14 Feb 2006 - 14 Dec 2006 Speech Indexes

Subject Indexes       All years


detail, debated at the detail stage; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; qn, question on notice;



Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Education, 1982

Student absentees, 3397qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 2002

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2721, (Education and Training) 2806, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 2814

Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1015

Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 1523, 1663

Aviation, Canberra-Sydney flights, 1166

Budget, functional and structural review, 1120q

Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3012, 3907

Bushwalking, Gold Creek school, 1714qn

Canberra Institute of Technology (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 3012, 3587


Childcare, 1758q

Kids at Play program, 4274qn

Civic Pool, dome maintenance, 4273qn

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1601

Civil Unions Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2034

Crime, assaults, 3943qn

Deeks Forest, facilities, 3394qn

Dragway, proposal, 2242q


ACT Academy of Sports, 3371qn

Canberra Institute of Technology, fees, 3012

Early childhood, 4173q

Enrolments, 2546q

Facilities, 1180

Funding, 2449q, 2961q

Ginninderra district high school, 2066qn, 2080qn

Higher school certificate, 3651qn

Indigenous, 1982, 3397qn

Inquiry, proposal, 2573

International students, 2270

Policy, 2232q

Preschools, 1373q, 1473q, 3651qn

Public Education Day, 1663


Bullying, 2406qn

Closures, 1033q, 1207q, 1215q, 1217q, 1466q, 1784, 1838q, 1841q, 1847q, 1933q, 2127q, 2134q, 2140q, 2143q, 2205, 2240q, 2244q, 2278, 2551q, 2636q, 2637q, 2641q, 2909, 3044q, 3080qn, 3134q, 3139q, 3147q, 3222q, 3239, 3247, 3398qn, 3399qn, 3443q, 3444q, 3548, 3564, 3680q, 3775, 3970q, 4083q, min st, 4086, 4168q, 4169q, 4170q, 4177q, 4178q, 4180q, 4254qn

Cost per student, 2133q

Demountables, 3364qn

Environmental sustainability, 3529q, 3605q, 3898

Gold Creek school, 1714qn

Infrastructure upgrades, 3519q

Priority enrolment areas, 1702qn

Restorative justice, 2402qn

Space requirements, 2081qn

Staff costs, 2082qn

Student numbers, 3302q

Student first aid training, 3397qn

Teachers, 1122q, 2455q, 3218

Tertiary mergers, 2243q

Universities admission index, 1709qn, 2092qn, 3396qn

University of Canberra, 3829, 3968

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1180, 3966, detail, 4008, 4012

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 1784, 1866

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 3247

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2909

Education and Training, Department, new site, 4277qn


Climate change, 3806

Schools, sustainability, 3898

Floriade 2006, 3063, 3224q


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4185

Contractors, 4289qn

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2124

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2124

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3851


AIDS, 4210

Asbestos, 1015, 1523, 1663

School canteen policy, 1374q

Industrial relations

Long service leave, 3577, 3641qn, 3906

Reforms, 2531

Teachers, 2455q

Workers, 1060, 3866q

WorkChoices, 4302qn

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People, 2098, 2205, 3056

Estimates 2006-2007, 1183

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 1984


Barr, Mr A

Inaugural speech, 1003

Oath of allegiance, 1003

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2124

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2124

Papers, 1383, 1568, 1984, 2148, 2648, 3057, 3877, 4204

Questions on notice, 1848q

Valedictory, 4229

Long Service Leave (Contract Cleaning Industry) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3577, 3906

Marriage, civil unions, 1601, 1905


Emergency calls, 1327qn

Forensic officer, 1326qn

Traffic enforcement, 1325qn

Witness and victim statements, 1314qn

Public service

Freedom of information, 3380qn, 3381qn

Privacy guidelines, 3385qn

Rental payments, 2077qn, 2078qn, 2079qn

Restructuring, 2002

Staff, 3085qn

Roads, glass panels, 1300qn

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3749

Seniors, actively ageing, 2047qn, 2404qn, 4269qn

Social welfare, community sector task force, 1841q


Code of conduct, 2404qn

Dragway, 2242q

Organisations, funding, 4272qn

Ovals, 4266qn, 4272qn

Teams, funding, 3098qn, 4270qn

Sport and Recreation ACT, staff, 4270qn

Spring Out festival, celebrations, 4017

Teddy Bears Childcare Centre, eviction, 1758q


Awards, 3773q

Increases, 1120q, 1166

Marketing, 2069qn, 3633qn

Purchases and contracts, 1299qn

Visitor statistics, 3393qn

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3829, 3968

Water, playing fields, 4266qn

Women, workers, 3866q

WorkChoices, proposal, 2531


Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (Secretariat) 2428

Belconnen, 40th anniversary, 3541

Bravo, Mr D, refugee, 4014

Compensation, workers, 3640qn

Development, Parkwood Recovery Estate, 3639qn

Dragway, proposal, 2095

Education, school closures, 2096, 2411, 4107, 4254qn

Government, contractors, 4287qn, 4288qn

Housing, Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 2095

Human rights, legislation, 2217

Industrial relations, long service leave, 3641qn

Legislative Assembly

Building, use, 729, 1426

Committees, Legal Affairs, 2217

Members, code of conduct, 2257, 2259

Legislative Assembly Precincts Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 729, 1426

Parkwood Recovery Estate, valuations, 3085qn

Pinochet, General A, death, 4014

Policing, anti-terrorism legislation, 1348


Belwest Foxes, 273

Dragway, 2095

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1348

Workers compensation, 3640qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Children, 4245qn

Community Inclusion Board, 636qn

Consultations, 1068, 3645qn, 3646qn

Education, 936qn, 2867q

Native title, 3645qn, 3646qn, 3647qn, 3652qn, 3653qn, 3654qn, 3940qn, 3945qn

Public service officers, 636qn

Student absentees, 3397qn

Abortion, legislation, 336

ACT Health, accreditation, 1323qn

Ainslie Village, food service, 2541q

Ambulance service, vehicles, 3523q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (Secretariat) 2427, (Auditor-General) 2437, (Chief Minister’s) 2611, (ACT Health) 2687, (Disability, Housing and Community Services) 2746, (ACT Housing) 2760, (Education and Training) 2795

Auditor-General, reports, 48q


Election promises, 1371q

Functional and structural review, 1044q, 1128, 1239

Midyear review, 232q

Superannuation liability, 138q

Bushfires, Pierces Creek settlement, 321qn

Carers Recognition Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3432


Brain injuries, 302qn

Care and protection, 2443q, 2634q, 2656q, 4243qn, 4244qn, 4246qn, 4247qn, 4248qn, 4249qn, 4250qn, 4251qn

Carers, 4250qn

Child protection workers, 4241qn

Childcare, 1085, 1094, 4116

Deaths, 3642qn

Disability services, 4077q

Foster carers, 4240qn

Health programs, 699

Indigenous, 4245qn

Needs, 4246qn

Participation strategy, 4244qn

Risk assessments, 4242qn

Special needs, 1281qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 404, detail, 522, 529

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1609

Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 336

Development, Red Hill, 546q

Disability ACT

Audits, 303qn

Group homes, 960qn, 961qn, 962qn, 3090qn, 3091qn, 3092qn, 3093qn, 3094qn, 3095qn, 3101qn

Home support, 964qn

Incident reports, 958qn

Needs assessment, 3092qn

Performance monitoring, 964qn

Programs, 963qn

Property maintenance, 957qn

Sex education, 963qn

Staff, 955qn, 956qn, 957qn, 958qn, 959qn, 960qn, 961qn, 965qn

Disability, Housing and Community Services, Department, funding, 3090qn

Disabled persons

Accommodation, 3095qn, 3096qn, 3100qn

Children, 4077q

Housing, 986qn, 1311qn, 1312qn, 1324qn, 2063qn

Services, 962qn, 1118q, 1221q

Support, 3100qn

Transport, 679q, 955qn, 963qn


Indigenous, 936qn, 2867q, 3397qn

Inquiry, proposal, 2582

School closures, 1215q, 2501, 2507, 2927, 3398qn, 3444q, 4171q

Student assistance, 320qn

Student first aid training, 3397qn

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2927

Emergency Services Authority, volunteers, 69

Environment, mobile phone towers, 2473

Families, working, 1523, 1534

Good neighbour day, proposal, 412

Government, community links, 1509


Brain injuries, 302qn

Breast cancer, 637qn

Breastfeeding, 1321qn

Children, 699

Depression, 411

Performance management, 1317qn

Sudden infant death syndrome, 1318qn


Canberra Hospital, patient treatment, 762q

Overcrowding, 380

Pay parking, 3603q

Psychiatric Services Unit, 1320qn

Surgery times, 861q


Affordable options, 319qn

Allocation times, 987qn

Asset management strategy, 2073qn

Commonwealth-state agreement, 1302qn

Currong apartments, 288qn

Disabled persons, 986qn, 1311qn, 1312qn, 1324qn, 2063qn

Emergency accommodation, 1273qn

Integration projects, 4300qn

Jerilderie Court, 3388qn

Joint champions group, 4301qn

Kanangra Court, 3974q

Priority allocations, 986qn

Residential Tenancies Tribunal, 4267qn

Review, 3101qn

Tenants, 319qn, 2063qn

Waiting list, 1302qn

War widows, 370q

Housing ACT

Acquisitions, 2074qn

Allocations, 2071qn, 2072qn

Assistance and review panel, 1281qn

Conflicts, 288qn, 2085qn

Crisis protocols, 1309qn, 2043qn

Debt notification, 2074qn

Fraud control, 1554q, 2070qn

Full market renters, 302qn, 303qn, 1305qn, 2084qn

Funding, 1513

Heritage study, 297qn

HomeNet tracking system, 2075qn, 2085qn, 2087qn

Legal advice, 1310qn

Marketing, 287qn, 294qn

Multiunit complexes, 2086qn

Performance audit, 2071qn, 2075qn, 2087qn

Properties, 293qn, 937qn, 1303qn, 4290qn

Rent payments, 2075qn

Services, 1304qn

Staff, 4290qn


Agreements, 938qn

Behaviour, 2073qn

Debts, 2074qn, 2085qn

Downsizing, 2084qn

Participation programs, 938qn, 1310qn, 1311qn, 1323qn, 2043qn, 2044qn

Vulnerable, 1324qn

Vacancies, 4290qn

Veterans, 1701qn

Industrial relations

Bullying, 1314qn

Workers, 651, 1056

James, Mr T, support, 713

Land, native title, 3645qn, 3646qn, 3647qn, 3652qn, 3653qn, 3654qn, 3940qn, 3945qn

Legislative Assembly

Business, 117


Estimates 2006-2007, 1194, 1233

Health and Disability, 4

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 651, 911, 1523, 1534, 2599


Mulcahy, Mr R, leave of absence, 1010

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 606

Seselja, Mr Z, leave of absence, 323

Smyth, Mr B, leave of absence, 644

Pairing arrangements, 643

Points of order, 46, 67, 87, 124, 134, 340, 341, 346, 357, 760, 864, 1046, 1060, 1219, 1373, 1529, 1555, 2868, 2869, 2957

Standing orders, 514

Valedictory, 4013

Libraries, review, 3769q

Marriage, civil unions, 1609

Motor vehicles, government, traffic infringements, 1315qn

Outward Bound, anniversary, 1262

Policing, shopping centres, 456q, 892, pers expl, 894


Belconnen Remand Centre, 3868q

Quamby Youth Centre, 46q, 144q, 237q

Public service

Data management, 4242qn

Indigenous officers, 636qn

Shared services, 1470q

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, accountability, 2946q, 3043q

Social welfare

Carers, 3432

Koomarri, 165

Lifeline, 2903

Sport, activities, 743

Superannuation, government liability, 138q

Youth, conference funding, 4245qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Education, 203

Health, 639qn

ACT Corrective Services, staff, 4261qn

ACT Health, accreditation, 1323qn


Security cameras, 634qn

Services, 988qn

SMS bookings, 633qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, detail, 2026, 2029

Ambulance service

Crews, 3528q, 3699q

Vehicles, 1472q, 3523q, 3524q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2742, (Justice and Community Safety) 2786


Qualifications, 1715qn

Reports, 683, 1223, 1848

Auditor-General, reports, 3979, 4086

Building and construction

Disciplinary notices, 3086qn

Growth rate, 873q

Legislation, 191

Licensing process, 906


Brigade funds, 3510, 3535

Budget, 4266qn

Front-line vehicles, 3130q, 3133q, 3214q, 3218q, 3225

International assistance, 2538q

Rural Fire Service, 3400qn

Spotting towers, 4266qn


Mortgage brokers, 4260qn

Petrol stations, 982qn, 983qn, 997qn, 1277qn

Carers Recognition Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2299, 3432


Childcare, 1695qn

Commissioner, 3637qn

Health programs, 701

Civil Partnerships Bill 2006, prin, 3953

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1613, detail, 1624, 1630, 1637

