
Expenditure, 930
Schools, work for the dole, 739
Education, International Hotel School, 3838q
Electoral, redistribution, min st, 2258
Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3767
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2519, 2977, detail, 3117
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3165, 3715
Electricity Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1082
Electricity and Water Authority -
Commercial prospects, 517q, 525q
Competitive suppliers, 595q
Expressions of interest, 351q, 352q
Legislation, 1082
Merger proposal, 30q, 180q, 221, 274q, 434q, 442q, 443q, 447q, 510q, 521q, 529q, 537q, 596q, 599q, 606q, 615, 674q, 677q, 684q, 685q, 687q, 754q, 761q, 765q, 799q, 851, 2986q
Probity audit, 895
Utilities legislation, 491, 498, 500
Water charges, min st, 541
Electronic Transactions Bill 2000, prin, 3166
Emergency Services, joint centre, 802
Employment and unemployment, employment agents, 401, 412
Environment and conservation, air pollution, wood heating, 2693
Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2693
Finance -
Consumer credit, 1465q
Credit evaluations, 1089
Draft budget, 37q
Funds transfer, min st, 1378, 1379
Government expenditure, 1987, 2037, 2047, min st, 2655, 2757
Loan guarantees, min st, 135, 961, 962, 1380, 1673, 1674, 2156, 2656
Management, min st, 2654
Review, 374
Surplus, 1991q
Territory assets, sale, 359q
Financial Management Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1596
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1963
Financial Relations Agreement Bill 2000, prin, 1081, 2064
Financial Relations Agreement Consequential Amendments Bill 2000, prin, 1417, detail, 2067
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 prin, 1079, 1875, detail, 1877, 1883, 1885
Gambling -
Gaming machines, 2190
Interactive, regulations, 3496
Internet licences, 1575q, 1670q, 1733
Internet policy, 1282q
Legislation, 1556
Licences, 3302q
Online betting, 1103, 1169, 1998q, 2007q, 2011, 2447
Review, 1053
Sports betting licence fees, 1548qn
Gambling Legislation (GST) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1420
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2190, 3651, detail, 3657, 3665, 3667, 3674, 3680, 3687
Gas Safety Bill 2000, prin, 2193
Goods and Services Tax (Temporary Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 1594, 2073, detail, 2076, 2080
Government -
Chief Minister, election, 3144
Contracting and procurement processes, 3520
Freedom of information, 354q
Humphries, Mr G., gambling web site, 2924q
Moore, Mr M., Dr Jeans’ remarks, 2028
Whip, 3392
Health -
Artificial conception, 2770, 2779, 2793
Reproductive technology, 3243qn
Housing -
First home owner grants, 1875, 1877, 1883, 1885
Grants, 1079
Newsletter, 1332
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amt Bill 1999, prin, 335, detail, 340, 344
Insurance Corporation Bill 2000, prin, 1766, 2795, detail, 2796, 2804
Intergovernmental relations -
Financial agreements, 1081
Ministerial Council meetings, min st, 1157, 3135qn, 3234qn
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 724
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 22
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 24, detail, 26
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill (No 3) 1999, prin, 27, detail, 593, 1240, 1252, 1258, rescission and reconsideration, 1311, detail, 1312
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3472
Justice and Community Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3808
Land -
Block 689, Majura, 2466qn
Lease variations, 3139qn
Releases, min st, 2257, 3129qn
Revaluations, 3950qn
Sales, Belconnen milk depot, 2245q, 2253q
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill 1999, prin, 1322
Land Titles Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1768
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3168
Leases (Commercial and Retail) Bill 2000, prin, 3169
Legislation (Access and Operation) Bill 2000, prin, 3473
Legislation (Access and Operation) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 3476
Legislative Assembly -
Business, 295, 1415, 1848, 2037, 2345
Committees -
Administration and Procedure, 502, 3514
Education, 739
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 930
Estimates 2000-2001, 1438, 1773, 1830, 1987, 2037, 2047, 2757
Finance and Public Administration, 976, 2725, 3522, 3847
Government Contracting and Procurement Processes, 3520
Interaction with government, 502
Justice and Community Safety, 239, 375, 802, 1234, 1297, 1300, 1608, 2016, 2114, 2130, 2173, 2709, 2712
Planning and Urban Services, 491, 498, 500, 968, 1482, 3003
Language, ‘vendetta’, 2453
Legislation -
Amendments, 3470, 3472, 3476, 3477
Revisions, 1090
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3935
Leave of absence, 3121
Staff, Forshaw, Mr S., 1931
Orders of the day, 614, 1925, 1927, 2862, 3909
Papers, 131, 188, 372, 455, 541, 1299, 1474, 1606, 1607, 2008, 2156, 2157, 2257, 2458, 2549, 2654, 2881, 3002, 3182, 3390, 3391, 3518, 3639
Points of order, 161, 282, 440, 535, 645, 805, 813, 815, 819, 821, 862, 863, 920, 993, 1050, 1293, 1362, 1422, 1520, 1521, 1598, 1754, 1884, 1912, 1921, 2119, 2122, 2131, 2161, 2578, 2765, 2972, 2977, 3000, 3096, 3383
Questions on notice, 1376q, 1415
Reflection on a vote, 1897
Reports, 1055
Sitting pattern, 3201
Standing orders, 1549, 2371, 3153, 3156
Standing orders, suspension, 1311
Subordinate legislation, 801, 958, 1378, 1831
Valedictory, 3945
Legislative Assembly (Members’ Staff) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3156, 3158
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3172, 3254
Liquor Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 212, detail, 2661
Low-Alcohol Liquor Subsidies Bill 2000, prin, 2518, 2858
Magistrates Court Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2666, 2673, detail, 2949
Milk Authority (Repeal) Bill 2000, prin, 1088, 1894
Motor vehicles -
Registration, 226
Sale, 3809
Smash repairs, 3627q, 3844q, 3846q
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 3197
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, prin, 2570, detail, 2577, 2581, 2586, 2588, 2594
Olympics 2000 -
Football survey, 3596qn
Police redeployments, 2538q
Periodic Detention Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 1265
Petroleum products, fuel temperature correction, 2149q
Police force -
Gungahlin police station, 906qn
Olympic security redeployments, 2538q
Resignations, 909qn
Staff, 239
Prisons and prisoners -
Belconnen Remand Centre, 3291q
Periodic detention, 946q, 1225qn, 1265
Remand centre proposal, 3834q, 3837q, 3839q
Privacy, land purchase information, 950q
Public Sector Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3470, 3922
Public Sector Management Bill 2000, prin, 3467
Public Service -
Energy costs, 313qn
Executive contracts, 3638
Workforce statistics, min st, 455
Wrongful dismissal claim, 2468qn
Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3162, 3926
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1421, 1966, detail, 1967
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1423, 1929
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, detail, 198
Roads -
Funding, 3759
Traffic offences, 198
Sale of Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3809
Social welfare -
Family Day Care Centre, costs, 1376q
Funding, 2725
Spent Convictions Bill 2000, prin, 1425, 2853, detail, 2856
Sport and recreation -
Drag-racing, 2625
V8 supercar race, 2984q
Statute Law Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1090, 3926, detail, 3926
Statute Law Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3477
Subsidies (Liquor and Diesel) Repeal Bill 2000, prin, 1418, 1474, 1552, 1555, 1871
Superannuation -
