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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 2 Hansard (2 March) . . Page.. 549 ..

MR WOOD (continuing):

Members, there is a great deal of care provided in the community, and I am sure that we are all part of it at some stage, such as just buying groceries for an aged parent who cannot quite so easily get out. At a simple level, care is provided; but we have been focusing on this area of complex, time demanding and difficult needs, and I hope that over the years more and more can be done to those carers who provide such a wonderful service. They need the assistance. I am sure we all agree that they should have the highest priority.

MR RUGENDYKE (4.40): I rise briefly to concur with my chairman, Mr Wood. I agree with his sentiments on this important area. The committee did come to several conclusions. There are a large number of areas of unmet need. We all know that. It is across the board, perhaps. One important thing that was discovered during our inquiry was the fact that carers are ageing at a greater rate. Carers of people with disabilities and so on are ageing rapidly. There will be a major problem when the population as a whole ages and also these carers of disabled people age.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I believe the recommendations that we have come to in this report are achievable and sensible and will go a long way to give the Government a way forward on this issue that has sometimes been not really recognised as a problem. They can be acted upon by government in a meaningful and sensible way.

Mr Moore: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I indicate that the Government will be taking this issue very seriously.

MR RUGENDYKE: I thank the Minister.

Debate (on motion by Mr Moore ) adjourned.


MR MOORE (Minister for Health and Community Care) (4.42): Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I present the Government Contracts Confidentiality Bill 2000, together with its explanatory memorandum.

Title read by Clerk.

MR MOORE: I move:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

I quote:

The Official Secrets Act is not to protect secrets, but to protect officials.

This quote is by Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay and is from Yes, Minister, Volume 1. This legislation is about open government. It is about restoring faith in government contracting and ensuring the best possible outcome for the people of the ACT. It is

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