Civil Unions Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1914, 2034

Compensation, workers, 260, 3640qn

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 191, 906

Consumer protection, legislation, 2400qn

Corrections Management Bill 2006, prin, 4132

Court Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3824, 3956, 3960

Courts and tribunals

Justices of the peace, 1697qn

Magistrates Court, 2402qn

Powers of attorney, 3663, 3666

Restorative justice, 3152

Sentencing, 1010, 1653, 1662


Antisocial behaviour, 3343

Assaults, 926qn, 1294qn

Forensic medical centre, 1696qn

Manuka, 3373qn

Mentally impaired offenders, 899

Criminal Code (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 899


Applications, 997qn, 2064qn

City, 2295qn

City Markets, 3370qn

Clare Holland House, 951qn

EpiCentre site, 42qn, 940qn

Gaunt Place, 287qn

Gowrie, 1279qn

Kingston Group Centre, 3281

Land Development Agency, 3455

Macquarie Hotel site, 874

QEII site, sale, 3138q, 3213q

Urban infrastructure, 572

Yarralumla brickworks site, 955qn

Disabled persons, parking, 2386qn


Overdoses, 3361qn

Youth, 313qn

Duties Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 895


Canberra medical school, 293qn

Childcare facilities, 1695qn

Health scholarships, 639qn

Indigenous, 203

Schools, closures, 2207, 2514, 3252

University of Canberra, allied health building, 235q

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 3252

Electoral Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2370

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3510, 3535

Emergency services

Bank accounts, 3131q

Communications, 3300q, 3303q

Firelink system, 3973q

Training, 3399qn, 3643qn

Vehicles, 3305q, 3307q, 3642qn

Volunteer brigade funds, 3689q, 3691, 3772q

Emergency Services Authority

Addresses database, 2050qn

Call centre, 4265qn

Corporate dress, 1472q

Dispatch system, 1700qn

Fairbairn premises, 1701qn

Headquarters, 2454q, 3304q, 3635qn, 3636qn

Internal audit, 145q, 1697qn

Management, 3309q

McLeod report, 3365qn

Recruitment process, 2049qn


Dwelling energy ratings, 222q

Genetically modified food crops, 858q

Wildlife corridors, 1789

Epicentre, development, 42q, 940qn

Firearms, police recertification, 2088qn

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3825


Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3325

Motion of want of confidence, 2118

Economic performance, 1438

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2118

Governor-General, address, 1894


Car parking, 940qn

Footpaths, 638qn

Sports field, 941qn


Breast cancer, 637qn, 1296qn

Breastfeeding, 1271qn, 1321qn

Children, 701

Community organisations, 463q

Dieticians, 981qn

Healthpact grants, 941qn

Indigenous, 639qn

Mental, 967qn

Performance management, 1317qn

Radiation protection, 832

SIDS and Kids ACT, 980qn

Sudden infant death syndrome, 1318qn

Umbilical cord blood, 999qn


Bypasses, 284qn, 1276qn

Calvary Public Hospital, psychogeriatric facility, 47q

Canberra Hospital

Helicopter use, 314qn

Patient treatment, 763q

Pay parking, 295qn, 4267qn

Ronald McDonald family room, 632qn

Funding, 552q

Haematologists, 291qn

Interstate patients, 2385qn

Midwifery program, 980qn

Nurses, 949qn, 950qn

Overcrowding, 362q, 368q, 383

Patient transport, 286qn

Pay parking, 295qn, 4267qn

Psychiatric Services Unit, 1320qn

Refurbishments, 285qn

Safety, 354q, 451q, 544q

Sentinel events, 979qn

Surgery times, 861q


Adaptable, 3154

Construction starts, 3306q

Funding, 1517

Karralika, redevelopment, 292qn

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 361q, 1820

Unit titles, 1707qn

Human rights

Legislation, 1848, 2215, 2460, 3026

Medical treatment, 3670, 3671

Prisoners, 3301q

Human Rights Commission Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3116, 3350

Industrial relations, WorkChoices, 1560q

Justice and Community Safety, Department, functions, 1696qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2301, 3026, detail, 3026

Karralika, redevelopment, 292qn

Kingston, development, 3281


Call-in powers, 240

Land Development Agency, 3093qn

Leases, 239, 1223

Wells Station, 942qn

Legal profession

Fees, 2401qn

Judges, pensions, 2303, 3173

Legal Profession Bill 2006, prin, 1175, 1733, detail, 1735

Legislation Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 1480

Legislative Assembly

Business, 117


Education, Training and Young People, 2098

Estimates 2006-2007, 1182, 1200, 1201, 1204, 1230

Legal Affairs, 2215

Planning and Environment, 1789, 3156, 3291, 4145

Legislation, 1480

Matters of public importance, justice and corrective services, 1388


Code of conduct, 2256

Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3325

Motion of want of confidence, 2118

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4027, 4029, 4103

Gallagher, Ms K

Leave of absence, 2561, 4154

Motion of want of confidence, 2118

Hargreaves, Mr J, leave of absence, 895

Leave of absence, 4153

MacDonald, Ms K, leave of absence, 1652, 2033, 2195

Pairs, 2382

Travel, 2041qn

Notifiable instruments, 3454

Papers, 55, 246, 378, 556, 688, 771, 877, 1051, 1126, 1381, 1383, 1568, 1792, 2148, 2245, 2350, 2467, 2648, 3056, 3156, 3339, 3455, 3457, 3698, 3774, 3985, 3988, 4202

Parliamentary practice, 2372

Points of order, 126, 155, 475, 476, 477, 502, 860, 887, 888, 894, 905, 1033, 1113, 1184, 1227, 1545, 1562, 2116, 2122, 2124, 2225, 2348, 2349, 2642, 2643, 2725, 2739, 3315, 3316, 3978, 4037, 4042, 4050, 4075

Sitting pattern, 4152

Standing order 268, 1894

Standing orders, 516, 1201, 1222, 1224, 1522, 1596, 1721, 1893, 1914, 2223, 2225, 2246, 2250, 2350, 2420, 2648, 4101

Statute law revisions, 1173, 3276

Valedictory, 4231

Marriage, civil unions, 1613, 1624, 1630, 1637, 1842q, 1894, 1908, 3953

Medical Treatment (Health Directions) Bill 2006, prin, 3010, 3670, detail, 3671

Motor vehicles, home-garaged, 632qn, 1698qn

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4027, 4029, 4103


Adaptable housing, 3154

Call-in powers, 1381

Canberra spatial plan, min st, 2650

Civic, 2450q

Consultations, 2309

Development applications, 1042q

EpiCentre lease, 2235q, 2337q, 2338q, 2448q, 2458q, 2535q, 2541q, 2544q, 2552q, 2629q, 2631q, 2639q, 2656q, 3681q, 3686q, 3688q, 3758q, 3773q, 3869q, 4068q

Kingston, 2463

Land releases, 2234q

Lease variations, 2465, 3697

Legislation, 3291, 4137

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 1465q, 1556q

Open space network, 876

Performance, 3683q

Residential driveways, 985qn

Southlands, Mawson, 1381

System reform, 1280qn, min st, 2351

Planning and Development Bill 2006, prin, 4137


Anti-terrorism legislation, 1358, 1406, 1410, 1539, 1544, 1547, 1583, 1593

CCTV use, 1706qn

Fatal accident, 3517q

Firearms, 2088qn

Numbers, 1214q, 1388, 1490, 1563q

Operations support, 4265qn

Prosecutions, 4253qn

Shopping centres, 882, pers expl, 893

Vehicle recorders, 1114q

Powers of Attorney Bill 2006, prin, 3007, 3663, detail, 3666

Prisons and prisoners

Bail breaches, 3387qn, 3388qn

Belconnen Remand Centre, 3868q

Costs, 1558q

Funding, 3215q

Legislation, 4132

Parole, 3386qn

Prisoner rights, 3301q

Project progress, 3220q

Statistics, 3361qn, 3363qn

Public service

Annual reports, 3112

Freedom of information, 2394qn, 3374qn, 3377qn, 3378qn

Privacy guidelines, 3382qn, 3384qn

Public service, freedom of information, 3825

Rental payments, 2077qn

Restructuring, 2026, 2029

Radiation Protection Bill 2006, prin, 832

Railway Historical Society, site lease, 967qn

Registrar-General, relocation, 4067q, 4200q

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, detail, 588


Belconnen to Civic busway, 145, 300qn, 322qn, 551q, 870q, 1556q


Disabled, 2386qn

Pay parking, 295qn, 4267qn

Westfield Belconnen, 4290qn

Random breath tests, 1517

Security, counter-terrorism planning, 2646q

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3738

Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1010, 1653, detail, 1662

Social welfare

Carers, 2299, 3432

Poverty, 519


Gungahlin sports fields, 941qn

Paintball, 3454

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1173

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3276

Supportlink, contracts, 3643qn

Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2303, 3173

Swimming pools, safety fencing, 939qn

Taxation, GST payments, 895

Telecommunications, phone towers, 2398qn, 4277qn

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, 1126, prin, 1358, detail, 1406, 1410, 1539, 1544, 1547, 1583, 1593

Trail bikes, complaints, 2089qn

Transport, sustainable plan, 99, min st, 2650, 3449q

Waste disposal, building sites, 2393qn

Workers compensation, 260, 3640qn

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 260


Expenditure forecasts, 299qn

Projects, 289qn, 290qn, 299qn

Youth, drug use, 313qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Heritage, 3944qn

Native title, 3652qn


Legislation, 3421, 3427

RU486, use, 182


Industrial action, 2960q

Schools, 2080qn

Services, 988qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 2010

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1960, detail, (Secretariat) 2430, (Chief Minister) 2483, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2708, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2738, (Education and Training) 2787, 2809, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 2810, (Actew Corporation) 2818

Australian War Memorial, events, 3573


40th anniversary, 3000, 3536


Debate, 1960

Functional and structural review, 1135, 1377q

Midyear review, 136q, 144q

Superannuation liability, 224q

Building and construction, safety, 791

Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3906


Management, 2977

Urban edge, 784

Business, territory-owned corporations, 4215

Canberra Institute of Technology (Validation and Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 3586


Childcare, 1092

Playground safety program, 926qn

Vardon report, 318qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 408

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1617, detail, 1638, 1648

Courts and tribunals, powers of attorney, 3662


Enrolments, 2546q

Ginninderra district high school, 2079qn, 2080qn

Higher school certificate, 3651qn

Inquiry, proposal, 2570

Preschool enrolments, 3651qn


Closures, 1217q, 1267, 1838q, 1847q, 1862, 2134q, 2197, 2228, 2240q, 2274, 2503, 2519, 2641q, 2911, 3139q, 3222q, 3235, 3242, 3260, 3443q, 3544, 3560, 3566, 3680q, 3754, 3787, 4083q, 4091, 4124, 4180q

Environmental sustainability, 3895

Infrastructure upgrades, 3519q

Maintenance, 2338q

Miles Franklin primary, 3720

Space requirements, 2081qn

Staff costs, 2082qn

Students, international, 2269

Teachers, wage negotiations, 460q, 2455q

University of Canberra, 3967

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1862, 3961, detail, 4010, 4012

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 2229, 3260

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2911

Emergency services, communications, 3303q

Employment and unemployment, skilled migrant workers, 435


Climate change, 3572, 3808

Pine plantings, 1469q, 1566q

Population growth, 866q

Renewable energy, 2197

Schools, sustainability, 3895

Sustainable solutions, 3996


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4181

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2115

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2115


Mental, 506

RU486, use, 182

Stem cell research, 3356

West Belconnen Cooperative, 3909

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3421, detail, 3427


Bed occupancy, 3603q, 3873q

Calvary Public Hospital, intensive care unit, 1559q

Canberra Hospital, Ronald McDonald family room, 632qn

Overcrowding, 362q, 393

Pay parking, 1890

Waiting lists, 2872q

Human rights

Medical treatment, 3671

People trafficking, 3266

Immigration, Italy, 816

Industrial relations

Bus drivers, 2960q

Teachers, 2455q

Working conditions, 1063

International affairs, Philippines, 3719

Land, native title, 3652qn

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People, 2097, 2202

Estimates 2006-2007, 1191, 1202, 1231

Legal Affairs, 1917

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 1916


Barr, Mr A, congratulations, 1068

Burke, Mrs J, leave of absence, 1721, 2147, 3225

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2115

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2115

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4060

Pairs, 2377, 2997

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 603

Points of order, 40, 148, 363, 396, 669, 670, 860, 863, 1113, 1202, 1219, 1366, 1379, 1562, 1755, 1835, 1846, 2111, 2116, 2126, 2214, 2273, 2322, 2340, 2577, 2580, 2630, 2643, 2645, 2954, 2955, 3037, 3139, 3319, 3522, 3556, 3594, 3601, 3815, 3863, 4027, 4032, 4037, 4059, 4070, 4072, 4178, 4194

Standing orders, 1222, 2224, 2245, 2250, 2649

Valedictory, 4226

Vaughan, Ms K, departure, 603

Libraries, Kippax, 993qn

Lismore, New Italy settlement, 1067

Marriage, civil unions, 1617, 1638, 1648

Medical Treatment (Health Directions) Bill 2006, detail, 3671

Motor vehicles, home-garaged, 628qn, 629qn, 631qn, 632qn, 921qn, 922qn, 923qn, 924qn, 1271qn

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4060


Employment security checks, 2089qn

Hit-and-run incident, 669q, 760q

Powers of Attorney Bill 2006, prin, 3662

Public service

Rental payments, 2076qn, 2077qn, 2078qn, 2079qn, 2390qn

Restructuring, 2010

Shared Services Centre, 1037q

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2313, detail, 2321

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, accountability, 3041q

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 580, detail, 587


Accident statistics, 988qn, 991qn, 992qn

Belconnen to Civic busway, 151, 551q

Parking inspectors, 992qn

Pay parking ticket machines, 925qn, 1297qn

Schools, closures, 2097, 2202

Superannuation, government liability, 224q


Land, 3204

Legislation, 2313, 2321

Territory-Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 4215

Tourism, increases, 1120q


ACTION Buses, 3971q

Deficiencies, 3859q

Taxis, 3768q, 3871q, 3989, 3991

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3967


Rice and cotton production, 1511

Sustainable supply, 3169

Yarralumla brickworks, heritage protection, 45q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Family violence program, 2059qn