Protection provisions, 1077
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, 2372, mso, 2383, prin, 2421
Taxation -
Betterment tax, 1322
Defaults, 2194
Diesel fuel rebate, 1287q, 1358q
Fringe benefits tax, 1035q
Goods and services tax, 254q, min st, 296, 302, 367q, 770q, 954q, 1043q, 1274q, 1417, 1418, 1420, 1556, 1594, 1963, 2064, 2073, 2076, 2080
Levels, 1994q
Rates and land tax, 1929, 1966, 1967
Reform, 387
Taxation Administration Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2196, 2811
Territory Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1086, 2810
Territory Superannuation Provision Protection Bill 2000, prin, 1077, 1865, detail, 1866
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3776
Treasury and Infrastructure Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3160, 3924, detail, 3925
Treasury and Infrastructure, Department, performance report, 174q, 291q
Utilities Bill 2000, prin, 223
Utilities (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 226
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2929
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1769, 2048, detail, 2049, 2051, 2053
Waste disposal, sewerage systems, 766q
Water and Sewerage Bill 2000, prin, 1085
Women -
International Women’s Day, 706
Legal Centre, 264q
WorkCover, ownership agreement, 2654
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 465
Alcohol -
Liquor licensing standards, 252
New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3252
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (ACT Executive) 2224, 2226, (Health and Community Care) 2287
Arts and letters, Tuggeranong Arts Centre, 1454q
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1179
Bruce Stadium -
Functions, 520q
Management, 324
Olympic football, 2745q
Open day, 1212qn
Business, Agents Board, 1033q
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3904
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 150, 158
Computers, competencies test, 948q
Courts and tribunals, mandatory sentencing, 465, 1720, 1723
Crime, victims, 2936
Development -
Federal Golf Club, 2097, 2864q, 3363, 3373
Red Hill, 2166
Disabled persons, inquiry, 3410
Drugs -
Heroin addiction study, 1277q, 1368q, 1474q
Supervised injecting trial, 1635, 1647, 2395
Syringes, 252
Education -
Computer competencies test, 948q
Teachers, 3815
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2965
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3260
Electricity and Water Authority -
Merger proposal, 625, 684q, 841, 845, 2035, 2506, 2533q
Utilities legislation, 493
Finance -
Budget discussions, 973
Government expenditure, 1977
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1963
Gambling -
Internet licences, 1738
Online betting, 1998q, 2007q, 2451
Government -
Contracts, 3803
Ministerial responsibility, 2638q, 3138qn
Ministerial travel, 358q
State of the Territory report, 769q
Health, psychologists, 3913
Housing, Burnie Court, 3289q
International affairs -
China, 3028
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1561
Keys, Sir William, death, 1337
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 3815
Finance and Public Administration, 973, 2035
Justice and Community Safety, 576, 3895
Planning and Urban Services, 493
Duncan, Mr T., 900
Members, numbers, 3442
Points of order, 20, 162, 440, 607, 970, 1148, 1526, 1659, 1660, 1753, 2145, 2382, 2529, 3045, 3154, 3176
Reflection on a vote, 1899
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3252
Mazengarb, Mr P., death, 1330
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, prin, 2570, detail, 2582
Olympics 2000, promotion, 438q, 452q
Planning, Territory Plan, variation, 2166
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3913
Public Access to Government Contracts Bill 2000, prin, 3803
Roads, Quiros Street streetlight relocation, 3377q, 3637q, 3839q
Sport and recreation -
Rugby League, 33q
V8 supercar race, 1654q
Stadiums Corporation Bill 1999, detail, 324
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2395
Taxation, goods and services tax, 1561, 1963
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3785
Treasury and Infrastructure, Department, performance report, 173q, 291q
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2936
Walsh, Mr G., death, 2104
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 469
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, detail, 891
Alcohol, liquor licensing standards, 310
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (Health and Community Care) 2297, 2308, (Justice and Community Safety) 2345
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2764
Auditor-General, reports, 3304
Budget, health and community care, 1668q
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3899, 3908
Children, abuse, min st, 1833
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 157
Cigarettes and tobacco -
Control, 2600
Legislation, 1199
Courts and tribunals, mandatory sentencing, 469, 1719, 1722
Development -
Federal Golf Club, 3370
Report, 967
Urban infill, 3425
Yarralumla Brickworks, 3463
Disabled persons -
Funding, 3388q
Inquiry, 3406
Programs, 3633q
Services, 2716, 3186, 3191, 3281
Drugs -
Anabolic steroids, 2861
Deaths, 2983q
Heroin addiction study, 1278q
Legislation, 2520
Overdose deaths, 3759q, 3957qn
Scheduling standards, 2054
Supervised injecting room, min st, 544, 1471q, 1500, 1640, 2402
Syringes -
Disposal bins, 310
Distribution, 3241qn
Treatment program, client records, 1294q
Education -
Expenditure, 925
Teachers, 3818
Electoral, tactics, 3588
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2967, detail, 3108, 3113
Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3771
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 804
Executive Documents Release Bill 2000 prin, 744
Finance -
Draft budget, 1075
Purchase agreements, 1614
Food, labelling, 689q
Gambling -
Interactive, regulations, 3495
Online betting, 2012
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3611, detail, 3655, 3660, 3669, 3676, mso, 3685, 3702
Government -
Carnell, Ms K. -
Anniversary, 2602
Ministerial appointment, 3148
Moore, Mr M., Dr Jeans’ remarks, 2030
Government Contracts Confidentiality Bill 2000 prin, 549
Green, Mr D., death, 1619
Health -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 237, 1164
Agencies, 8
Alzheimer’s Association of the ACT, 368q
Blood donors, 2602
Children, 3937
Dental health program, 1931, 1942qn
Dental service, waiting times, 364q, 371q
Dentists, 3483
Elective surgery, 2231q, 2459q
Home palliative care, 2244q
Legislation, 1428, 1430, 1431, 1433
Medical call centre contract, 2001q, 2006q
Mental health, 1497, 1770, 1944qn, 2564
Palliative care, 3300q
Professional qualifications, 2055
Psychologists, 1772, 3912, 3918
Respite care, 2555
Youth, 1290q
Health and Community Care Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1428, 2054
Health and Community Care portfolio, Chief Executive, 2870q, 2912q, 2997q, 3300q
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3483, 3923
Health Professionals (Special Events Exemptions) Bill 2000 prin, 486, 1925, detail, 1925
Hope, AD, death, 2707
Hospitals -
Canberra Hospital -
Admission criteria, 3510q
Criticism, 1999q
Death Review Committee, 2019
Emergency department, 2863q
Emergency surgery, 2135q, 2146q
Intensive care nurses, 2141q, 2251q
Morbidity and mortality rates, 1990q
Psychiatric unit, 1203qn
Costing systems, 2994q
Cross-border costs, 2926q
Elective surgery, 3635q
Visiting medical officers, 3502q
Waiting lists, 542, 1571q, 2239q, 3376q
Housing -
Burnie Court, 3290q
Part-time residents, 3512q
Recommendations, 3639
Rental properties, 3953qn
Industrial relations, Commission hearings, 605q, 610q
Intergovernmental relations, Ministerial Council meetings, 3235qn
