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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 1 Hansard (17 February) . . Page.. 245 ..

MR HARGREAVES (continuing):

model, well, wacky-do. It can go into the toilet with the rest of it. I want to see the detail. If the devil is in the detail, let us have a look at the eyes of the devil. We look forward to the inquiry.

Question resolved in the affirmative.



Motion for Disallowance

MR RUGENDYKE (11.57): Mr Speaker, I ask for leave to amend the notice standing in my name on the notice paper.

Leave granted.

MR RUGENDYKE: Mr Speaker, I move:

That the provision of paragraph 16 of the Liquor Licensing Standards Manual (Instrument No. 252 of 1999 made under the Liquor Act 1975) which reads "a sharps disposal bin in accordance with Australian Standards (AS 4031) shall be provided in each toilet facility in premises that are primarily used as a tavern or nightclub;" be disallowed pursuant to the Subordinate Laws Act 1989.

I am compelled to move this motion today to remove a curious requirement in the Liquor Licensing Standards Manual tabled in the Assembly in the latter part of last year. I have also amended the original motion today to clarify which part of the manual offends and to specify which part of the manual I seek to disallow. This motion comes about following discussions with others.

I cannot understand why nor do I think it appropriate that tavern and nightclub owners have been forced to install sharps disposal bins. I believe the Government has been unfair in singling out taverns and nightclubs for this requirement. The Government has not clearly justified the inclusion of this measure. Why are pubs and taverns any different to other premises which are governed by the Liquor Act? What evidence is there that intravenous drug use is more of a problem in taverns and nightclubs than anywhere else?

I am not convinced that there is a problem in taverns and nightclubs. Understandably, the owners of these establishments are quite concerned - and with good reason. They do not want to encourage drug users on to their premises, nor should this Assembly be sending a message to drug users that it is okay to shoot up in toilets on licensed premises. This Assembly has already approved the establishment of one shooting gallery in the ACT, and I do not wish to see quasi-shooting galleries endorsed in other areas of our city.

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