Poverty, 3355


Legislation, 344, 402, 3415

RU486, use, 80


Bike racks, 3638qn

Passengers, 3370qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 1997, detail, 2014

Alcohol, blood tests, 709

Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1020

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1944, detail, (Secretariat) 2424, (ACT Executive) 2433, (Auditor-General) 2436, (Chief Minister’s) 2488, (Treasury) 2619, (Central Financing Unit) 2627, (Home Loan Portfolio) 2658, (Shared Services Centre) 2662, (Superannuation Unit), 2669, (ACT Health) 2676, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2702, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2731, (Disability, Housing and Community Services) 2748, (ACT Housing) 2762, (Justice and Community Safety) 2781, (Education and Training) 2791, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 2812, (Total appropriations) 2822

Arts and letters

National Folk Festival, 1071

National Multicultural Festival, 257

Women During War exhibition, 3072

Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1013

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, 492

Bookchin, Mr M, death, 2288

Broadcasting, ABC editorial policies, 3175


Debate, 1944

Functional and structural review, 1130

Building and construction, licensing process, 904

Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3907


Management, 2975, 2984, 2998

Urban edge, 782


Downer business centre, 3394qn

Fair trade products, 640qn

Territory-owned corporations, 4216

Canberra Institute of Technology (Validation and Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 3587

Carers Recognition Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3430

Casino Control Bill 2005, prin, 74, detail, 79


Care and protection, 4292qn

Childcare, 503, 508, 1081, 1095, 1758q, 4117

Commissioner, 3637qn

Food choices, 2498

Grandparenting program, 3038q

Health programs, 703

Hearing problems, 3490

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 407, detail, 520, 524, 529

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3672

Cigarettes and tobacco

Government investments, 4276qn

Sales compliance testing, 3121, 3127

Civil Law (Property) Bill 2005, prin, 2852

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 13, detail, 26

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1605, detail, 1632, 1649

Commonwealth budget, impacts, 1512

Compensation, workers, 214, 261, 537

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 904

Court Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3957

Courts and tribunals

Defamation law, 13, 26

Justice and corrective services, 1395

Powers of attorney, 3658, 3667

Sentencing, 1653, 1657


Antisocial behaviour, 3348

Family violence, 2059qn

Mentally impaired offenders, 897

Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 269, detail, 344, 402

Criminal Code (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 897


Applications, 3018

City, 2295qn

City Markets, 3370qn

Kingston Group Centre, 3277, 3287

Open space, 197

Urban infrastructure, 576

Yarralumla brickworks site, 954qn

Dogs, control, 665

Domestic Animals (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 665

Downer, business centre, 3394qn

Dragway, proposal, 2242q, 2837, 2838


Methadone, 3759q, 3874q

Overdoses, 3361qn

Random testing, 446

Duties Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3409

Economy, consumer price index, 2901


Canberra Institute of Technology, fashion parade, 816

Environmental sustainability, 3892

Ginninderra district high school, 2065qn, 2066qn

Inquiry, proposal, 2575

Narrabundah primary, 3718


Bullying, 2405qn

Closures, 1032q, 1849, 1933q, 2097, 2201, 2204, 2260, 2510, 2590, 2595, 2636q, 2909, 2936, 3079qn, 3231, 3245, 3254, 3777, 4095, 4169q

Cost per student, 2133q

Empty desks, 2065qn

Priority enrolment areas, 1702qn

Students, international, 2268

Teachers, transfers, 3218

Universities admission index, 128q, 237q, 3396qn

University of Canberra, 3967

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1849, 3963, detail, 4011

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 3254

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, 2259, 2260, prin, 2936

Education and Training, Department, new site, 4277qn


2004 election, 1221, 1263

Victoria, 4123

Voting age, 798, 812, 3629

Electoral Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2368, detail, 2844

Electric Shadows, Dendy cinemas, 4123

Emergency services, personnel, 3637qn

Emergency Services Authority, volunteers, 68

Employment and unemployment

Skilled migrant workers, 433

Youth, 3910


Arboretum, 640qn

Climate change, 761q, 3798, 3812, 3818, 4251qn

Conservator of Flora and Fauna, 3639qn

Genetically modified food crops, 858q

Greenhouse gas, 1167, 3593q, 3774q

Greening Australia, 3629

Mobile phone towers, 2467

Mulligans Flat, 2539q, 2552q

Murrumbidgee catchment action plan, 640qn

Nuclear power, 1888

Pest plants and animals, 1027

Plastic bags, 2288

Recycling bins, 38q

Renewable energy, 1263

Roadside carcasses, 3094qn

Student survey, 3267


Investment, 3972q

Legislation, 3647qn

Schools, 3892

Solutions, 4000

Tree plantings, 3439q

Water, 226q, 1368q, 3165

Environment ACT, restructuring, 3089qn

Families, working, 1531

Finance, economic analyses, 2058qn

Fisheries Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3582


Gaming machines, 3623

Legislation, 74, 79


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4191

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2107

Community consultation, 179

Economic performance, 1440

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2107

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3849

Ministerial arrangements, 1116q

Shopfronts, 3684q

Gudgenby homestead, future use, 966qn


AIDS, 4213

Asbestos, 1013

Children, 703

Community organisations, 463q

Food choices, 2498

Hearing problems, 3490

Junk food, 2362

Mental, 966qn

Radiation, 2323

RU486, use, 80

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3415


Canberra Hospital, methadone program, 3759q, 3874q

Nurses, 1146

Pay parking, 3104, 4239qn


Affordability, 2329q

Community, 3495, 3136q, 3509

Fraser Court, 967qn

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 1810, 1818, 1822, 2096, 2596, 361q

Public, services, 3865q

Human rights

Legislation, 3025

Medical treatment, 3669

Prisoners, 3301q

Human Rights Commission Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3296

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 207

Immigration, multiculturalism, 102, 115, 2415

Industrial relations

Cleaning contractors, 1417

Long service leave, 3905

Reforms, 2533, 2554

WorkChoices, 4302qn

International affairs

Colombia, 277

Day of Peace, 3072

East Timor, 1475

Solomon Islands, 3072

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3025, detail, 3026

Kingston, development, 3277, 3287


Call-in powers, 242, 247

Property law, 2852

Woolworths, Mawson, 187, 205

Lanyon, garden festival, 714

Legal profession, judges, pensions, 3172

Legal Profession Bill 2006, prin, 1729

Legislation Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 1484

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People, 2098, 2204

Estimates 2006-2007, 1182, 1203, 1992, 2188

Legal Affairs, 331, 2856

Planning and Environment, 197, 3289, 3579

Public Accounts, 845, 3018

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 1531

Legislation, 1484

Manderson, Mr R, farewell, 600


Code of conduct, 2259, 2288

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2107

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4042

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2107

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 600

Points of order, 803

Standing orders, 516, 1222, 2247, 2649

Valedictory, 4222

Library service, Griffith, 3838, 3468

Lilienthal, Ms S, death, 3479

Long Service Leave (Contract Cleaning Industry) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3905

Marriage, civil unions, 1605, 1632, 1649, 1902

Medical Treatment (Health Directions) Bill 2006, prin, 3669

Motor Sport (Public Safety) Bill 2006, prin, 593, detail, 661

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 1465q, 1556q

National Zoo and Aquarium, proposed expansion, 1291qn

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4042

Pest Plants and Animals Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1027

Pinochet, General A, death, 4015


Civic, 2450q

Consultations, 2304, 2311

Decisions, 2376

Legislation, 3289


Anti-terrorism legislation, 1354, 1404

Case reviews, 969qn

Officers, 1395, 1494

Prosecutions, 4253qn

Shopping centres, 888

Study, 675q

Powers of Attorney Bill 2006, prin, 3658, detail, 3667


Educational facilities, 4293qn

Prisoner rights, 3301q

Quamby Youth Centre, 952qn, 3672, 3817

Public service

Annual reports, 845, 4275qn

Appeals, 2060qn

Human resources package, 552q

Missing assets, 3647qn

Positions, 1715qn

Restructuring, 1997, 2014

Senior executive service, 3369qn

Radiation Protection Bill 2006, prin, 2323

Railway Historical Society, site lease, 967qn

Rates Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1925

Registrar-General, relocation, 4066q, 4200q

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2826

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), detail, 1254, 1258

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2314, detail, 2320

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 2848

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 709

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 446

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1739

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 577, detail, 584, 589

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3023


Belconnen to Civic busway, 149

Gungahlin Drive extension, 1208q, 1566q

Safety, 754

Traffic offences, 3023

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3741


Aged care, 1146

Mobility issues, 3708

Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1653, detail, 1657

Social welfare

Antipoverty week, 3355

Carers, 3430

Community sector task force, 1840q

Koomarri, 168

Poverty, 520


Activities, 741

Dragway, 2242q

Motor, 593, 661

Sports Centre Australia, finances, 951qn

Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3172


Duties, 3409

Land, 3197

Legislation, 1254, 1258, 2314, 2320

Payments, 2848

Rates increases, 1925

Utilities network facilities, 4159

Teddy Bears Childcare Centre, eviction, 1758q


Phone towers, 2397qn, 4276qn

Territory-Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 4216


Hilton Hotel bombing, 413

Legislation, 331

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1354, detail, 1404

Tobacco (Compliance Testing) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3121, detail, 3127


Initiatives, 2297

Sustainable plan, 96

Taxi services, 1739

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3967

Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Bill 2006, prin, 4159

Waste disposal, recycling facilities, 968qn


Snowy hydro scheme, 226q, 1368q

Sustainable supply, 3165

Women, summit, 2946q

WorkChoices, proposal, 2533, 2554

Workers compensation, 214, 261, 537

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 214, 261

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 537


Commissioner, 2864q

Detention, 3672

Employment, 3910

Indigenous, 3479

Junk food, 2362


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Children, 4245qn

Dental health, 2391qn

Education, 937qn

Family violence program, 2059qn

Abortion, legislation, 3422, 3426

ACT Health, staff, 4291qn

Agnew, Mr J, death, 915

Ainslie Village, meal service, 3049q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (ACT Health) 2689

Business, assistance, 4299qn


Care and protection, 2443q, 2634q, 2656q, 4243qn, 4244qn, 4246qn, 4247qn, 4248qn, 4249qn, 4251qn, 4292qn

Carers, 4240qn, 4251qn

Child protection workers, 4241qn

Childcare, 1089, 4119

Deaths, 3027, 3051, 3642qn

Disability services, 4078q

Foster parents, 4240qn

Grandparenting program, 3039q

Hearing problems, 3492

Indigenous, 4245qn

Needs, 1281qn, 4246qn

Participation strategy, 4244qn

Risk assessments, 4242qn

Safety, 243

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 409, detail, 522, 525, 3951

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3275, 3675

Cigarettes and tobacco

Control, 2298

Government investments, 4276qn

Public smoking, 3695q

Sales compliance testing, 3124

Smoking bans, 4299qn, 4300qn

Circus Oz, safety arrangements, 1000qn

Compensation, workers, 194, 216, 538

Crime, family violence, 2059qn

Disability ACT

Group homes, 3090qn, 3091qn, 3093qn, 3095qn, 3101qn

Needs assessment, 3092qn

Disability, Housing and Community Services, Department, funding, 3090qn

Disabled persons

Accommodation, 2063qn, 3096qn, 3101qn

Children, 4078q

Services, 1118q, 1221q, 1807

Support, 3100qn, 3369qn


Education programs, 2408qn

Methadone, 3760q, 3874q


Boys, 767q

Indigenous, 937qn

Policy, 142q

School closures, 1858, 3781

Students, international, 2271

Teachers, wage negotiations, 365q, 458q, 460q

Tertiary health training, 3226

Universities admission index, 128q, 237q

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1858

Employment, young people, 3275


Contractors, 4287qn

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2122

Gallagher, Ms K

Motion of want of confidence, 2122

Representations, 2295


Asbestos, 834

Budget, 1116q

CALMS model, 2341q

Cancer treatment, 1932q

Cardiovascular diseases, 1159

Cord blood collection, 3084qn

Dental program, 2387qn

e-Health implementation, 2061qn

Hearing problems, 3492

Indigenous, 2391qn

International Midwives Day, 1216q

Jindalee nursing home, respiratory disease outbreak, 3590q

Junk food, 2364

Mental, 3149q, 4292qn

Midwifery program, 2457q

Oncology services, 2396qn

Projects, funding, 2391qn, 2831qn

Public system, 1843q, 1875, 2866q, 2877q, 2963q

Radiation, 2324, 2367, 2396qn

Reform plan, 2858q

Services, 3977q

Smoking in public places, 3695q

Staff cuts, 1845q

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1521, 1745

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3271, 3422, detail, 3426

Healthpact, programs, 4294qn


Accreditation process, 3392qn

Ambulance-off-stretcher times, 4296qn

Bed occupancy, 3603q, 3873q

Bypasses, 2643q, 3597q

Calvary Public Hospital

Resourcing, 4076q

X-ray facilities, 4294qn

Canberra Hospital, methadone program, 3760q, 3874q

Elective surgery, 2062qn, 2388qn, 3082qn, 3084qn

Electroencephalography trainees, 3392qn

Equipment purchases, 2389qn

Nurses, 1147, 3099qn

Overcrowding, 3761q, 3854q, 3980q

Patient administration system, 3592q, 3604q, 3874q, 3971q

Pay parking, 1759q, 2344, 2876q, 3603q, 4240qn

Staff, 2396qn

Triage, 3381qn, 4295qn

Visiting medical officers, 4294qn

Waiting lists, 1846q, 2872q, 3596q, 3858q

Housing, disabled persons, 2063qn

Housing ACT, performance audit, 2087qn

Industrial relations

Nurses, 3099qn

WorkChoices, 675q, 759q, 765q, 868q

Workers, vulnerable, 3766q

Legislative Assembly

Language, “lying”, 1865


Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2122

Gallagher, Ms K

Motion of want of confidence, 2122

Representations, 2295

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 601

Papers, 243, 246, 378, 1982, 2350, 3608, 3956

Standing orders, 2253

Motor vehicles, home-garaged, 921qn, 924qn


Educational facilities, 4293qn

Quamby Youth Centre, 46q, 144q, 237q, 953qn, 3675, 3722

Public service

Data management, 4242qn

Freedom of information, 3374qn, 3376qn, 3381qn

Human resources package, 552q

Privacy guidelines, 3383qn

Rental payments, 2077qn, 2079qn, 2390qn

Radiation Protection Bill 2006, prin, 2324, detail, 2367

Rape Crisis Centre, funding, 4268qn

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, accountability, 2946q, 3044q