International affairs, China, 3034
Land, leases, betterment, 485
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1998, prin, 1063, detail, 1069
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill 1999, prin, 1318
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2) prin, 1198
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3068
Legislative Assembly -
Adjournment debate, 3890
Committees -
Appointments, 3812
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 925, 3818
Estimates 2000-01, 1773
Finance and Public Administration, 979, 982
Health and Community Care, 8, 237, 542, 1164, 1446, 1498, 1615, 2555, 2716, 3891
Justice and Community Safety, 567
Planning and Urban Services, 485, 967
Public Housing, 3639, 3868, 3885
Duncan, Mr T., 899
Imputations, 1533
Language -
‘Hypocrite’, 1904
‘You’re a liar’, 1791
Meeting days, 3897
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3937
Changes, 1544
Order of the day, 3886
Papers, 295, 804, 1496, 1832, 2259, 3012, 3310, 3314, 3525, 3643, 3862
Points of order, 278, 536, 572, 573, 604, 680, 756, 758, 760, 825, 868, 889, 1285, 1538, 1753, 1777, 1795, 1904, 1919, 1922, 2329, 2346, 3144, 3148, 3379, 3384, 3385, 3508, 3598, 3617, 3627
Reflection on a vote, 1900
Stability, 2367
Standing order 52, 574
Standing order 76, 3922
Standing order 202(e), 573
Subordinate legislation, 3458, 3766
Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1770, 2564
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 3154
Oliphant, Sir Marcus, death, 2705
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, prin, 2569, detail, 2581, 2593
Planning -
Administration, 2894
Poisons and Drugs Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2520, 2861
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1772, 3553, detail, 3556, 3912, 3918
Public Access to Government Contracts Bill 2000, prin, 3804, detail, 3805
Public Health Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1430, 2055, detail, 2055
Public Service, annual reports, 3313
Roads, Gungahlin Drive extension, 1543
Senior citizens, elder abuse, 1446
Smoking Products Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1431, 2600, detail, 2600
Subordinate Laws Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3458, detail, 3766
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2402
Taxation -
Betterment tax, 1318
Fringe benefits tax, 1041q, 1289q
Tobacco Amendment Bill (No 2) 99 prin, 1199
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3782
Transplantation and Anatomy Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1433, 2602
Williams, Mr A., comments, 3588
Wright, Ms J., death, 2107
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, reconciliation, 1724
Agents Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3727
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1814, detail, (Health and Community Care) 2291
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2766, 2777, 2788
Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3353
Bruce Stadium -
Rock concert, 609q, 677q, 768q, 799q, 1512, 1514
Budget, debate, 1814
Business, real estate agents, 3727
Casino Control Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3456
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3906
Children, criminal responsibility, 658
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 658
Compensation, workers compensation, 3796
Courts and tribunals -
Defamation, 2711
Magistrates Court, 2947
Supreme Court, 2752q
Crime -
Closed-circuit cameras, 1294q
DNA legislation, 2917q
Victims, 2937
Dairying -
Milk Authority, 1892
Retailers, deregulation, 45q
Drugs -
Epidemiological studies legislation, 2206
Syringes, needle exchange, 3355
Education -
Funding, 3298q
Schools -
Temporary classrooms, 1373q
Work for the dole, 734
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2965, detail, 3108
Electricity and Water Authority -
Expressions of interest, 351q
Merger proposal, 180q, 274q, 442q, 857, 864
Finance -
Budget discussions, 987
Government contracts, 653
Gambling -
Casino legislation, 3456
Interactive, regulations, 3500
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3608, detail, 3664, 3692
Goods and Services Tax (Temporary Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 2071
Government -
Carnell, Ms K., ministerial appointment, 3150
Contracts, 3804
Health -
ACT Eden Monaro Cancer Support Group, 1540
Artificial conception, 2766, 2777, 2788
Housing -
Maintenance, 1281q
Part-time residents, 3511q
International affairs, China, 3047
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1998, detail, 1069
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3065
Legislative Assembly -
Art works, display, 3836q
Committees -
Education, 734
Justice and Community Safety, 4, 21, 238, 317, 563, 746, 987, 1057, 1166, 1231, 1296, 1511, 1575, 1966, 2125, 2131, 2851, 3247, 3540, 3649, 3896
Imputations, 1536
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3939
Staff, 1504
Points of order, 823, 1374, 2393, 2737, 2786
Reflection on a vote, 1899
Magistrates Court Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2947
Milk Authority (Repeal) Bill 2000, prin, 1892
Motor vehicles, registration, 1658q, 1670q
Needle Exchange Bill 2000, prin, 3355
Olympic Events Security Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3726
Olympics 2000, football bus tickets, 2992q, 2999q
Petroleum products, fuel temperature correction, 2149q
Planning, legislation, 1069, 3065
Police force, staff, 238
Prisons and prisoners, facility, 1046q
Privacy, land purchase information, 950q
Public Access to Government Contracts Bill 2000, prin, 653, 3804
Public Service, resignations, 1457q
Roads -
Speed cameras, 3221qn
Traffic legislation, 1144
Sport and recreation -
Australian Football League, 2645q
Canberra Raiders, 1799q
V8 supercar race, 2493qn, 3591qn
Taxation -
Goods and services tax, 2071
Legislation, 1231
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2937
Williams, Mr A., comments, 3586
Workers’ Compensation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 3796
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, reconciliation, 1722
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, prin, 865, detail, 882, 884, 892
Alcohol -
Breathtesting machines, 2661, 2662
Liquor Licensing Board, 1229qn
Low-alcohol liquor, 2857
New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3253
Appropriation Bill 1999-2000 (No 3), prin, 2056
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1820, detail, (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2174, (Auditor-General) 2177, (Chief Minister’s) 2178, (ACT Executive) 2224, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2227, (Superannuation Unit) 2279, (He and Com Care) 2297, (Urban Services) 2329, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2429, 2440
Arts and letters, funding, 1693
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1032q, 1181, 1382
Bruce Stadium -
Audit report, 1518
Auditor-General’s report, 2865q, 2879q
Management, 318, 321, 323, 326
Marketing, 1570q
Olympic football, 2639q
Rock concert, 1353
Turf, 2736q
Budget -
Debate, 1820
Business -
Private sector growth, 3287q
Canberra Labor Club, Community Chambers, 2098
CanDeliver, management, 2809
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 151
Computers, Windows 2000, 3748q, 3835q
Courts and tribunals, mandatory sentencing, 1722
Development -
Amaroo precinct, 3504q
City Market leases, 948q, 1051q
Kingston foreshore, 2527q
Mawson/Athllon Drive corridor, 3735
Report, 967
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 1642, 2393
Duties Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 317
Duties Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1964