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 837


Aged care, 1147

Clubs review, 3335

Elder abuse, 1760q, 2045qn, 2048qn

Mobility issues, 3702

Seniors card, 3519q

Social welfare, carers, 3083qn, 3983

Tobacco (Compliance Testing) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2298, 3124

Transport, taxi services, 837


Empowerment, 1379q

Summit, 2947q

White Ribbon Day, 3856q

WorkCover, review, 627qn

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 194, 538

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 216


Commissioner, 2865q

Conferencing funding, 4245qn

Detention, 3675

Employment, 3275

Junk food, 2364

Smoking, 2298


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, freedom day, 2592


Patronage targets, 1468q

Services, 2904

Arts and letters, National Multicultural Festival, 258

Budget, deficit claims, 1219q

Building and construction, safety, 790, 796


International assistance, 2538q

Management, 2979

Canberra Day, celebrations, 554q


Development, 2245, 2250

Hearing problems, 3483, 3494

Commonwealth budget, impacts, 1515

Compensation, workers, 262

Convention centre, proposal, 32q

Dabrowski, Mrs S, support, 3912


Crace, 2840

Erindale, 1721

Kingston, 1722, 3285

Mawson, supermarket site, 334

Urban open space, 200

Economy, strength, 2178


Funding, 2449q, 2961q

Policy, 1835q


Closures, 2518, 3133q, 4178q

Environmental sustainability, 3900

Electoral, representation, 3035q

Emergency Services Authority

Equipping and training, 3619

Performance, 137q

Volunteers, 71


Skilled migrant workers, 425, 442

Skills shortages, 2334q


Biosphere reserves, 3947

Climate change, 3571, 3599q, 3790

Dwelling energy ratings, 222q

Energy use, 3435q

Greenhouse gas, 2873q

Resource management, 3720

Sustainability, 3900, 4007

Families, working, 1527

Field, Mr P, community service, 814

Floriade 2006, 3224q

Government, achievements, 86


Cancer treatment, 1932q

Healthpact, 1265

Hearing problems, 3483, 3494

Junk food, 2366

Public system, 1867, 1878

Services, 3977q

Housing, construction starts, 3306q

Immigration, multiculturalism, 114

Industrial relations

Policies, 183, 1886, 2500, 3477

Reforms, 2289, 2523, 2558

WorkChoices, 675q, 758q, 772, 868q, 912, 2375, 3070

Workers, 647, 654, 1053

Your Rights at Work rally, 4016

International affairs, East Timor, 1450, 1479

Kautai, Mr S, treatment, 418

Kingston, development, 3285

Land, Woolworths, Mawson, 205

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2006-2007, 2193

Planning and Environment, 200, 334, 1722, 2221, 2840, 3105, 3294, 3404, 3578, 3947

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 647, 654, 1527, 1915

Conduct of staff and members, 1754q

Members, Seselja, Mr Z, award, 1169

Valedictory, 4225

Motorcycles, training program, 278

Parry, Mr G, death, 2500


EpiCentre lease, 2630q, 4067q

Land releases, 2234q

Legislation, 3294

Performance, 3683q

Woden town centre, 3404


Numbers, 1499

Shopping centres, 890

Vehicle recorders, 1113q

Prisons, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 372q

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, detail, 586

Social welfare

Antipoverty week, 3357

Motorcycle charity run, 4122

Poverty, 3913

Sport and recreation, Commonwealth Games, 505


Impacts, 2895

Levels, 1563q

Tourism, awards, 3773q

Trade unions

Activities, 3358

Working conditions, 418

Transport, taxis, 464q, 1035q, 2134q

Veenker, Dr P, farewell, 1415

Waste disposal, sustainability, 3525q

Water, sustainable supply, 3158


Empowerment, 1379q

Greg awards, 1169

White Ribbon Day, 3856q

WorkChoices, proposal, 2523, 2558

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 262


Dance Fest, 2006, 3001

Junk food, 2366



Bike racks, 3639qn

Civic ticket office, 2056qn

Driver income, 3040q

Early departures, 2069qn

Industrial action, 2960q

Passengers, 3370qn

Patronage targets, 1468q

Schools, 2081qn

Security cameras, 2052qn

Services, 2942q

Alcohol, blood tests, 196, 710

Ambulance service

Funding, 1291qn

Vehicles, 1287qn

Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1023, 4134

Animals, control, 3985

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2716, (Disability, Housing and Community Services) 2756, (ACT Housing) 2764

Arts and letters, National Multicultural Festival, 254, 1370q

Budget, functional and structural review, 1137


Hazard reduction, 298qn, 310qn, 3644qn, 4250qn

Management, 2968, 2986

Parks brigade, 3438q, 3441q

Prescribed burning, 1282qn

Urban edge, 175, 781

Yarralumla brickworks, 43q


Christmas craft markets, 4389qn

Downer business centre, 3395qn

Territory-owned corporations, 4219

Canberra Centre, evacuation, 1290qn

Capital Linen, staffing levels, 1286qn

Charnwood, vandalism, 283qn


Brain injuries, 302qn

Playground safety program, 926qn

Cigarettes and tobacco, sales compliance testing, 3127

Civil Law (Property) Bill 2005, prin, 2853, detail, 2854

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 1620


Assaults, 927qn

Car theft, 1283qn

Drink spiking, 934qn

Graffiti, 929qn

Investigations finalised, 934qn

Vandalism, 283qn

Cycling, on-road cycle lanes, 930qn, 1704qn


Kippax Centre, 297qn

Melba, 3650qn

Parkwood Recovery Estate, 3639qn

Red Hill, 546q

Urban infrastructure, 565

Disability ACT

Audits, 304qn

Group homes, 960qn, 961qn, 962qn

Home support, 964qn

Incident reports, 958qn

Performance monitoring, 964qn

Programs, 964qn

Property maintenance, 957qn

Sex education, 963qn

Staff, 956qn, 957qn, 959qn, 960qn, 961qn, 965qn

Disabled persons

Housing, 986qn, 1311qn, 1312qn, 1324qn

Parking permits, 928qn

Services, 962qn

Transport, 680q, 955qn, 963qn


Control, 666, 1285qn

Pound, sales, 195

Domestic Animals Amendment Bill 2006, exposure draft, 3985

Domestic Animals (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 195, 666

Downer, business centre, 3395qn


Blood tests, 196

Random testing, 443


Canberra Islamic school, 1002qn

Ginninderra district high school, 2065qn, 2080qn


Empty desks, 2065qn

Maintenance, 2338q

Electoral Amendment Bill 2006, detail, 2844

Emergency services

Equipping and training, 3611

Personnel, 3638qn

Emergency Services Authority

Broadband links, 297qn, 936qn

Communications systems, 995qn, 1301qn

Contracts, 619qn

Corporate dress, 1328qn

Expenditure, 620qn

Performance, 137q

Volunteers, 66, 316qn


Climate change, 3801, 4251qn

Conservator of Flora and Fauna, 3639qn

Energy use, 3435q

Greenhouse gas, 2466, 2873q, 3774q, 3594q

Litter, 2053qn

Mulligans Flat, 2540q, 2552q

Myna bird trapping, 2091qn

Namadgi national park, 1282qn

Parks and facilities, 306qn, 947qn

Pest plants and animals, 1028

Pine plantings, 1469q, 1566q

Recycling bins, 38q

Road kill, 3094qn, 3389qn

Save the Ridge group, 998qn

Sustainability, 3648qn, 4002

Environment ACT, restructuring, 3089qn

Fisheries Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3010, prin, 3586

Gilmore, fire hazards, 2051qn


Contractors, 4288qn

Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2111

Economic performance, 1449

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2111

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3845

Shopfronts, 3684q

Graffiti, costs, 3391qn

Health, brain injuries, 302qn


Affordable options, 319qn

Allocation times, 987qn

Asset management strategy, 2073qn

Commonwealth-state agreements, 1302qn

Community, 3137q, 3499

Currong apartments, 288qn

Disabled persons, 986qn, 1311qn, 1312qn, 1324qn

Emergency accommodation, 1273qn

Fraser Court, 968qn

Integration projects, 4300qn

Jerilderie Court, 3388qn

Joint champions group, 4301qn

Kanangra Court, 3974q

Ministerial summit, 358q

Priority allocations, 986qn

Public, 3682q, 3865q

Rental assistance, 2238q

Residential Tenancies Tribunal, 4267qn

Review, 3102qn

Supported accommodation assistance, 686


Debt, 319qn

Participation programs, 2063qn

Transitional, 3677

Waiting list, 1302qn

War widows, 370q

Housing ACT

Acquisitions, 2074qn

Allocations, 2072qn

Assistance and review panel, 1281qn

Conflicts, 288qn, 2085qn

Crisis protocols, 1309qn, 2043qn

Debt notification, 2075qn

Fraud control, 1554q, 2071qn

Full market renters, 303qn, 1305qn, 2084qn

Heritage study, 297qn

HomeNet tracking system, 2075qn, 2085qn, 2087qn

Legal advice, 1310qn

Marketing, 287qn, 294qn

Multiunit complexes, 2086qn

Performance audit, 2071qn, 2076qn, 2087qn


Allocations, 937qn

Availability, 1304qn

Vacant, 4290qn

Valuations, 294qn, 937qn

Rent payments, 2075qn

Services, 1304qn

Staff, 4291qn


Agreements, , 938qn

Behaviour, 2073qn

Debts, 2074qn, 2086qn

Downsizing, 2084qn

Participation programs, 939qn, 1310qn, 1311qn, 1323qn, 2043qn, 2044qn

Vulnerable, 1324qn

Veterans, 1702qn

Housing Assistance Bill 2006, prin, 4135

Human rights, legislation, 2219


Citizenship, 4083q

Multiculturalism, 107, 2414, 3045q

Industrial relations

Bus drivers, 2960q

WorkChoices, 863q

International affairs, Tonga, 2902

Kangaroos, breeding management, 2544q

Land, property law, 2853

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People, 2209

Estimates 2006-2007, 1188, 1232

Legal Affairs, 2219, 2856

Language, “hypocrisy”, 63


Barr, Mr A, leave of absence, 2843

Corbell, Mr S

Leave of absence, 2843, 2964

Motion of want of confidence, 2111

Gallagher, Ms K, Motion of want of confidence, 2111

Hargreaves, Mr J, apology, 1799

Papers, 246, 2882

Points of order, 710, 774, 776, 1134, 2706, 2933, 3460, 3461, 3690, 3882, 4218

Questions on notice, 316qn

Valedictory, 4221


Government and Assembly library, 4261qn

Griffith, 3434q, 3463, 3518q, 3834, 4064q, 4066q

Kippax, 993qn

Review, 3769q, 3698

Marriage, civil unions, 1620

Motor vehicles, home-garaged, 922qn, 923qn, 924qn


National festival, 1370q, 3216q

Strategy, 4202

Pest Plants and Animals Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1028


Case reviews, 972qn

CCTV, use, 756q, 758q

Erindale centre, 454q, 456q

Hit-and-run incident, 668q, 669q, 760q

Interstate assistance, 1289qn

Officers, 994qn

Response times, 355q, 364q, 465q, 548q

Services, 36q

Study, 675q

Taser gun trials, 304qn

Public service

Freedom of information, 3379qn, 3380qn

Privacy guidelines, 3385qn, 3633qn

Revolve, tender process, 3221q

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 196, 710

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 443

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1741

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 581

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3024

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3826


Accident statistics, 989qn, 991qn, 992qn

Animal carcasses, 3389qn

Condition, 1572

Cycle lanes, 2639q

Expenditure, 2870q

Fairbairn Avenue, 462q

Government plated vehicles, 3390qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 930qn, 1047q, 1208q, 1566q, 3098qn