Duties Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 2809
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2963, detail, 3109
Electricity and Water Authority -
Commercial prospects, 516q
Expressions of interest, 351q
Gas-powered generator plant, 172q
Merger, proposal, 30q, 434q, 554, 596q, 620, 642, 649, 677q, 760q, 842, 849, 2031, 2036, 2205, 2206, 2499, 2659, 2985q
Finance -
Consolidated annual statements, 3853
Draft budget, 1075
Government expenditure, 1980, 2760
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1962
Financial Relations Agreement Bill 2000, prin, 2058
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000, prin, 1872, detail, 1876, 1882, 1884
Gambling -
Interactive, regulations, 3499
Internet betting, 1167
Internet licences, 1739
Legislation, 1556
Online betting, 2441, 2447, 2456
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3597, detail, 3656, 3666, 3674
Goods and Services Tax (Temporary Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 2068, detail, 2079
Government -
Carnell, Ms K., ministerial appointment, 3152
Chief Minister, election, 3143
Housing -
First home owner grants, 1872, 1876, 1882, 1884
Newsletter, 1279q
Waldorf Apartments, 3377q
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 333, detail, 345
Insurance Authority Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2885
Insurance Corporation Bill 2000, prin, 2794, detail, 2796
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amt) Bill 1999, prin, 1326
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3074, detail, 3081
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
2001-2002 Budget, 3177
Estimates 2000-2001, 1980, 2760
Finance and Public Administration, 1, 938, 971, 981, 1518, 1603, 2031, 2036, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2659, 2722, 3850
Justice and Community Safety, 2173
Planning and Urban Services, 967
Privileges, 1909
Debates, 1473
Language -
‘Gary-ed’, 3598
‘Hypocrite’, 1904
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3945
Numbers, 3444
Points of order, 682, 1367, 1461, 1462, 2215, 2981
Valedictory, 3945
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3253
Liquor Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 2661, detail, 2662
Low-Alcohol Liquor Subsidies Bill 2000, prin, 2857
Motor vehicles, smash repairs, 3627q, 3844q, 3846q
Olympics 2000, football survey, 3596qn
Planning, legislation, 3074, 3081
Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3925
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1966, detail, 1968
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1927
Roads -
Funding, 3743
Traffic calming, 3220qn
Royal Canberra Show, judges, 555
Social welfare, funding, 2722
Sport and recreation -
Australian Institute of Sport, 1456q
Drag-racing, 2627
Facilities, injury claims, 905qn
Stadiums Corporation Bill 1999, prin, 318, detail, 321, 323, 326
Subsidies (Liquor and Diesel) Repeal Bill 2000, prin, 1551, 1869
Superannuation, legislation, 1864, 1866
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2393
Taxation -
Betterment tax, 1326
Goods and services tax, 254q, 301, 1556, 1962, 2058, 2068, 2079
Levels, 1994q
Rates and land tax, 1927, 1966, 1968
Reform, 391
Stamp duties, 1964
Taxation Administration Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2811
Territory Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2809
Territory Superannuation Provision Protection Bill 2000, prin, 1864, detail, 1866
Treasury and Infrastructure Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3924, detail, 3925
Urban Services portfolio, clothing supply contract, 315qn
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 467
Reconciliation, 1718
ActewAGL, gas bill rebates, 3757q
Adult Entertainment and Restricted Material Bill 2000 prin, 1003
Alcohol -
Breath testing machines, 214, 2661, 2665
Liquor licensing standards, 245
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1816, detail, (Health and Community Care) 2289
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2770, 2789, 2793
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1183
Bruce Stadium -
Attendance figures, 557qn
Canberra Cosmos, 2147q
Management, 319
Media facilities, 514q
Olympic football, 2650q
Press facilities, 613q
Television rights, 366q
Budget -
Debate, 1816
Health and community care, 1668q
Business -
Deregulation, 347
Gates, Mr B., 3296q
Leases, 1627
Censorship, legislation, 1003
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3904
Children -
Criminal responsibility, 661
Therapeutic protection orders, 186q
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 661
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 158
Cigarettes and tobacco, control, 2600
Courts and tribunals -
Mandatory sentencing, 467, 1718
Sentencing, severity, 262q
Crime -
Sexual assault, 262q
Victims, 2936
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 400, 2700, detail, 2701
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000, prin, 3088
Development -
Belconnen markets, 3323
Gold Creek Country Club, 2880q
Section 56, Civic, 2542q
Urban infill, 3428
Yarralumla Brickworks, 3419, 3463
Disabled persons -
Inquiry, 3360
Programs, 3633q
Respite care, 549
Dogs, control, 3269
Domestic Animals Bill 2000, prin, 3269
Drugs -
Methadone treatment, 693q
Needle distribution centres, 3388q, 3514q
Supervised injecting trial, 1470q, 2421
Syringe disposal bins, 245
Treatment program, client records, 1294q
Education -
Enrolment IQ tests, 3513q, 3637q
Teachers, 3822
University accreditation, 3019, 3023
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2963
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3716
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 447q, 807
Environment and conservation -
Air pollution, wood heating, 2688
Heritage places, 1313
Finance, government expenditure, 1983
Gambling -
Internet betting, 1168
Internet licences, 1741
Online betting, 2451
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3618, detail, 3683
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3724
Health -
Artificial conception, 2770, 2789, 2793
Expenditure, 986
Youth, 1290q
Hospitals -
Costing systems, 2994q
Cross-border costs, 2925q
Nurses, 2876q
Housing, policy, 3873
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amendment Bill 1999, detail, 347
Industrial relations, Commission hearings, 605q, 610q
Inquiries Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3360
Insurance Corporation Bill 2000, detail, 2806
International affairs -
China, 3039
East Timor, 1028
Land -
Sales, Belconnen milk depot, 2245q, 2253q
Leases (Commercial and Retail) Bill 2000, prin, 1627
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 3822
Estimates 2000-01, 1983
Health and Community Care, 549, 986, 1442, 2713, 3890
Planning and Urban Services, 484, 1313, 3323, 3490
Privileges, 1841
Public Housing, 3873
Members, Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3943
Points of order, 815, 823, 1400
Liquor Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 214, 2661, detail, 2665
Magistrates Court Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2670, detail, 2947
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, detail, 2581, 2591
Olympics 2000, activities, 1045q
Planning, administration, 2897
Police force, beat police program, 3841q
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3558
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, detail, 204
Roads -
Traffic legislation, 1145
Traffic offences, 204
Senior citizens, elder abuse, 1442
Smoking Products Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2600
Social welfare, Family Day Care Centre, costs, 1376q
Sport and recreation -
Canberra Cosmos, 956q
Drag-racing, 2631
V8 supercar race 2000q, 2152q