Kings Highway, 308qn

Maintenance, 4262qn

Majura parkway, 308qn

Oaks Estate

Bridge, 932qn

Low level crossing, 1705qn

On-road cycling lanes, 1704qn


Fines, 1699qn

Inspectors, 993qn

Ticket machines, 925qn, 1298qn

Verge permits, 2057qn

Rule changes, 933qn, 1282qn, 1705qn

Safety, 750

Street cleaning operations, 2056qn

Tharwa bridge, 2948q

Tharwa Drive, 307qn


Congestion, 1278qn

Offences, 3024

Seniors, older drivers handbook, 2055qn

Social welfare, Koomarri, 166

Sports Centre Australia, finances, 951qn

Sports House, rentals, 945qn


Mawson oval, 1278qn

Shaded areas, 1309qn

Territory-Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 4219

Therapy ACT, northside service, 764q

Tobacco (Compliance Testing) Amendment Bill 2006, detail, 3127


ACTION Buses, services, 3971q, 4063q

Demand responsive, 3862q, 3980q

Road safety, 3826

Taxis, 305qn, 464q, 1035q, 1741, 2135q, 2331q, 3442q, 3768q, 3871q, 3989

Waste disposal

Recycling facilities, 969qn

Recycling, 3221q

Sustainability, 3525q

Water, public parks and ovals, 4079q

Works, projects, 307qn, 309qn, 617qn

Yarralumla brickworks, bushfire hazard, 43q


ACTION Buses, services, 2942q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 2814

Arts and letters

Hori Alone in Kolkata, 716

National Multicultural Festival, 1370q


Functional and structural review, 1250

Midyear review, 1123q

Building and construction, safety, 793

Bushfires, vegetation restoration, 3869q

Children, health programs, 696

Cigarettes and tobacco

Dangers, 3908

Public smoking, 3694q

Commonwealth budget, impact, 1460q

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, conference, 3076

Disabled persons, services, 1799, 1809

Economy, management, 3762q, 4174q


Policy, 142q

Schools, closures, 2551q, 3103, 3104

Teachers, wage negotiations, 365q

Tertiary health training, 3208, 3228

University of Canberra, allied health building, 235q

Electoral, enrolment reforms, 3624

Employment and unemployment, outlook, 768q


Carbon trading, 3520q

Clean Up Australia Day, 415

Mobile phone towers, 2475

Sustainable solutions, 3993

Finance, budget revenue stream, 3330q

Floriade 2006, 3057


Cardiovascular diseases, 1155, 1165

Children, 696

International Midwives Day, 1216q

Jindalee nursing home, respiratory disease outbreak, 3590q

Mental, 274, 415, 3149q

Midwifery program, 2456q

Public system, 2877q

Smoking in public places, 3694q

Tobacco products, 3908


Calvary Public Hospital, psychogeriatric facility, 47q

Funding, 552q

Overcrowding, 391

Waiting lists, 1845q

House, Ms Matilda, Canberran-of-the-year award, 682q


Abbeyfield disAbility House, 3975q

Community housing, 3506

Finance data, 4080q

Human rights, Amnesty International, 917, 918


Greece, 818

Multicultural affairs, 3045q

Industrial relations

WorkChoices, 863q

Working conditions, 1065

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 1536

Estimates 2006-2007, 1193

Health and Disability, 3, 3580

Legal Affairs, 327, 2855

Public Accounts, 847


Corbell, Mr S, leave of absence, 3580

Pairs, 2996

Smyth, Mr B, remarks, 3265

Points of order, 369, 547, 775, 865, 1196, 3309, 4118

Standing orders, 518

Valedictory, 4125

Multiculturalism, national festival, 1370q, 3216q


Gungahlin Drive extension, 1046q

Safety, 778

Security, counter-terrorism planning, 2646q

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3731, 3751

Seniors, mobility issues, 3709

Social welfare, Koomarri, 161, 169

Taxation, levels, 1561q

Terrorism, legislation, 327

Tourism, visitor survey, 452q

Water, sustainable supply, 3446q


International Women’s Day, 511

Violence, 917

Youth, Yogie awards, 83


ActewAGL, discounts, 2834qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, detail, 2015

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1956, detail, (Secretariat) 2421, 2429, (ACT Executive) 2433, (Auditor-General) 2434, (Chief Minister’s) 2438, 2480, (Treasury) 2613, (Central Financing Unit) 2627, (Home Loan Portfolio) 2657, (Shared Services Centre) 2659, (Superannuation Unit) 2667, (ACT Health) 2672, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2699, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2735, (Justice and Community Safety) 2779, (Education and Training) 2798, (Actew Corporation) 2815, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 2820, (Total appropriations) 2821

Arts and letters

Australian Choreographic Centre, 3264

Awards, 185

Funding, 628qn, 2392qn, 3445q, 3531q, 4278qn, 4284qn

Jeffrey Makin exhibition, 2999

Local venues and performances, 2958q

ScreenACT, 3034q

Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 1662

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, 489

Australian Choreographic Centre, funding, 3264


Debate, 1956

Expenditure, 546q

Forecast outcomes, 1364q

Revenue, 1929q

Superannuation liability, 220q

Surplus, 2451q

Unencumbered cash, 129q

Building and construction, licensing process, 904

Bushfires, hazard reduction, 298qn

Business ACT, redundancies, 3371qn

Carroll, Archbishop Francis, retirement, 1888

Children, childcare, 1695qn

Circus Oz, safety arrangements, 999qn

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 9, detail, 21

Coleridge, Archbishop Mark Benedict, welcome, 2499

Compensation, workers, 210, 259, 533

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 904

Courts and tribunals

Defamation law, 9, 21

Justices of the peace, 1696qn

Crime, Manuka, 3372qn


Applications, 3014

Gaunt Place, 287qn

Urban infrastructure, 574

Drugs, random testing, 449, 478

Duties Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 851

Duties Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3407


Growth, 2861q

Strength, 2172

Wage price index, 2535q


Childcare facilities, 1695qn

School closures, 2512, 3552, 3562, 4168q

Electoral, Fraser electorate, 3574

Emergency Services Authority, headquarters, 3304q

Employment and unemployment

Skilled migrant workers, 429, 438

WorkChoices, 2035

Environment, climate change, 3794, 3811


Actuarial services, 1296qn

Audited outcomes, 1308qn

Consolidated results, 3577

Credit ratings, 1462q

Government debt, 2236q

Management, 3354

National competition policy payments, 48q

Fisheries Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3581

Floriade 2006, 3066

Foxtel, legal obligations, 417


Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2108

Economic performance, 1426, 1445

Gallagher, Ms K

Motion of want of confidence, 2108

Representations, 2293

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3842, 3887

Ministerial travel, 621qn

Publications, 1307qn

Handi Help ACT, activities, 4121

Hart, Mr Pro, death, 711

Health, asbestos, 1662


Canberra Hospital, helicopter use, 314qn

Elective surgery, 3081qn

Overcrowding, 368q

Pay parking, 1759q

Waiting lists, 3595q

Industrial relations

WorkChoices, 765q, 771, 1560q, 3574

Workers, vulnerable, 3766q

Insurance, jockeys, 530, 532

Land, sales revenue, 1307qn

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2006-2007, 1991

Public Accounts, 201, 839, 848, 2228, 2600, 3014, 3111, 4149, 4151


Corbell, Mr S, motion of want of confidence, 2108

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4054

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2108

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 599

Points of order 130, 236, 1381, 1464, 1755, 1836, 1931, 2130, 2131, 2451, 2862, 3410, 3521, 3523, 3882, 4072, 797, 906

Standing orders, 2344

Library service, Griffith, 3840, 3890

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4054

Perrin, Mr J, death, 1887

Planning, EpiCentre lease, 2499, 3686q

Policing, anti-terrorism legislation, 1344

Public service

Annual reports, 839

Restructuring, 2015

Superannuation, 4072q

Racing (Jockeys Accident Insurance) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 530, detail, 532

Rates Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1919

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), detail, 1332

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 2846

Revolve, tender process, 3221q

Rhodium Assets Solutions Ltd, sale impacts, 3855q

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 449, 478


Belconnen to Civic busway, 154

Conditions, 1580

Safety, 775

Traffic congestion, 1278qn

ScreenACT, funding, 3372qn

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3746


Mobility issues, 3700

Card, 3519q


Activities, 735

Ainslie Football Club, 3716

Kangaroos, agreement, 871q

Softball, 416


Mawson oval, 1277qn

Shaded areas, 1309qn

Stauder, Mr F, death, 2195


Government liability, 220q

Reviews, 2835qn


Commercial rates, 2130q

Duties, 3407

GST agreements, 34q, 851

Impacts, 2884

Income tax cuts, 81

Land, 3144q, 3189, 3205, 3354

Levels, 1663

Payments, 2846

Policy, 1417

Proposals, 2642q

Rates increases, 1919

Sales, 1332

Treatments, 1835q

Utilities network facilities, 4155

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1344

Thanksgiving Day, celebration, 3715

Tourism, festivals, 3945qn

Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Bill 2006, prin, 4155

Waste disposal, recycling, 3221q


Charges, 2339q

Conservation, 1514

Costs, 4263qn

Pricing regime, 672q

Sustainable supply, 3161

WorkCover, review, 627qn

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 210, 259

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 533

Works, funding, 453q


Ainslie Village, meal service, 3048q

Ambulance service, 1472q

Arts and letters

Cirque du Soleil, 1262

National Multicultural Festival, 249

Navrang concert, 713

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, 486, 496

Belconnen, 40th anniversary, 2991, 3542

Budget, deficit, 1551q

Building and construction, growth rate, 873q

Bushfires, community fire units, 817


Convention event, 544q

Focus on Business 2006, 2954q

Canberra, quality of life, 2860q

Charnwood, Charny Carni, 712


Childcare reforms, 4112, 4120

Health programs, 705

Dogs, Hawker, exercise area, 3004

Drugs, illicit use, 3268

Economy, strength, 2169


Australian National University, secondary college, 1209q

Early childhood, 4173q

Funding, 2444q


Closures, 2097, 2202, 2517, 2637q, 2837, 2838, 3003, 3242, 3555, 3727, 3785, 3821

Enrolments, 3302q

Environmental sustainability, 3529q, 3605q

Students, international, 2265, 2274

Teachers, wage negotiations, 458q, 1122q

Efkarpidis, Mr T, death, 2102

Electoral, voting age, 808

Emergency Services Authority, volunteers, 59


Auswide projects, 2589

Skilled labour shortage, 229q

Statistics, 2127q


Policies, 3716

Landkeepers program, 3914

Families, working, 1532

Government, community links, 1506


AIDS, 4204

CALMS model, 2341q

Children, 705

Junk food, 2356

Leukaemia, 1419

Policy, 412

School canteen policy, 1374q


Overcrowding, 396

Nurses, 1142, 1153


Men’s accommodation, 3627

Ministerial summit, 357q

Public, 3682q

Rental assistance, 2238q

Immigration, citizenship, 3000, 4083q

Industrial relations

Indian friendship festival, 2503

WorkChoices, 669q

Workers, 650, 3866q

Kangaroos, breeding management, 2544q

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People, 1536, 1917, 3579, 645

Estimates 2006-2007, dissenting reports, 2181, 2412

Planning and Environment, 2223

Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory, 650, 1532

Points of order, 2361


Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4058

Numbers, 125q

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 605

Valedictory, 4227

Libraries, Griffith, 3474

Marriage, civil unions legislation, 1842q

Motor vehicles, government fleet, 3770q

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4058

Planning, development applications, 1042q


Response times, 507

Services, 36q


Maconochie reforms, 181

Prison project progress, 3219q

Roads, conditions, 1579

Scouts ACT, recruitment, 918


Aged care, 1142, 1153

Elder abuse, 1760q

Mobility issues, 3712

SIEV X, memorial, 3176

Social welfare

Antipoverty week, 3177

Volunteers, 1170

Sport, football, 3074

Taxation, impacts, 2900

Therapy ACT, northside service, 763q

Ticehurst, Pat, death, 1073

Tourism, eco-tourism, 2226, 2292

TRAHCS, graduation ceremony, 3569

Transport, sustainable plan, 91, 101, 3449q

Veenker, Dr P, farewell, 1415

Wine industry, achievements, 3142q


International Women’s Day, 507

Workers, 3866q

Youth, junk food, 2356


Abortion, legislation, 342, 397, 403, 3427

ACT Memorial, security surveillance, 2835qn


Civic ticket office, 2055qn

Driver income, 3040q

Security cameras, 634qn, 2051qn

SMS bookings, 633qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 1998, detail, 2028, 2030

Alcohol, blood tests, 706

Ambulance service

Funding, 1290qn

Vehicles, 1287qn

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1968, detail, (Secretariat) 2425, (Chief Minister’s) 2609, (Shared Services Centre) 2665, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2694, (Disability, Housing and Community Services) 2753, (Justice and Community Safety) 2774, (Education and Training) 2804