Stadiums Corporation Bill 1999, prin, 319
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2421
Transport, taxis and hire cars, 3490
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2936
Vocational Education and Training Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3019, detail, 3023
Youth, Junction Youth Health Centre, 1290q
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, reconciliation, 2606
Agents (Amendment) Bill 98 detail, 410
Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2956, detail, 3344
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2266, (Urban Services) 2331
Arts and letters, funding, 1691
Aviation -
Canberra International Airport, 3228qn
Impulse Airlines, 1390
Bruce Stadium, rock symphony, 1403
Budget -
ACTION, services, 1663q
Planning and land management, 1658q, 1670q
Building and construction -
Industry audits, 1372q
Master Builders Association awards, 2476qn
Casino Control Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3453
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 163
Commissioner for the Environment Amendment Bill 2000 prin, 488, detail, 3563
Compensation, workers compensation, 2559, 3793, 3860
Cotter River Repeal Bill 2000, 231
Crime -
Road rage, 3812
Surveillance cameras, 949q
Development -
Amaroo precinct, 3504q
Application revocation, min st, 1675, 1832
Applications, 2085, 2087, 2089
Canberra Centre, 1482
City Market leases, 948q, 1051q
Civic plan, 602q
Dual occupancy, 3119
Federal Golf Club, 2864q, 3371
Jerrabomberra Valley, 3381q
Kingston foreshore, 533q, 592, min st, 1308
Mawson/Athllon Drive corridor, 3731
McKellar, 1951qn, 1952qn, 3219qn, 3245qn
Red Hill, 2169, min st, 2761, 3523
Report, 962
Tuggeranong, 182q
Urban infill, 3378q, 3389q, 3426
Urban open space, 3283q, 3297q, 3382q, 3505q
Yarralumla Brickworks, 3420, 3509q
Dogs, control, 3270, 3272, 3326, 3328, 3343, 3344
Domestic Animals Bill 2000, prin, 2954, 3270, detail, 3272, 3326, 3328, 3343, 3344
Drugs, supervised injecting trial, 2401
Education, schools, playgrounds, 1492qn
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3266
Electricity Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3581
Electricity and Water Authority -
Gas-powered generator plant, 173q
Green power option, 445q
Merger proposal, 831
Employment and unemployment -
CityScape, weekend shifts, 1218qn
Employment agents, 410
Gungahlin, 951q
Environment and conservation -
Air pollution, wood heating, 2679, 2692, 3858
Cork plantation, 3951qn
Cotter River, 231
Earth Charter campaign, min st, 2562
Fairbairn Park authorisations, 1201qn
Fisheries management, 1094
Gold Creek Homestead, 3629q
Greenhouse gas emissions, 3119
Greenhouse strategy, 128
Heritage Places Register, min st, 2017, 2560
Incineration alternatives, min st, 3006
Legislation review, 3524
Mitchell incinerator emissions, 2874q
Noise pollution, 3228qn
North Watson woodland, 2649q
Regional forest agreement, 188
Urban parks and sportsgrounds, min st, 1676
Waste control, 128
Waste management strategy, 1303
Environment Protection Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 673, detail, 717, 718
Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2692
Finance -
Budget discussions, 978
Consolidated annual statements, 3852
Purchase agreements, 1609
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000, detail, 1881
Fisheries Bill 2000, prin, 1094, 2091, detail, 2094
Gambling -
Casino legislation, 3453
Online betting, 2015
Government -
Administrative arrangements, 3305
Carnell, Ms K., 903
Chief Minister, election, 3143
Health -
Healthy cities, 2182
Occupational health and safety, 1236, 1858
Housing -
Agreements, min st, 3004
Currong Flats, 2996q
First home owner grants, 1881
Flats, redevelopment, 1666q
Maintenance, 1281q
Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, 1199, 2251q
Newsletter, 1280q
Northbourne Flats, 2536q, 2879q
Policy, 3881
Properties, 2821qn, 2826qn, 2828qn
Rebates, 2151q
Red Hill, 2242q
Residential Tenancies Tribunal, 1204qn
Waiting lists, 946q
Wall insulation, 2819qn
Intergovernmental relations, Ministerial Council meetings, 3238qn
International affairs -
East Timor, 1026
South Africa, min st, 1677
Keys, Sir William AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 1337
Land -
999-year leases, 219
Commercial leases, 47q
Lease variations, min st, 1675
Leases, min st, 378, 2561, 3307, 3480, 3482
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1998, prin, 1061,
detail, 1071Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill 1999, prin, 1327
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 227, 2085, detail, 2087, 2089
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2) prin, 227, 1198
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 2521, 3074,
detail, 3080Land Titles Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3257
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Finance and Public Administration, 978
Planning and Urban Services, 292, 592, 962, 1273, 1609, 2510, 2558, 3487, 3857
Public Housing, 3881
Urban Services, 804
Workers’ Compensation System, 2559
Imputations, 1536
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3944
Numbers, 3445
Papers, 614, 893, 1473, 2657, 3856
Points of order, 572, 869, 870, 3508
Questions, 3302q
Subordinate legislation, 3457
Valedictory, 3944
Master Builders Association, awards, 3205qn
Motor vehicles -
Registration, 1658q, 1670q, 2148q
Registry fees, 3947qn
Occupational Health and Safety (Amendment) Bill 2000, prin, 1747
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1236, 1858
Olympics 2000 -
Football bus tickets, 2993q, 2999q
Torch relay, 3119
Planning -
Administration, 2903
Advisory committees, 1458q
Areas Specific Policy B11 North Canberra, min st, 3005
Chief planner, 260q
Legislation, 227, 230, 1061, 1071, 2521, 3074, 3080
Telecommunications facilities, min st, 377
Territory Plan, variations, 1610, 2169
Planning and Land Management Group, staff, 3956qn
Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Bill 2000, prin, 2958
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3812
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 196, detail, 204
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 2960
Roads -
Accidents, 3229qn
Callam Street realignment, 3306
Drakeford and Erindale Drives intersection, 3227qn
Drivers licences tests, 1547qn
Expenditure, 562qn
Funding, 3763
Gungahlin Drive extension, 1284q, 1360q, 1363q, 1370q, 1453q, 1542
Northbourne Avenue, 2246q
Quiros Street streetlight relocation, 3378q, 3637q, 3839q
Road rage, 3812
School zones, 1010
Speed cameras, 2138q, 2823qn, 3221qn
Traffic accidents, 2737q
Traffic calming, 3220qn
Traffic legislation, 1114, 1118, 1147
Traffic lights, 2469qn
Traffic offences, 196, 204, 292
Sport and recreation -
Motor sport, Fairbairn Park, 1048q
Sportsgrounds, Lyons Oval, 2006q
Subordinate Laws Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3457
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2401
Surveyors Bill 2000, prin, 2202
Surveyors (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000, prin, 2204
Taxation, betterment tax, 1327
Transport -
Bus sales, 2492qn
Civic ticket office, 2875q
Privatisation, 3756q
Services, 1663q
Taxi charges, min st, 2658
Taxis and hire cars, 3487, 3629q
Unit Titles Bill 2000, prin, 3480
Unit Titles Consequential Amendments Bill 2000, prin, 3482
Urban Services portfolio -
Clothing supply contract, 315qn
Reviews, 1958qn
Utilities Bill 2000, prin, 3564, detail, 3567
Utilities (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000, detail, 3574
Waste disposal -
Green bins, 1217qn
Infrastructure, 3535
Lower Molonglo Sewerage Treatment Works, 2874q
Needlestick injuries, 2992q, 2999q
Pialligo, 1216qn
Queanbeyan arrangements, 1206qn
Radioactive waste, 1954qn