Arts and letters, National Multicultural Festival, 252


Debate, 1968

Functional and strategic review, 1133, 1375q

Midyear review, 139q, 234q


Brigade funds, 3532

Budget, 4266qn

Front-line vehicles, 3218q

Hazard reduction, 309qn, 3643qn, 3644qn, 4249qn

Management, 2964, 2985, 2988

Parks brigade, 3438q

Prescribed burning, 1000qn, 1282qn

Rural Fire Service, 3399qn

Spotting towers, 4266qn

Urban edge, 169, 780, 787

Volunteers, 3476

Yarralumla brickworks, 43q, 169, 279

Business, Christmas craft markets, 4389qn

Canberra Centre, evacuation, 1289qn

Capital Linen, staffing levels, 1285qn

Charnwood, vandalism, 283qn

Courts and tribunals, justice and corrective services, 1392


Antisocial behaviour, 3340

Assaults, 926qn, 927qn

Car theft, 1283qn

Drink spiking, 934qn

Graffiti, 928qn

Investigations finalised, 934qn

Pregnant victims, 263

Vandalism, 283qn

Youth gangs, 497, 510

Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 263, detail, 342, 397, 403

Cross, Mrs H, health, 4127

Cycling, on-road cycle lanes, 930qn, 1704qn

Defence, Vietnam veterans, 2591

Development, urban infrastructure, 561

Disabled persons, parking, 927qn, 2385qn

Dogs, control, 664, 1284qn

Domestic Animals (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 664


Canberra Islamic school, 1002qn

Inquiry proposal, 2578

School closures, 1854, 2142q, 2244q, 2932, 4177q

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1854

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2932

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3185, 3532

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 4107

Emergency services

Bank accounts, 3131q, 3185

Equipping and training, 3608

Firelink system, 3973q

Front-line vehicles, 3642qn

Training, 3399qn, 3643qn

Volunteer brigade funds, 3688q, 3689q, 3693, 3772q

Emergency Services Authority

Addresses database, 2049qn

Broadband links, 296qn, 936qn

Call centre, 4265qn

Communication facilities, 995qn, 1300qn

Contracts, 618qn

Corporate dress, 1328qn, 1471q

Dispatch system, 1700qn

Expenditure, 619qn

Fairbairn premises, 1700qn

Firelink contract, 1312qn, 1314qn

Headquarters, 2454q, 3634qn, 3635qn

Internal audit, 1697qn

Management, 3309q

Recruitment process, 2048qn

Volunteers, 62, 316qn


Christmas lights, 315qn

Litter, 2053qn

Mobile phone towers, 2477

Namadgi national park, 1000qn, 1282qn

Parks and facilities, 306qn

Road kill, 3388qn

Firearms, police recertification, 2088qn

Gilmore, fire hazards, 2050qn


Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3310

Motion of want of confidence, 2119

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2119

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3883

Graffiti, costs, 3391qn

Health, staff cuts, 1845q

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), detail, 3427


Patient administration system, 3604q, 3874q

Pay parking, 294qn, 2198, 4267qn

Immigration, multiculturalism, 111, 819, 2415

International affairs, East Timor, 1474

Knight, Mr L, death, 1166

Kovco, Private J, death, 1165

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2006-2007, 1196, dissenting reports, 2190

Legal Affairs, 333

Language, “lie”, 3464

Matter of public importance, justice and corrective services, 1392


Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3310

Motion of want of confidence, 2119

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2119

Points of order, 456, 500, 860, 3463, 3691

Questions on notice, 315qn

Standing orders, 500, 2249

Valedictory, 4228

Woodbury, Ms J, farewell, 3075

Libraries, Griffith, 3403, 3458, 3517q, 3721, 3821, 3822, 3830

Marshall, Mr J, death, 3269

Motor vehicles

Home-garaged, 1698qn

LPG conversion, 3088qn

Planning, EpiCentre lease, 2543q


Accidents, 3630

Anti-terrorism legislation, 1338, 1406, 1414, 1541, 1547, 1590, 1594

CCTV, use, 758q, 1706qn

Matter of public importance, 1392

Counter-terrorism legislation, 1211q

Emergency calls, 1327qn

Firearms, 2088qn

Forensic officer, 1326qn

Hit-and-run incident, 668q, 859q

International experience, 2591

Interstate assistance, 1288qn

Officers, 994qn, 1118q, 1487, 1503, 1563q

Operations support, 4264qn

Response times, 355q, 465q, 547q

Shopping centres, 454q, 725, 878, 916, pers expl, 894

Taser gun trials, 304qn

Traffic enforcement, 1325qn

Witness and victim statements, 1313qn

Public service

Mail-outs, 3087qn

Management, 1039q

Restructuring, 1998, 2028, 2030

SES positions, 3102qn

Ramadan, celebration, 3075

Rates Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1987

Remembrance Day, commemoration, 3476

Repatriation, Vietnam veterans, 2591

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 706

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 482

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1736

Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 541, detail, 585, 589

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3019


Animal carcasses, 3388qn

Cycle lanes, 2639q

Disrepair, 1568

Expenditure, 2870q

Glass panels, 1299qn

Government plated vehicles, 3390qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 3097qn, 929qn

Kings Highway, 308qn

Majura parkway, 308qn

Oaks Estate

Bridge, 931qn

Low level crossing, 1704qn

On-road cycling lanes, 1704qn


Disabled, 2385qn

Fines, 1698qn

Westfield Belconnen, 4290qn

Rule changes, 1282qn, 1705qn, 932qn

Safety, 772

Street cleaning operations, 2056qn

Tharwa bridge, 2948q

Tharwa Drive, 307qn

Traffic offences, 3019

Verge parking permits, 2057qn

Seniors, older drivers handbook, 2054qn

Sport, playing fields, watering, 4266qn

Supportlink, contracts, 3643qn


Fire levy, 2827

Rates increases, 1987

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1338, detail, 1406, 1414, 1541, 1547, 1590, 1594

Tractors, purchases and contracts, 1299qn

Trail bikes, complaints, 2089qn


Demand responsive, 3862q, 3980q

Sustainable plan, 93

Taxis, 305qn, 1736, 2331q


Burst mains, 635qn

Playing fields, 4266qn

Public parks and ovals, 4079q

Works, projects, 307qn, 309qn, 617qn

Yarralumla brickworks, bushfire hazard, 43q, 169, 279



Expenditure, 546q

Midyear review, 54, 136q, 144q, 228q, 229q

Superannuation liability, 138q, 221q, 224q

Unencumbered cash, 129q

Bushfires, Pierces Creek settlement, 321qn

Business, convention event, 544q

Casino Control Bill 2005, prin, 76, detail, 79

Children, 318qn, 944qn

Convention centre, 32q, 312qn

Crime, youth gangs, 473

Development, Lyneham, 943qn

Duties Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 513

Employment and unemployment, skilled migrant workers, 440

Environment, Christmas lights, 315qn

Gambling, legislation, 76, 79

Insurance, jockeys, 190, 531

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Public Accounts, 55

Members, Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 595

Papers, 54, 55, 239, 378, 556

Standing orders, 517

Motor Sport (Public Safety) Bill 2006, prin, 189, 595

Motor vehicles, home-garaged, 631qn, 1271qn

Phillip oval, upgrade, 944qn

Racing (Jockeys Accident Insurance) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 190, 531, detail, 532


Good Sports Territory program, 943qn

Grants, 946qn

Motor, 189, 595

Sport and Recreation ACT, review, 945qn

Superannuation, government liability, 138q, 221q, 224q, 236q

Taxation, business duties, 513

Tourism, visitor survey, 452q


Convention centre project, 312qn

Funding, 453q


Abortion, legislation, 3418

ACTION Buses, early departures, 2068qn

Ambulance service, vehicles, 3524q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1972, detail, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2725, (Justice and Community Safety) 2784


Capital works projects, 132q

Debate, 1972

Functional and structural review, 1120q

Midyear review, 229q

Building and construction

Disciplinary notices, 3086qn

Licensing process, 902

Bushwalking, Gold Creek school, 1714qn

Business, petrol stations, 996qn

Casino Control Bill 2005, detail, 78

Children, CREATE Foundation, 914

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, conference, 715

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 902

Crime, victims, 3407


Applications, 997qn, 1725, 2063qn

Crace, 2841

EpiCentre site, 940qn

Gowrie, 1279qn

Kingston Group Centre, 3283

QEII site, sale, 3138q


Boys, 766q

Inquiry, proposal, 2580

Preschools, 1373q, 1473q


Closures, 1207q, 1466q, 1827, 1841q, 2137q, 2924, 3044q, 3257, 3779, 4170q

Gold Creek, 1714qn

Universities admission index, 1708qn, 2091qn

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1827

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 3257

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2924

Electoral, voting age, 810

Emergency services, vehicle fleet, 3305q

Emergency Services Authority, internal audit, 145q


Government fleet, 3915

Myna bird trapping, 2090qn

Save the Ridge group, 998qn

Epicentre, site sale, 42q

Gambling, legislation, 78


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4197

Economic performance, 1435

Financial responsibility, 1042q


Car parking, 940qn

Footpaths, 637qn

Health, cord blood and stem cells, 275

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3418


Bypasses, 3597q

Pay parking, 2876q

Housing, unit titles, 1707qn

Immigration, CroFest, 3073

Industrial relations, WorkChoices, 2379, 2527

International affairs, India, 2287

Kingston, development, 3283

Land Development Agency, 3093qn

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2006-2007, 1198

Legal Affairs, 3104, 3110, 3271, 3403, 3407, 3655, 3947, 4130

Planning and Environment, 1725, 2841, 3108


Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4034, 4102

Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4034, 4102

Points of order, 1227, 4049

Valedictory, 4224

Libraries, Griffith, 4064q, 4066q

Motor vehicles, government fleet, 4224


Consultations, 2307

EpiCentre lease, 2235q, 2337q, 2378, 2448q, 2541q, 2552q, 2593, 2639q, 2656q, 3681q, 3772q

System reform, 1279qn

Policing, anti-terrorism legislation, 1351


Funding, 3214q

Statistics, 3362qn

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, accountability, 2944q


Belconnen to Civic busway, 118, 157, 160, 300qn, 321qn, 870q, 1556q

Condition, 1576

Sport and recreation

ACTAS scholarships, 678q

Gungahlin United football club, 3174

Swimming pools, safety fencing, 939qn


Impacts, 2898

Land, 3202

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1351

Transport, taxi services, 3442q

Waste disposal, building sites, 2393qn

Water, charges, 914

Westerberg, Mr M, congratulations, 2288

Women, Greg award, 1266

WorkChoices, proposal, 2379, 2527


Expenditure forecasts, 299qn

Projects, 132q, 298qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Business, 3926qn

Dental health, 2390qn

Education, 203

Health, 638qn

Abortion, legislation, 3414, 3428

ACT Health, staff, 4291qn

ActewAGL-Alinta, proposed merger, 1205q

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 2006, detail, 2021, 2026

Advertising, superannuation policy, 2395qn

Ambulance service, crews, 3528q, 3699q

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1964, detail, (Secretariat) 2423, (Chief Minister’s) 2606, (Treasury) 2624, (Shared Services Centre) 2663, (Superannuation Unit) 2666, (ACT Health) 2682, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2712, 2723, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 2740, (Education and Training) 2803

Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1012

Attorney-General, qualifications, 1714qn

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, 502

Australian Taxation Office, computer centre, 2547q

Biotechnology, initiatives, 3928qn


Debate, 1964

Deficit, 1457q

Forecast outcomes, 1362q

Functional and structural review, 1030q, 1097, 1110q, 1139, 1247, 1719qn

Government expenditure, 122q

Midyear review, 220q


Brigade funds, 3513, 3531

Front-line vehicles, 3132q, 3214q

Management, 2981

Parks brigade, 3441q


BusinessACT, 3919qn, 3923qn

Development programs, 3925qn

E-commerce, 4236qn

Incubation facilities, 3926qn

Indigenous support, 3926qn

Occupational health and safety, 3927qn

Online advisory service, 4236qn

Petrol stations, 982qn, 983qn, 1276qn

Policy, 3919qn

Retail moratorium, 4239qn

Trade Practices Act, 4235qn

Training, 3925qn

Canberra Connect, initiatives, 3922qn

Centrelink, government links, 3929qn


Childcare, 3935qn

Hearing problems, 3486

Kids at Play program, 4274qn

Cigarettes and tobacco, sales compliance testing, 3118, 3127

Civic Pool, dome maintenance, 4273qn

Convention centre, project, 312qn

Courts and tribunals

Community Advocate, 617qn

Justice and corrective services, 1397


Assault, 1294qn

Youth gangs, 469

Defence, Department, procurement activities, 3932qn


Civic, 3937qn, 3938qn

Clare Holland House, 950qn

Urban infrastructure, 570

Disabled persons

Services, 1803

Support, 3368qn


Education programs, 2408qn

Youth, 313qn


Canberra, 3918qn, 4233qn

Capability mapping, 3930qn

Industry clusters, 4233qn

Risk management, 3917qn

White paper, 3922qn


Canberra medical school, 293qn

Health scholarships, 639qn

Indigenous, 203

Information technology skills, 3933qn


Closures, 2140q, 2202, 2208, 2286, 2505, 3556, 4171q

Demountables, 3364qn


Health training, 3210

Mergers, 2243q

University of Canberra, 3935qn

Vocational, 3934qn

Efkarpidis, Mr T, death, 2103

Emergencies Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3513, 3531

Emergency services

Equipping and training, 3616

Vehicle fleet, 3307q

Volunteer brigade funds, 3689

Emergency Services Authority, McLeod report, 3364qn


Training pathway, 4237qn

Work experience, 3933qn


Christmas lights, 84

Climate change, 3803

Sustainable solutions, 4004

Film and television, initiatives, 3930qn


Government expenditure review, 29q

Treasury reports, 2068qn

Venture capital, 3936qn

Floriade 2006, importance, 3060


Advertising costs, 2395qn, 2408qn

Corbell, Mr S, motion of censure, 3314

Economic performance, 1442

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3879

Logo, 947qn


AIDS, 4207

Asbestos, 1012

Breast cancer, 1296qn

Breastfeeding, 1271qn

Cardiovascular diseases, 1161

Cord blood collection, 3084qn

Dental program, 2387qn

Dieticians, 981qn

e-Health implementation, 2061qn

Funding, 1843q

Hearing problems, 3486

Indigenous, 638qn, 2390qn

Mental, 3479, 4292qn

Oncology, 2396qn

Projects, funding, 2391qn, 2831qn

Public system, 1871, 2866q, 2963q

Radiation, 2321, 2396qn

SIDS and Kids ACT, 979qn

Umbilical cord blood, 999qn

Workplace injuries, 984qn

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1745

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3414, detail, 3428

Healthpact, programs, 4294qn


Accreditation process, 3392qn

Administration system, 3591q, 3970q

Ambulance-off-stretcher times, 4296qn

Bypasses, 284qn, 1275qn, 2643q

Calvary Public Hospital

Resourcing, 4075q

X-ray facilities, 4294qn

Elective surgery, 2062qn, 2388qn, 3083qn

Electroencephalography trainees, 3391qn

Equipment purchases, 2389qn

Haematologists, 290qn

Interstate patients, 2385qn

Midwifery program, 980qn

Nurses, 949qn, 950qn, 1149, 3099qn

Overcrowding, 387, 3761q, 3980q

Patients, 285qn, 3591q, 3970q

Performance, 1881

Refurbishments, 285qn

Safety, 353q, 451q, 544q

Sentinel events, 978qn

Staff, 2396qn

Triage, 3381qn, 4295qn

Visiting medical officers, 4293qn

Waiting lists, 3858q

Housing, fire safety upgrades, 1420

Industrial relations, nurses, 3099qn

Information technology

Centre of excellence, 4237qn

Open source plot program, 3928qn

International affairs, Syria, 3177

Karralika, redevelopment, 292qn

Legislative Assembly

Building use, 1425


Education, Training and Young People, 2208

Estimates 2006-2007, 1181, 1185, 1228, 1233, 1235, 2184, 2290

McDonald, Ms A, farewell, 3070

Matters of public importance, justice and correction services, 1397


Corbell, Mr S, motion of censure, 3314

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4047

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3879

Mulcahy, Mr R, leave of absence, 3985

Pairs, 2380, 2446q

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 604

Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4047

Points of order, 35, 36, 123, 370, 502, 549, 1103, 1105, 1112, 1120, 1226, 1561, 1846, 1926, 2114, 2116, 2126, 2207, 2332, 2333, 2336, 2549, 2640, 3522, 3594, 3978, 4058, 4067, 4068, 4070

Questions on notice, 1847q, 1848q, 3451

Sitting pattern, 4153

Standing orders, 498, 2348

Valedictory, 4219

Legislative Assembly Precincts Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1425

Library services, Griffith, 3470, 3842

Multiculturalism, Sikh community, 1168

Parry, Mr G, death, 2900

Phillips, Ms A, appointment, 617qn


ACTPLA principles, 3939qn

Airport transport connections, 3939qn

Canberra plan, 3937qn

Dwelling and work locations, 4238qn

EpiCentre lease, 2338q, 2458q, 3687q, 4112

Requirements, 3924qn

Residential driveways, 984qn


Matters of public importance, 1397

Numbers, 1501

Public service

Consultants, 311qn

Corporate credit cards, 3365qn

Electronic procurement, 3920qn

Employees, 2067qn

Freedom of information, 2394qn, 3373qn, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81

Intellectual property, 3936qn

Oracle financial system, 1550q

Pre-tendered consultative process, 3921qn

Restructuring, 2006, 2021, 2026

Senior executive service, 2070qn

Radiation Protection Bill 2006, prin, 2321

Rape Crisis Centre, funding, 4268qn

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), detail, 1253, 1258

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, accountability, 2951q, 3039q, 3069


Actively ageing, 2046qn, 4269qn

Aged care, 1149

Aged persons units, 84

Elder abuse, 2045qn, 2048qn

Mobility issues, 3705

Social welfare, personal carers, 3082qn


Organisations, funding, 4271qn

Ovals, 4272qn

Teams, funding, 4270qn

Sport and Recreation ACT, staff, 4269qn


Legislation, 1253, 1258

Payroll tax, 3934qn

Tobacco (Compliance Testing) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3118, detail, 3127


Convention facilities, 3932qn

Marketing, 2069qn, 3633qn

Northern Territory, 1072

Visitor statistics, 3393qn

Trade, export growth, 4234qn

Utilities, licences, 1293qn

Vietnam Veterans Federation, support, 3625

Water, strategy, 3917qn


Convention centre project, 312qn

Projects, 288qn, 289qn, 290qn


Drug use, 313qn

Kulture Break, 3815

Work skills development, 3934qn

SPEAKER, Mr (Mr Berry)

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, detail, 2420

Auditor-General, reports, 683, 1223, 3979, 4086

Business, fair trade products, 640qn

Government, ministerial titles, 3593

Legislative Assembly

Accusations, 423, 424

Broadcasts of proceedings, 1664


Estimates, 2006-2007, 1331

Legal Affairs, 1916

Debates, amendments, 1200

Documents, tabling, 2998


“Are you misleading again?”, 4043

“Bald-faced lie”, 424

“Clown”, 2120

“Coward, not withdrawn”, 2124

“Fraud”, 124

“Honesty”, 424

“Hypocrite”, 499, 1193

“Hypocrites”, 2013

“I think I left two mugs behind”, 1197

“It is dishonest”, 2957

“King of the mislead”, 356

“Make a dickhead of yourself”, 2135

“Mislead the Assembly”, 3316

“Misrepresents a situation”, 44

“Persistently and wilfully misleading the Assembly”, 2121

“So it is you who told the lies, it is you who passed on the lies”, 469

“These people at some stage have not spoken the truth”, 2117

“We don’t tell lies”, 3134

“You are a practitioner of the art of pseudology”, 2332


Casual vacancy, 1003

Quinlan, Mr T, resignation, 643

Travel, 2041qn

Money proposals, amendments, 2809

Opposition, leadership, 1721

Papers, 48, 375, 1049, 1126, 1224, 2147, 2350, 2881, 3051, 3150, 3451, 3980

Points of order, 355

Privilege, alleged breach, 2210


Anticipating debate, 4068, 4071, 4076

Anticipating questions on notice, 3979

Committee proceedings, 1029

Disallowed, 1835

Supplementary, 1033

Without notice, 3979

Reference to individuals, 124

Reference to people outside the chamber, 1529

Reflecting on a vote, 501

Standing order 46, 4130

Standing order 117 (e) (ii), 1029

Standing order 201, 2809

Supplementary questions, 1563

Temporary Deputy Speaker, 1721, 1727, 3531

Visitors, 423, 513, 847, 911, 1752, 2104, 2232, 2936, 3129, 3577, 3766, 4066

Voting, moving before result is announced, 1410, 1422

Webstreaming, 3103


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Business links, 3927qn

Community Inclusion Board, 636qn

Consultations, 3646qn

Education, 204, 2867q

Heritage, 3944qn

Native title, 3645qn, 3646qn, 3647qn, 3652qn, 3653qn, 3654qn, 3940qn, 3945qn

Public service officers, 637qn

Abortion, legislation, 338, 344, 352, 399

ACT Memorial, security surveillance, 2836qn


Director’s travel, 4297qn

Discounts, 2834qn

Merger, proposed, 1206q

Travel costs, 3386qn

ACTTAB Ltd, corporate intent, 3452

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 1781, 2010

Advertising, superannuation policy, 2396qn, 2399qn

Ainslie Village, food service, 2541q

Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 831

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1760, 1976, detail, (Auditor-General) 2435, (Chief Minister’s) 2493, (Home Loan Portfolio) 2658, (Superannuation Unit) 2670, (Justice and Community Safety) 2771, (Actew Corporation) 2818, (Total appropriations) 2823

Arts and letters

Cultural Facilities Corporation, 237, 685, 3334

Funding, 628qn, 2393qn, 3446q, 3531q, 4278qn, 4284qn

Local venues and performances, 2958q

ScreenACT, 3034q

Attorney-General, external counsel, 550q

Auditor-General, reports, 48q, 2878

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, 494

Australian Taxation Office, computer centre, 2548q

Belconnen, 40th anniversary, 3538

Biotechnology, initiatives, 3929qn


Advertisements, 1926q

Capital works projects, 132q

Debate, 1976

Deficit, 1219q, 1457q, 1551q

Election promises, 1371q

Forecast outcomes, 1362q, 1364q

Functional and strategic review, 1030q, 1044q, 1102, 1110q, 1243, 1376q, 1378q, 1720qn

Government revenue, 1929q

Midyear review, 122q, 133q, 139q, 220q, 232q, 234q, 1033q, 1123q, 1367q

Presentation, 1760

Surplus, 2451q


Prescribed burning, 1001qn

Vegetation restoration, 3869q


ACT Skills Commission, 4257qn, 4258qn

BusinessACT, 3919qn, 3923qn

Development programs, 3925qn

E-commerce, 4237qn

Focus on Business 2006, 2954q

Incubation facilities, 3926qn

Indigenous support, 3927qn

Occupational health and safety, 3927qn

Online advisory service, 4236qn

Policy, 3920qn

Programs, 1832q

Retail moratorium, 4239qn

Territory-owned corporations, 1787, 3152, 3822

Trade Practices Act, 4235qn

Training, 3925qn

Business ACT, redundancies, 3371qn

Canberra, quality of life, 2860q

Canberra Connect, initiatives, 3922qn

Canberra Day, celebrations, 554q

Canberra Stadium, food prices, 1307qn

Centrelink, government links, 3929qn

Chief Minister’s Department, annual report, 3874


Childcare, 3935qn

Institutional care, 849

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 16, detail, 22, 26

Civil Unions Bill 2006, prin, 655, 1622, detail, 1641, 1650

Commonwealth budget, impact, 1460q

Courts and tribunals

Community Advocate, 618qn

Criminal Code, 187

Defamation law, 16, 22, 26

Judicial governance, 1306qn

Magistrates Court, corrections officers, 1305qn


Youth gangs, 466

Whistleblowers, 1911

Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 338, detail, 344, 352, 399

Criminal Code (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 187

Cultural Facilities Corporation, report, 3334

Defence, Department, procurement activities, 3932qn

Development, Civic, 3938qn

Dragway, proposal, 2327q

Duties Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3004, 3410


Canberra region, 4233qn

Capability mapping, 3930qn

Growth, 2862q

Industry clusters, 4233qn

Management, 3762q, 4175q

Policy, 1760, 3918qn

Risk management, 3917qn

Strength, 2176

Wage price index, 2535q

White paper, 3922qn


Australian National University, secondary college, 1209q

Funding, 2444q

Indigenous, 204, 2867q

Information technology skills, 3933qn

Inquiry, proposal, 2566

Policy, 1773

Schools, closures, 2137q, 2283, 2916

Student assistance, 320qn

University of Canberra, 3935qn

Vocational, 3935qn

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2916

Efkarpidis, Mr T, death, 2100


Commission, 829

Representation, 3035q

Voting age, 802

Electoral Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 829

Emergency Services Authority, Firelink contract, 1313qn, 1314qn


Outlook, 768q

Statistics, 2127q, 2334q

Training pathway, 4238qn

Work experience, 3933qn

Skilled labour shortage, 229q


Arboretum, 640qn, 3588q

Carbon trading, 3520q

Climate strategy, 762q, 3600q

Murrumbidgee catchment action plan, 641qn

Namadgi national park, 1001qn

National Environment Protection Council, 376

Pest plants and animals, 832

Population growth, 866q

Sustainable investment, 3972q

Tree plantings, 3439q

Film and television, initiatives, 3930qn


Actuarial services, 1297qn

Audited outcomes, 1308qn

Budget revenue stream, 3330q

Consolidated report, 1567, 3453

Economic analyses, 2058qn

Government, 29q, 1463q, 1778, 2236q, min st, 3877

Interstate investment, 3333

Legislation, 1050, 2154, 2155, 2156

Management, 1788, 2157, 2882, 3055, 3151, 3333, 3982, 4201

National competition policy payments, 48q

Treasury reports, 2068qn

Venture capital, 3936qn

Gambling, gaming machines, 3606


Administrative arrangements, 1049, 2152

Advertising costs, 2396qn, 2399qn, 2408qn

Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4194

Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3319

Motion of want of confidence, 2113

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2113

Economic performance, 1431

Financial responsibility, 1042q

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2113

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3885

Legislation program, 2149

Logo, 948qn


Arrangements, 855, 1116q, 1831, 2327, 2534, 2858, 2940, 3588, 4168

Conduct, 2441q

Travel, 621qn

Publications, 1307qn

Grimes, Dr P, accomplishments, 4127

Gudgenby homestead, future use, 966qn


Funding, 1771

Workplace injuries, 984qn


Calvary Public Hospital, intensive care unit, 1559q

Nurses, 1152

House, Ms Matilda, Canberran-of-the-year award, 682q


Abbeyfield disAbility House, 3975q

Affordability, 2330q

Finance data, 4080q

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 1814

Housing ACT, services, 1775

Human rights

Legislation, 2211

Racism, 1980

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 5, 207

Immigration, business migrants, 4259qn

Industrial relations

Bullying, 1315qn

WorkChoices, 669q, 2555

Information technology

Centre of excellence, 4237qn

Open source plot program, 3928qn

International affairs

East Timor, 1454

Trans-Tasman mutual recognition agreements, 684


Native title, 3645qn, 3646qn, 3647qn, 3652qn, 3653qn, 3654qn, 3940qn, 3945qn

Sales revenue, 1308qn

Legislative Assembly

Building use, 1425


Estimates 2006-2007, 1980, 1992, 2418

Legal Affairs, 821, 2211

Legislation program, 50


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4194

Conduct, 1754q, 2258

Corbell, Mr S

Absence, 3680

Motion of censure, 3319

Motion of want of confidence, 2113

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4052

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2113

Hargreaves, Mr J, motion of censure, 3885

Numbers, 126q

Pairs, 2446q

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 597

Papers, 53, 237, 874, 1051, 1567, 1787, 1980, 1986, 2148, 2160, 3055, 3332, 4201

Points of order, 264, 501, 2140, 2286, 3332, 4055, 4056, 4071, 4174


Delayed answers, 1048

On notice, 1848q

Reports, government responses, 3054

Sign of peace, 3451

Standing orders, 499, 2249

Legislative Assembly Precincts Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1425

Marriage, civil unions, 655, 1622, 1641, 1650, 1903

Motor Sport (Public Safety) Bill 2006, detail, 660

Motor vehicles

Forfeiture, 1914

Government fleet, 1315qn, 3770q

Home-garaged, 628qn, 921qn

LPG conversion, 3088qn

National Zoo and Aquarium, proposed expansion, 1292qn

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4052

Parkwood Recovery Estate, valuations, 3085qn

Pest Plants and Animals Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 832

Phillips, Ms A, appointment, 618qn


ACTPLA principles, 3939qn

Airport transport connections, 3940qn

Canberra plan, 689, 3937qn

Dwelling and work locations, 4238qn

Requirements, 3924qn


Anti-terrorism legislation, 1211q, 1402, 1411

Employment security checks, 2090qn

Hit-and-run incident, 859q

Officers, 1119q


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 372q, 855q

Funding, 39q

Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2006, prin, 1911

Public service

Annual reports, 2153, 4275qn

Appeals, 2060qn

Consultants, 311qn

Corporate credit cards, 3365qn

Electronic procurement, 3920qn

Employees, 2067qn

Executive contracts, 49, 375, 683, 1049, 1786, 2147, 2881, 3150, 3451, 3981

Freedom of information, 3373qn, 3375qn, 3377qn, 3378qn

Human resources, 1467q

Indigenous officers, 637qn

Intellectual property, 3937qn

Mail-outs, 3088qn

Management, 1040q

Missing assets, 3647qn

Oracle financial system, 1550q

Positions, 1715qn

Pre-tendered consultative process, 3921qn

Privacy guidelines, 3382qn, 3384qn

Rental payments, 2078qn

Restructuring, 2010

Senior executive service, 2070qn, 3102qn, 3369qn

Shared services, 1037q, 1470q, 4297qn

Staff, 4255qn, 4256qn, 4259qn

Structural reform, 1768, 1781

Superannuation, 4073q

Wages and salaries, 2412

Rates Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1781, 1794, 1990

Rates Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 4130

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2412, 2827

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 1251, detail, 1252, 1257, 1259

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1519, 2317, detail, 2320

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 2596, 2849

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd

Accountability, 2940q, 2945q, 2951q, 3033q, 3040q, 3041q

Annual report, 3982

Appointments, 1753q, 1846q, 3649qn

Chief executive officer, 3940qn, 4252qn

Costs, 3648qn

Motor vehicles, 3650qn

Operations, 3941qn

Report, 2878

Sale, impacts, 3855q

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1913

ScreenACT, funding, 3372qn

Security, terrorism legislation, 821, 824

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3743

Seniors, aged care, 1152

Sport and recreation

ACTAS scholarships, 678q

Activities, 738

Dragway, 638qn, 2327q

Kangaroos, agreement, 871q

Motor, 660

Superannuation, reviews, 2835qn


Commercial rates, 2130q

Duties, 3410

GST agreement, 34q

Impacts, 2888

Land, 3144q, 3194, 3359

Legislation, 1251, 1252, 1257, 1259, 1519, 2317, 2320

Levels, 1561q, 1563q

Online payments, 2596

Payments, 2849

Payroll tax, 3934qn

Proposals, 2642q

Rates, 1781, 1794, 1990, 4130

Reform, 3004

Treatments, 1835q

Utilities, 3875, 3950, 4163

Territory-Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3822

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 824, detail, 1402, 1411

Ticehurst, Pat, death, 1069


Convention facilities, 3933qn

Festivals, 3945qn

Funding, 1768

Trade, export growth, 4234qn

Transport, deficiencies, 3860q

Utilities, licences, 1293qn

Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Bill 2006, prin, 3875, 3950, 4163

Wages and salaries, public service, 2412


Burst mains, 635qn

Charges, 2339q

Costs, 4263qn

Cross-border agreements, 3052

Pricing regime, 672q

Snowy hydro scheme, 226q, 1368q

Strategy, 3917qn

Sustainable supply, 3167, 3447q

Wine industry, achievements, 3142q

WorkChoices, proposal, 2555

Works, projects, 132q, 1778

Yarralumla brickworks, heritage protection, 45q

Youth, work skills development, 3934qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Education, 3456

Jackey Best appeal, 1510

Abortion, legislation, 335, 349, 3413

ACT Corrective Services, staff, 4260qn

Actew, travel costs, 3385qn, 4297qn

Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006, prin, 1993, detail, 2014, 2026, 2032

Advertising, superannuation policy, 2399qn

Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1016

Appropriation Bill 2006-2007, prin, 1934, detail, (Secretariat) 2426, (Chief Minister’s) 2603, 2612, (Justice and Community Safety) 2768, (Territory and Municipal Services) 2706, (Education and Training) 2801

Attorney-General, external counsel, 550q

Belconnen, 40th anniversary, 2994, 3536


Advertisements, 1926q

Debate, 1934

Functional and structural review, 1107

Midyear review, 133q, 228q, 1033q, 1367q

Bushfires, front-line vehicles, 3129q, 3225


ACT Skills Commission, 4256qn, 4258qn

Assistance, 4298qn

Mortgage brokers, 4260qn

Programs, 1832q

Campbell, Mr T, death, 1885

Canberra Stadium, food prices, 1306qn

Carers Recognition Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3429

Casino Control Bill 2005, prin, 72, detail, 77

Charnwood, Charny Carni, 813

Children, Kids at Play program, 943qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), detail, 523

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3673

Cigarettes and tobacco, smoking bans, 4299qn, 4300qn

Civil Law (Property) Bill 2005, prin, 2852

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2), prin, 7, detail, 20, 24

Civil Unions Bill 2006, petition, 1519, prin, 1596, detail, 1626, 1636, 1642

Civil Unions Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2033

Consumer protection, legislation, 2400qn

Courts and tribunals

Defamation law, 7, 20, 24

Judicial governance, 1306qn

Justice and corrective services, 1384

Magistrates Court, 2402qn

Powers of attorney, 3655, 3667

Sentencing, 1653, 1660


Antisocial behaviour, 3345

Assaults, 3943qn

Forensic medical centre, 1696qn

Mentally impaired offenders, 896

Rape, 3353

Youth gangs, 475

Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 271, 335, detail, 349

Crimes Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3727

Criminal Code (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 896

Deeks Forest, facilities, 3393qn


Long Tan battle, 2373

Vietnam veterans, 2587


Kippax Centre, 297qn

Lyneham, 943qn

Melba, 3650qn

QEII site, sale, 3213q

Dogs, control, 666

Domestic Animals (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006, prin, 666

Dragway, proposal, 2327q


ACT Academy of Sports, 3370qn

Indigenous, 3456

Inquiry, proposal, 2561, 2584

Policy, 2232q


Closures, 1824, 1852, 2125q, 2280, 2920, 3147q, 3249, 3784, 3970q, 4098, 4168q

Restorative justice, 2402qn

Education Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1824, 1852

Education Amendment Bill 2006 (No 3), prin, 3249

Education (School Closures Moratorium) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2920

Efkarpidis, Mr T, death, 2101

Electoral, voting age, 806

Electoral Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2368, detail, 2843

Emergency services

Communications, 3300q

Equipping and training, 3622

Volunteer brigade funds, 3692


Arboretum, 3588q

Parks and places, funding, 946qn

Pest plants and animals, 1026

Families, relationships legislation, 1077

Gambling, legislation, 72, 77


Advertising costs, 2399qn

Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4189

Corbell, Mr S,

Motion of censure, 3322

Motion of want of confidence, 2104

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2104

Ministerial conduct, 2441q


Breast cancer, 3352

Budget, 1115q

Healthpact grants, 941qn

Junk food, 2358

Reform plan, 2858q

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (No 2), prin, 3413

Hospitals, overcrowding, 3854q


Community, 3504

Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park, 1818, 1821

Human Rights Commission Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3294

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 205

Human rights

Genocide, 1074

Legislation, 205, 2210, 3025, 3294

Medical treatment, 3668, 3670

Immigration, business migrants, 4258qn

Industrial relations, long service leave, 3903

International affairs

East Timor, 1477

Hungary, 3179

Korea, 3570

Syria, 3177

Tonga, 2905

Justice and Community Safety, Department, functions, 1696qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3025


Property law, 2852

Wells Station, 942qn

Legal profession

Fees, 2401qn

Judges, pensions, 3171

Legal Profession Bill 2006, prin, 1727

Legislation Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 1483

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 1727, 3403

Estimates 2006-2007, 1183, 1225

Legal Affairs, 1, 201, 323, 333, 644, 1010, 1331, 1722, 1893, 2210, 2411, 2553, 2839, 2955

Legislation, 1483

Matters of public importance, justice and correction services, 1384


Barr, Mr A, motion of censure, 4189

Code of conduct, 2259

Corbell, Mr S

Motion of censure, 3322

Motion of want of confidence, 2104

Foskey, Dr D, expression of grave concern, 4044

Gallagher, Ms K, motion of want of confidence, 2104

Quinlan, Mr T, retirement, 602

Points of order, 126, 356, 655, 761, 1190, 1530, 1657

Questions, delayed answers, 1048

Standing orders, 501, 517

Valedictory, 4231


Government and Assembly library, 4261qn

Griffith, 3434q

Long Service Leave (Contract Cleaning Industry) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3903

Magistrates Court, corrections officers, 1305qn

Marriage, civil unions, 1596, 1626, 1636, 1642, 1898, 1909

Medical Treatment (Health Directions) Bill 2006, prin, 3668, detail, 3670

Motor Sport (Public Safety) Bill 2006, prin, 591, detail, 661

Opposition, Seselja, Mr Z, motion of censure, 4044

Pest Plants and Animals Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1026

Phillip oval, upgrade, 944qn

Planning, EpiCentre lease, 2535q, 2628q, 3681q, 3758q


Anti-terrorism legislation, 1333, 1400, 1408, 1412, 1537, 1544, 1583, 1590

CCTV, use, 756q

Fatal accident, 3517q

Hit-and-run incident, 667q

Matters of public importance, 1384

Officers, 1214q, 1496

Response times, 364q, 465q

Shopping centres, 885

Powers of Attorney Bill 2006, prin, 3655, detail, 3667


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 855q

Bail breaches, 3387qn

Costs, 1558q

Funding, 39q

Parole, 3386qn

Quamby Youth Centre, 3673

Statistics, 3361qn

Public service

Human resources, 1467q

Privacy guidelines, 3382qn, 3383qn, 3384qn, 3385qn, 3633qn

Restructuring, 1993, 2014, 2026, 2032

Shared services centre, 4296qn

Staff, 3085qn, 4254qn, 4255qn, 4259qn

Registration of Relationships Bill 2006, prin, 1077

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 2826

Repatriation, Vietnam veterans, 2587

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd

Accountability, 2940q, 3033q

Appointments, 1752q, 1846q, 3649qn

Brumbies, 3942qn

Chief executive officer, 3940qn, 4252qn

Costs, 3648qn

Motor vehicles, 3650qn

Operations, 3941qn

Ritchie, Mr J, death, 3818

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005, prin, 480


Fairbairn Avenue, 462q

Maintenance, 4261qn, 4262qn

Self-government, commonwealth powers, 3735

Seniors, actively ageing program, 2404qn

Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 1653, detail, 1660

Social welfare, carers, 3429


Activities, 730, 745, 748

Brumbies, 1510

Canberra Capitals, 180

Canberra Raiders, 813

Code of conduct, 2403qn

Dragway, 638qn, 2327q

Fairbairn Park, 1264

Good Sports Territory program, 943qn

Grants, 946qn

Gungahlin sports fields, 941qn

Motor, 591, 661, 1264, 4019

Rugby, 2906

Teams, assistance, 3098qn

Sport and Recreation ACT, review, 945qn

Sports House, rentals, 945qn

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3129

Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 2006, prin, 3171


Impacts, 2892

Land, 3199

Utilities network facilities, 4154

Terrorism, legislation, 323

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006, prin, 1333, detail, 1400, 1408, 1412, 1537, 1544, 1583, 1590

Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Bill 2006, prin, 725

Ticehurst, Pat, death, 1074

Transport, ACTION Buses, 4063q

Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Bill 2006, prin, 4154

Weapons, knives, 3727

Women, Dragon Abreast Challenge, 3352


Detention, 3673

Junk food, 2358