Water and Sewerage Bill 2000, detail, 3579
Williams, Mr A., comments, 3587
Workers’ Compensation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 3793
Works, program, 3854
SPEAKER, MR (Mr G. Cornwell)
Auditor-General, reports, 3304
Courts and tribunals, mandatory sentencing, 2546
Government, Carnell, Ms K., resignation as Chief Minister, 3143
Keys, Sir William, AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 2545
Legislative Assembly -
Business, 3156
Committees -
2001-2002 Budget, 3182
Estimates 2000-01, 1514
Justice and Community Safety, 1294
Privileges, 1847
Duncan, Mr T., 899
Hansard, Auscript Pty Ltd, 1199
Imputations against the Speaker, 1538
Interjections, 261
Language -
‘Bullshit’, 1400
‘Cheat’, 1537
‘Crap,’ 595
‘Deception’, 1995
‘Gary-ed’, 2123
‘Hypocritical’, 2748
‘Idiot’, 2047
‘Misappropriation’, 2176
‘Sanctimonious windbag’, 2123
‘Straying from the truth’, 2123
‘Twist the truth’, 3599
‘Two tongues’, 2403
‘Was this just another artful deception’, 1994
‘You purchased the report, so you get the answers you want’, 283
Legislation, amendments, 2127
Matter of public importance, withdrawal, 1803
Members -
Conduct, 1424
Warnings, 3846
Papers, 124, 371, 1297, 1597, 2007, 2457, 2545, 2881, 3002, 3194, 3303
Personal explanations, 1239, 3002
Personal reflections, 903, 956
Privilege, 1596
Proceedings, recording, broadcasting and photographing, 455, 614, 694, 1672, 2254, 3847
Question time, 538
Questions, expressions of opinion, 37
Quorums, 997
Reflections on the chair, 360
Rulings, hypothetical matters, 2645
Standing order 55, 903
Standing orders 54 and 55, 956
Standing order 118, 261
Standing order 130, 3721
Standing order 165, 3827
Standing order 202(a), 1917
Substantive motions, 1531
Valedictory, 3946
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 425
Reconciliation, 1699, 1715, 1718, 2603, 2613, 3531
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, prin, 875
Acton Peninsula, building demolition, 1794q
Alcohol -
Beer subsidy, 1554
Liquor licensing standards, 304
New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3248
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1803, detail, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2277, (Health and Community Care) 2281, (Justice and Community Safety) 2340, 2430
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2730, detail, 2765, 2767, 2784, 2789, 2794
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1029q, 1176, 1387
Bender, Miss K., death, coroner’s report, 29q
Bruce Stadium -
Leasing arrangements, 48q
Olympic football, 2635q
Redevelopment, 3281q, 3748q, 3845q
Rock concert, 1339, 1410, 1513, 1567q
Turf, 2735q
Video replay board, 1222qn
Budget -
Debate, 1803
Health and community care, 1652q
Business, BRL Hardy, incentives, 3593qn
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3900
Children -
Criminal responsibility, 663, 669
Services, 141
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 141
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 663, detail, 669
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 142, 159
Cigarettes and tobacco, control, 2599
Courts and tribunals -
Court administrators, 1224qn
Defamation actions, 1933qn
Intoxication defence, 2812
Mandatory sentencing, 425, 1699, 1715, 1718
Sitting days, 1939qn
Spent convictions, 2851
Crime -
Stalking, 3713
Statistics, 3623q
Surveillance cameras, 997
Victims, 1969, 2049, 2933, 3136qn
Crimes (Amendment) Bill (No 4) 1998, prin, 2812
Crimes Amendment Bill (No 3) 1999, prin, 136
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2698, detail, 2700
Crimes Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3713
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000, prin, 3082, detail, 3096, 3099, 3105
Curtis, Professor L., death, 2100
Development -
Kingston foreshore, 590
Waldorf Apartments, 171q
Disabled persons, inquiry, 3403
Drugs -
Anabolic steroids, 2860
Supervised injecting trial, 2384
Syringes -
Disposal bins, 304
Distribution, 3241qn
Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3770
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2962, detail, 3109
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3258, 3715
Electricity Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1083
Electricity and Water Authority -
Competitive suppliers, 594q
Legislation, 1083
Merger proposal, 510q, 537q, 636, 674q, 754q, 799q, 821, 2505
Environment and conservation, air pollution, wood heating, 2685
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 399
Financial Relations Agreement Bill 2000, prin, 2062
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000, detail, 1886
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3620, detail, 3671, 3705
Goods and Services Tax (Temporary Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000, prin, 2069
Government -
Carnell, Ms K., ministerial appointment, 3147
Chief Minister -
Want of confidence, 3141, 3146
Green, Mr D., death, 1617
Health -
AIDS statistics, 1756
Artificial conception, 2765, 2767, 2784, 2789, 2794
Commercial surrogacy, 2730
Dental health program, 1942qn
Elective surgery, 2230q, 2459q
Occupational health and safety, 1857
Reproductive technology, 3243qn
Health and Community Care, portfolio, Chief Executive, 2912q, 2997q, 3300q
Hope, AD, death, 2707
Hospitals -
Canberra Hospital -
Death Review Committee, 2022
Emergency department, 2863q
Emergency surgery, 2134q
Finances, 270q
Morbidity and mortality rates, 1990q
Hospices, Clare Holland House, 3202
Visiting medical officers, 3502q
Waiting lists, 3376q
Housing -
First home owner grants, 1886
Policy, 3874
Intergovernmental relations, Ministerial Council meetings, 3131qn, 3135qn, 3234qn, 3235qn, 3237qn, 3238qn
International affairs -
China, 3040
East Timor, 1025
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1558
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 21
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 23, detail, 25
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill (No 3) 1999, prin, 26, detail, 593, 1249, 1255, 1261
Keys, Sir William AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 1334
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Government Contracting and Procurement Processes, 2371, 2512
Justice and Community Safety, 565
Planning and Urban Services, 590
Public Housing, 3874
Language, ‘Hypocrite’, 1904
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3936
Conduct, 1424
Points of order, 359, 440, 441, 593, 1002, 1468, 1524, 1795, 2535, 3283, 3378, 3846
Reflection on a vote, 1902
Valedictory, 3936
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3248
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1857
Oliphant, Sir Marcus, death, 2704
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, prin, 2565, detail, 2576, 2584, 2587, 2595
Periodic Detention Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 1263
Poisons and Drugs Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2860
Prisons and prisoners -
Periodic detention, 945q, 1225qn, 1263
Remand centre proposal, 3834q
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3551, detail, 3554, 3909, 3916
Public Access to Government Contracts Bill 2000, prin, 3789, 3799
Public Service -
Fit and proper persons, 1935qn
Review, 29q
Roads, Gungahlin Drive extension, 1453q
Smoking Products Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2599
Spent Convictions Bill 2000, prin, 2851
Sport and recreation -
V8 supercar race, 1214qn
Statute Law Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3926, detail, 3926
Subsidies (Liquor and Diesel) Repeal Bill 2000, prin, 1554
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2384
Surveillance Cameras (Privacy) Bill 2000, prin, 997
Taxation -
Diesel fuel rebate, 1358q
Goods and services tax, 1274q, 1558, 2062, 2069
Reform, 382
Tompsett, Ms J., death, 1617
Tourism, Canberra Convention Bureau, 1215qn
Transport, very fast train, 2525q
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2933
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1969, detail, 2049
Walsh, Mr G., death, 2102
Williams, Mr A., comments, 3584
Women, International Women’s Day, 703
Wright, Ms J., death, 2106
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Education, 1677, 1684, min st, 3007
Mandatory sentencing, 457
Reconciliation, 1710
Alcohol, breath testing machines, 215
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, detail, (Health and Community Care) 2295 (Education and Community Services) 2360
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2773
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 1395
Bicycles, helmets, 3754q
Bruce Stadium -
Redevelopment, 3758q
Rock symphony, 1400
Budget, CIT funding, 1668q
Building and construction, training fund, 3644
Children, therapeutic protection orders, 186q
Computers -
Competencies test, 949q
Schools, 267q
Courts and tribunals, mandatory sentencing, 457, 1710
Crime -
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000, prin, 3091
Drugs -
Needle distribution centres, 3388q, 3514q
Supervised injecting trial, 1644, 2413
Education -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1677, 1684, 3007
Canberra Institute of Technology, 1668q
China delegation, 3525
Computer competencies test, 949q
Expenditure, 927
Funding, 3298q
Literacy and numeracy outcomes, 3592qn
Schools -
Assessment, 3386q, 3838q, 3846q
Class sizes, 3128qn
Computers, 267q
Development, min st, 1491
Enrolment IQ tests, 3513q, 3637q
Finances, 39q
League tables, 3505q
Non-government, 3954qn
Retention rates, 1943qn
Stromlo High School, 692q
Temporary classrooms, 1373q
Work for the dole, 506, 726, 738
Yarralumla Primary School, 2151q
University accreditation, 3019, 3021
University of Canberra, 2816
Vocational training, 2524
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 627
Employment and unemployment, work for the dole, 506
Environment and conservation -
Air pollution, wood heating, 2686
Regional forest agreement, 167
Trees, 1956qn
Family Services, records, 45q
Finance, purchase agreements, 1613
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3606
Government -
Anniversary, 901
Carnell, Ms K., 903
Health -
Artificial conception, 2773
Psychologists, 3920
Intergovernmental relations, Ministerial Council meetings, 3237qn
International affairs -
Keys, Sir William AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 1335
Land, surplus properties, 2485qn
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 19, 927, 1484, 1486, 1613, 1776, 3813, 3822
Privileges, 1793
Duncan, Mr T., 901
Members, Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3940
Papers, 1311
Points of order, 937, 1009, 3080
Valedictory, 3940
Liquor Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 215
Mazengarb, Mr P., death, 1331
Motor vehicles, smash repairs, 3846q
Noel Butlin Archives, importance, 3431
Police force, beat police program, 3841q
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 3557, 3920
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, detail, 199
Roads -
Funding, 3744
School zones, 1008
Traffic offences, 199
Smyth, Mr K.J., death, 1930
Sport and recreation -
Australian Institute of Sport, 1456q
Belconnen swimming pool, 3509q, 3585
Canberra Raiders, 1799q
Facilities, injury claims, 905qn
Rugby, 1802q
Rugby League, training facility, 33q
Sportsgrounds -
Lyons Oval, 2006q
Ovals, 3294q
Sale, 2003q
Stowers, Mr M., fundraiser, 3585
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2413
Transport, bus services for disabled children, 2923q, 2928q
Vocational Education and Training Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2524, 3019, detail, 3021
Women, International Women’s Day, 711
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Education, 1684
Mandatory sentencing, 417, 472
Reconciliation, 1712, 1721, 2609, 3533
ACTEW/AGL Partnership Facilitation Bill 2000, detail, 882
ACTTAB, review, 1054
Adult Entertainment and Restricted Material Bill 2000, prin, 1698
Agents (Amendment) Bill 1998, detail, 406
Alcohol -
Breath testing machines, 2661, 2665
Liquor licensing standards, 309
Low-alcohol liquor, 2858
New Year’s Eve beer sales, 3250
Appropriation Bill 2000-2001, prin, 1817, detail, (Chief Minister’s) 2209, (Treasury and Infrastructure) 2275, (Health and Community Care) 2302, , (Urban Services) 2324, (Justice and Community Safety) 2347, (Education and Community Services) 2357
Artificial Conception Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 2766, 2769, 2780, 2787
Arts and letters, funding, 1689
Aviation, Impulse Airlines, 953q, 1036q, 1188, 1329, 1393
Bruce Stadium -
Rock concert, 1398
Budget -
Community dividend, 1664q
Debate, 1817
Business -
Australian Optic Fibre Research Pty Ltd, 911qn
Deregulation, 334, 338, 342, 346
Promotion Centre, Regatta Point, 3125qn
Casino Control Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3454
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3908
Children, criminal responsibility, 662
Children’s Services Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 662
CHOGM 2001, relocation, 156
Clark, Mrs D., death, 1623
Commissioner for the Environment Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3560, detail, 3561
Compensation, workers compensation, 3796
Courts and tribunals -
Intoxication defence, 2813
Mandatory sentencing, 41q, 176q, 273q, 417, 472, 1712, 1721
Crime -
Statute of limitations, 3199
Crimes (Amendment) Bill (No 4) 1998, prin, 2813
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000, prin, 3089, detail, 3099, 3104
Dairying, Milk Authority, 1891
Development -
Applications, 2084, 2085, 2088
Civic plan, 602q
Deakin Soccer Oval, 2463qn
Federal Golf Club, 3369
Griffith Primary School site, 2747q
Kingston foreshore, 588
Legislation, 3347
Mawson/Athllon Drive corridor, 3729
McKellar, 1951qn, 1952qn, 3219qn, 3245qn
Red Hill, 2167
Yarralumla Brickworks, 3413, 3461, 3464, 3509q
Disabled persons -
Dogs, control, 3268, 3273, 3325, 3327, 3333, 3343
Domestic Animals Bill 2000, prin, 3268, detail, 3273, 3325, 3327, 3333, 3343
Drugs -
Anabolic steroids, 2861
Supervised injecting trial, 1646, 1795q, 2403
Syringe disposal bins, 309
Education -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1684
Preschools, 3324
Schools -
Assessment reporting, 3385q, 3838q, 3846q
Class sizes, 3128qn
Students, disabled, 13
Teachers, 3817
University accreditation, 3019
Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999, prin, 3771
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2966, detail, 3110, 3116
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3264, detail, 3541
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 2), prin, 3716
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 (No. 3), prin, 3721
Electricity and Water Authority -
Green power option, 445q
Probity audit, 898
Utilities legislation, 489, 496
Employment and unemployment, employment agents, 406
Environment and conservation -
Air pollution, wood heating, 2676, 2688, 2691, 2696
Fairbairn Park authorisations, 1201qn
Mitchell incinerator emissions, 2873q
North Watson woodland, 2649q
Regional forest agreement, 191
Environment Protection Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 713
Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2111, 2691, 2696
Finance -
Consumer credit, 1464q
Government expenditure, 1984
Financial Relations Agreement Bill 2000, prin, 2060
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000, prin, 1873
Fisheries Bill 2000, prin, 2090, detail, 2092, 2094, 2095
Food, labelling, 689q
Gambling -
Casino legislation, 3454
Commission, 3389q
Interactive, regulations, 3493, 3501
Internet licences, 1575q, 1670q, 1725, 1740, 1742
Internet policy, 1282q
Licences, 3302q
Online betting, 2014, 2442, 2453
Review, 1054
Sports betting licence fees, 1548qn
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3609, detail, 3658, 3668, 3678, 3692, 3705
Goods and Services Tax (Temporary Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000, detail, 2078, 2080
Government -
Carnell, Ms K., ministerial appointment, 3151
Humphries, Mr G., gambling web site, 2924q
Health -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 231, 1165
Artificial conception, 2766, 2769, 2780, 2787
Dental service, waiting times, 364q, 371q
Mental health, 1944qn
Occupational health and safety, 1856
Psychologists, 3717
Hope, AD, death, 2708
Housing -
First home owner grants, 1873
Inquiry, 1435
Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, 2250q
Northbourne Flats, 2536q, 2879q
Rebates, 2150q
Recommendations, 3641
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amt Bill 1999, prin, 334, detail, 338, 342, 346
Insurance Corporation Bill 2000, prin, 2795, detail, 2802
International affairs -
East Timor, 1019
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1557
Keys, Sir William AC Kt Cr OBE MC, death, 1336
Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1998, prin, 1067,
detail, 1072Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill 1999, prin, 1319
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2084, detail, 2085, 2088
Land (Planning and Environment) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 4), prin, 3072
Land (Planning and Environment) Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3347
Legislative Assembly -
Committees -
2001-2002 Budget, 3179
Education, Community Services and Recreation, 9, 13, 913, 934, 1775, 1847, 3185, 3324, 3817
Finance and Public Administration, 2729
Government Contracting and Procurement Processes, 2517
Health and Community Care, 231, 1165, 1444, 2715
Justice and Community Safety, 578, 2125, 2174
Planning and Urban Services, 489, 496, 588, 1271, 3018, 3489
Public Housing, 1435, 3641, 3828, 3877
Meeting days, 3898
Members -
Carnell, Ms K., farewell, 3943
Staff, 1502
Points of order, 170, 177, 519, 2377, 2971, 3386
Questions on notice, 1376q
Standing orders 202 and 203, 1075
Subordinate legislation, 3458
Valedictory, 3943
Liquor Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3250
Liquor Amendment Bill (No 2) 1999, prin, 2661, detail, 2665
Low-Alcohol Liquor Subsidies Bill 2000, prin, 2858
Magistrates Court Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2669, detail, 2948
Milk Authority (Repeal) Bill 2000, prin, 1891
Noel Butlin Archives, importance, 3432
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1856
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2000 (No 3), prin, 3199
Oliphant, Sir Marcus, death, 2705
Olympic Events Security Bill 1999, prin, 2567, detail, 2579, 2583, 2596
Olympics 2000, free soccer tickets, 3207qn
Planning -
Administration, 2898
Bruce Precinct Association, 1205qn
Territory Plan, variation, 2167
Poisons and Drugs Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2861
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3552, detail, 3559
Psychologists Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3717
Public Access to Government Contracts Bill 2000, prin, 3802, detail, 3806
Public Service, second jobs, 560qn
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000, detail, 1968
Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), prin, 1929
Roads -
Gungahlin Drive extension, 1359q
School zones, 1012
Speed limits, 3018
Traffic legislation, 1118, 1150
Senior citizens, elder abuse, 1444
Social welfare, funding, 2729
Spent Convictions Bill 2000, prin, 2852, detail, 2855
Sport and recreation -
Motor sport, Fairbairn Park, 1048q
Sportsgrounds, Lyons Oval, 2006q
V8 supercar race, 1207qn
Stadiums Corporation Bill 1999, prin, 319, detail, 322, 324
Subordinate Laws Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3458
Subsidies (Liquor and Diesel) Repeal Bill 2000, prin, 1551, 1870
Superannuation, legislation, 1864, 1867
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2403
Taxation -
Betterment tax, 1319
Goods and services tax, 1557, 2060, 2078, 2080
Rates and land tax, 1929, 1968
Reform, 389
Territory Superannuation Provision Protection Bill 2000, prin, 1864, detail, 1867
Totalcare, assets transfer, 3784
Trade, CanTrade, 2477qn
Transport -
ACTION, Civic interchange bus shelters, 3217qn
Bus charters, 2832qn
Taxis and hire cars, 3489
Utilities Bill 2000, prin, 3564
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 1629, 2939
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2000 (No 2), detail, 2051
Vocational Education and Training Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3019
Waste disposal -
Lower Molonglo Sewerage Treatment Works, 2873q
Pialligo, 1216qn
Queanbeyan arrangements, 1206qn
Radioactive waste, 1954qn
Sewerage systems, 766q
Women, International Women’s Day, 698
Workers’ Compensation Amendment Bill 1999, prin, 3796
Wright, Ms J., death, 2109
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders -
Mandatory sentencing, 456
Arts and letters -
Book launch, 1074
Bicycles, helmets, 3754q
Bruce Stadium -
Olympic football, 2646q, 2872q, 2925q
Turf, 2746q
Centenary of Federation, celebration, 3900
Cigarettes and tobacco, legislation, 1198
Clark, Mrs D., death, 1622
Courts and tribunals -
Mandatory sentencing, 456
Development -
Erindale Police Station, 3139qn
Urban open space, 3297q
Disabled persons -
Care providers, 553
Funding, 3387q
Respite care, 547
Drugs -
Cannabis use, 3492
Methadone program, 2002q, 2153q
Scheduling standards, 2054
Supervised injecting trial, 1644, 2412
Education, schools, Lake Tuggeranong College, solar car, 476
Electoral, tactics, 3588
Electricity and Water Authority, merger proposal, 683q, 747, 862
Family Services, records, 44q
Finance, budget process, 138
Health -
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 236, 1163, 3492
Agencies, 7
Alzheimer’s Association of the ACT, 368q
Blood donors, 2602
Expenditure, 982
Mental health, 2564
Registered professions, 2054
Respite care, 2557
Health and Community Care Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2054
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 3922
Health Professionals (Special Events Exemptions) Bill 2000, prin, 1925
Hospitals -
Canberra Hospital -
Emergency surgery, 2145q
Psychiatric unit, 1203qn
Elective surgery, 3635q
Waiting lists, 2238q
Housing -
Currong Flats, 2995q
Flats, redevelopment, 1665q
Inquiry, 1437
Policy, 3828
Properties, 2821qn, 2826qn, 2828qn
Rental properties, 3953qn
Residential Tenancies Tribunal, 1204qn
Land -
Lease variations, 3139qn
Revaluations, 3950qn
Legislative Assembly -
Business, 3825
Committees -
Appointments, 3813
Health and Community Care, 7, 236, 547, 982, 1163, 1445, 1616, 2557, 2720, 3492, 3886
Privileges, 1909
Duncan, Mr T., 900
Members, numbers, 3448
Order of the day, 3886
Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2564
Noel Butlin Archives, importance, 3429
Prisons and prisoners, remand centre proposal, 3839q
Public Health Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2054
Public Service, wrongful dismissal claim, 2468qn
Roads -
Drakeford and Erindale Drives intersection, 3227qn
Drivers licences tests, 1547qn
Senior citizens, elder abuse, 1445, 3492
Supervised Injecting Place Trial Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2412
Taxation -
Fringe benefits tax, 1035q
GST compensation, 770q
Tobacco Amendment Bill (No 2) 99 prin, 1198
Transplantation and Anatomy Amendment Bill 2000, prin, 2602
Transport, ACTION, bus shelters, 1573q